Archive for October, 2010
Met Samuel Armas last night

Samuel Armas shaking the doctor's hand
Great time at the Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) REACH fundraising dinner last night in Atlanta. I’m in Georgia this week laying the groundwork for our Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) and Pro Life on Campus (GAP) events at the University of Georgia and Kennesaw State University in November. GRTL is partnering with CBR on all of this work. GRTL President Dan Becker featured our cooperative efforts in his remarks last night.

Samuel Armas shaking my hand
Also in attendance was Samuel Armas and his family. You may remember when Samuel exploded on the national scene back in 1999, when he reached out of his mother’s womb and grabbed the finger of his surgeon. The photo became an instant sensation.
Now Samuel is 10 years old. He and his parents were in attendance last night, and I was thrilled to shake Samuel’s hand. (Wouldn’t you know it, I shook the wrong hand—the un-famous one—but what the heck.) Fox News recently ran a story on Samuel, who is now 10 years old!
Abortion photos on TV in Washington, DC

"Paid for by Missy Reilly Smith for Congress"
Missy Smith’s Congressional campaign is using CBR abortion photos in her advertisements. Because Federal campaign laws prohibit censorship of advertisements for President, Senate, and US House campaigns, the TV stations must run her ads, but only if she can pay the cost! She asks your help in paying for one of these ads! Click here to help!
Best political ad of the year?
I might have to move to Florida.
Gov. Mike Huckabee to speak at Knoxville Convention Center
I promised a big announcement this week, and here it is!
CBR Southeast / Pro Life on Campus is pleased to host Gov. Mike Huckabee for a spirit-filled evening of dinner and entertainment at the Knoxville Convention Center on February 14, 2011. Gov. Huckabee was one of the top contenders for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination and is a possible 2012 candidate.
Also appearing will be Christian comedian Mike Williams, who has made millions of people laugh and will make you laugh, too! Don’t wait to laugh; start now:
Early-Bird Special. Single tickets, $75. Discounts for pairs and groups of 4. Tables of 10 are $50 per person. Get a table for your Church group, your Republican group, your pro-life group, or your friends and family. What great Christmas presents! Reserve now, because tickets will go fast!
Get a table! If you live anywhere near Knoxville, this is a great opportunity to introduce your friends to the great pro-life work that God is doing on campus. Please invest $500 in babies and moms today, and the future of our Nation. Get a table and bring your pro-life friends and family.
Meet Gov. Huckabee and Mr. Williams in person. Sponsorships are available. In addition to meeting Gov. Huckabee and Mr. Williams in person, sponsors will receive special recognition in event publicity and program materials. Please call 1-800-521-6692 or e-mail
We look forward to seeing you there!
Fools rush in where Europe rushes out
Great op-ed piece by Jonah Goldberg.
As far as I am aware, no one has asked President Obama a simple question: If your philosophy is so great, how come the countries that have embraced it for generations are so much poorer than we are?
Nor have they asked: If guaranteed health care for everyone will make us so much more “competitive,” how come we’ve been doing so much better than our “competitors” who already have socialized medicine, high tax rates, and lavish pensions?
Pro Life on Campus at Obama’s Rally at Ohio State

"Choice" signs greet Obama ralliers.
Pro lifers use CBR’s “Choice” signs to greet Pres. Obama’s ralliers at Ohio State University. You can do this at a campus near you! Click here to buy 4 “Choice” signs and display them all you want!
If you can’t do this yourself, then please help us do it with your gift of $10 a month (click here). Your $10 will help take our bigger Pro Life on Campus display to 20 major universities next year. One-time gifts (click here) buy new signs and even a large-screen TV for outdoor use.
Many students who see these signs are hard-core pro-choicers, but not all. Many young people hear only one view on campus, but these pictures tell the whole story. Many will change their minds.
Make Mine Freedom
This is one of the best I have ever seen and it was produced in 1948. This should be viewed by every American, whether Democrat or Republican. This cartoon is timeless and is even more true today as it was in 1948!
Priest, Brother of Arrested Carleton Student: ‘I Can’t Be a Moderate Pro-Lifer Any Longer’
The arrests of five pro-life students at Carleton University earlier this month should inspire pro-lifers to step up and engage in the pro-life battle, said Fr. Simon Lobo, brother of arrested Carleton Lifeline President Ruth Lobo, in a powerful homily in Ottawa.
Fr. Lobo hadn’t been doing nothing. He had attended the marches, the life chains, the 40 Days events, etc. But after seeing his sister’s example, he knew it wasn’t enough.
It would be easy to blame the university, the police, or “those who promote a radically liberal agenda” for the arrests, he said in the homily, “but you and I are part of the problem, because we have put up with too much for too long.”
Fr. Lobo called the graphic images of abortion used in GAP, which are often seen as controversial, “disgusting.”
“But they’re also true and accurate. Abortion is disgusting,” he added.
Pro life speaker on tour … Change the world with $10

Speaking before Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life
Thank so much to the Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life for hosting me at the Henderson County Library on Saturday. This Right to Life group is fired up and ready for more than just “business-as-usual” pro-life stuff. I look forward to returning.
The title of my talk was “Lessons From the Past: How We Can Win.” That’s the critical question, because winning is how the killing stops. I got a good write-up in the Hendersonville Times-News. My main points:
- Reformers of history ended (1) the slave trade in Egland, (2) slavery in America, (3) abusive child labor in our factories, and (4) segregation in the South.
- All of these movements used horrifying pictures to change people’s knowledge of the facts.
- Successful reformers were willing to accept persecution.
- They were not content to “reduce” injustice. They worked tirelessely until they ended the whole boody mess.
I also challenged all present to change the world with only $10:
- Our movement is suffering from censorship. Not the censorship of government. It is the censorship of pro-lifers who will not help.
- We are praying that we can increase our campus visits from 6 schools/year to 20 schools/year. Guess what that will cost. I’ll tell you … $10. That’s it. $10 every month from 1,000 people. If you have internet/cable TV, you can afford $10. Please click here and give $10/month. Your reward is in heaven.
Would you give $10 a month to stop this:

Aborted at 10 weeks - Would you give $10 to stop it?
I Want Your Money … You gotta see this movie!
Great new movie out this week: I Want Your Money.
To find a theatre near you, click here.
Join filmmaker Ray Griggs in this documentary film I Want Your Money as he contrasts the two paths the United States can take using the words and actions of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. The film uses interviews from well-known public figures, experts, movie clips, dramatic portrayals, music, graphics and even comedic animation to tell the story in the plainest terms of the choice between the Obama and the Reagan views of the role of the federal government in our society. It also examines how these big government programs have been tried in the past at great moral and financial cost to the nation. California is offered as a case-in-point in understanding what economic challenges might face the nation, if we choose the larger government path. Finally, I Want Your Money is a call to action for those who care about the future of the United States.
The Saga of Uncle Feds … all too true
In a recent column, John Kass shared with us an excellent parable describing our relationship with the Federal government. It’s called The Saga of Uncle Feds.
Uncle Feds is the big fat fellow who crashes on your couch. He’s been there for years and years. He demands roasts and chops, devouring whatever he can find in your refrigerator. And when you’re out working long hours, Uncle Feds sits on the couch ordering pay-per-view movies.
He was plenty big before all that hope and change. But in the last two years, Uncle Feds has become so incredibly large that his bulk defies description.
And while he eats, you begin to realize that you don’t have enough cash to fix that hole in your shoe, let alone think about college tuition for the kids.
So one night at dinner, Uncle Feds brings up the subject of your family’s financial problems. In a rational, calm and hopeful voice, he tells you that yes, the economy is lousy, but that you must stop worrying.
“Don’t be angry,” says Uncle Feds with a mouthful of rare beef. “Don’t focus on your anger. Don’t worry about a darned thing. I’ve just solved all your cash shortage problems.”
Your wife gives you one of those startled looks.
“Uncle Feds!” she says, “Just what have you done?”
“Well, I’ve just taken out a second mortgage on your house,” says Uncle Feds. “Your cash-flow worries are over.”
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like bad economics to me. You reckon that makes me a racist?
Christian love or perversion of mercy?

Gregg Cunningham
In response to the arrest of brave pro-life students at Carleton University in Canada, we got an e-mail from a pro-life, Christian Carleton student. She objected to the work of the arrested students on the grounds that showing photos of abortion is neither loving nor compassionate. She wrote, in part:
If you can honestly say that you are upholding the greatest commandment, to love your neighbour, by holding up those graphic images then we clearly have a different interpretaion of this great commandement.
CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham responded:
Your references to Christian “love” are badly muddled. Ephesians 5:11 commands us to “Expose the deeds of darkness.”
We aren’t calling women who abort “murders” and I challenge you to find one sign or document of ours which makes that accusation. Women who abort invariably know they are doing something wrong, but they seldom know how wrong. They are lied to about who their baby is and what abortion will do to both mother, and child and in that sense they are also victims of abortion. Abortionists, however, are physicians. They know exactly what they are doing. They are unambiguous murders.
Nothing could be more cruel or un-Christ-like than for pro-lifers to help abortionists trick mothers by hiding the horror of the abortions into which they are being deceptively drawn. That is a dark perversion of mercy which cannot fairly be called compassion.
That pretty well sums it up!
Komen for the Cure Donated $730K to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in 2009
THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO CORRECT AN ERROR IN THE ORIGINAL. is reporting that the The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation donated $730,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2009. (Click here for story.)
Ray Comfort vs Richard Dawkins
Ray Comfort is a great example of the kind of evangelist we should all be.