Archive for April, 2011
Pro Life on Campus at Eastern Kentucky, Day 2
GAP was a huge success on Day 2 at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU). The weather was great, although cold, and we had a steady stream of visitors. I think twenty or so people signed up for the student pro-life group.
Media Coverage:
- Story in The Eastern Progress. Check out the photos!
Pro Life on Campus at Eastern Kentucky University
We put up our Genocide Awareness Project at Eastern Kentucky University today. With rain and 30-mph winds in the forecast, we constructed the display in a perfect location, sheltered from the rain and the worst of the wind. We managed to get the display taken down and loaded up on the truck before the heavy rains came.
The pro-aborts had promised to demonstrate, but only one showed up. Bummer.
Supervolunteers Gary Johnson and Larry Goad drove the RCC truck around campus.
Pro Life Training Academy in Kentucky

Jay Watts shows the audience how to deal with pro-choice atheists like ... well ... his former self.
Our Pro Life Training Academy in Richmond, Kentucky on Saturday was a home run. More than 30 attended, including students from Eastern Kentucky U (EKU) and the U of Kentucky (UK), members of Central Kentucky Right to Life and Madison County Right to Life, and women from Silent No More.
We are thrilled that post-abortive women from Silent No More have volunteered to participate in our GAP events at EKU and UK this coming week! The compassion of post-abortive women alongside the difficult photos of abortion are a powerful combination. Silent No More and Deeper Still are an answer to prayer.
Jay Watts of the Life Training Institute was our featured speaker. As a former pro-choice atheist, Jay showed us all how to deal with people like … well … his former self! Jay demonstrated the Columbo technique for assessing and responding to pro-choice questions and arguments. He also taught the students how to use SLED and trot out the toddler.
I spoke about the need to use abortion pictures to show people the truth about abortion and demonstrated how to use the various apologetics techniques in front of our GAP display. Here’s an Pro Life Training Academy course outline. We spent about 20 minutes doing role-playing.
Next stop for the Academy is Baltimore, MD (April 30) and the University of Deleware (May 1). Contact us to bring the Pro Life Training Academy to your city.
Pro-aborts to welcome pro-lifers to EKU
It’s the sound of panic. Somebody just forwarded me this e-mail:
Hello, My organization, Feminists for Change, a pro-choice, student-led organization at Eastern Kentucky University was recently made aware of a very disturbing turn of events on EKU’s campus. On Monday and Tuesday of this coming week (4/4-4/5), the Genocide Awareness Project will be demonstrating on our campus.
Although FFC recognizes the right of any group to demonstrate on campus, we cannot support GAP’s message. We also take issue with their delivery. The use of graphic and altered images of abortions along with the distribution of false information to EKU’s students is something FFC cannot accept. Please see the website to understand the distortion of their cause against abortion.
As a result, we need to make signs on Sunday in an effort to counter protest. We need clever ideas that will make a statement! Please if you can help organize, email me back letting me know any ideas or times you can help on Sunday. A few of us have already planned to meet on Sunday at 8:30 but I will meet earlier to any of those who can help make signs.
The other portion of the counter protest I hope to incorporate is a speak out. Readings from website has great readings on people who have experienced abortion first-hand. For those of you who have written poetry on this issue, this is the time to take a stance and speak out! I expect the counter-protest will happen on Monday and Tuesday from 11-2.
Please email me back if you can hold signs or participate in the SPEAK OUT! WE REALLY NEED EVERYONE’S INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT WE STAND ON THE SIDE OF CHOICE. We hope you will join us.
Please let us know if you will participate in our counter demonstration. Also, feel free to forward this to any departments or others who might be interested in supporting our cause!
We need your assistance! Thank you for your time and support!
Let us praise God that the pictures are so effective. If the pictrures did not expose the truth of abortion, win hearts, change minds, and save lives, the pro-aborts would ignore us. They are in a panic because they know that our pictures defeat their most effective strategy, and that is confusing people about the humanity of the preborn child and the inhumanity of abortion.
Please pray that the pro-abortion demonstration will be a huge success, drawing even more people to see GAP. Pray for opened eyes and peaceful dialogue.
Pro Life Summit at Ave Maria
I’m in Ave Maria, Florida today representing CBR at the 2nd annual pro-life leader’s summit, spearheaded by Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life.
Jill Stanek is also blogging from the table. Her blog has been ranked among the top 100 conservative websites in the nation. That’s impressive, but FletcherArmstrongBlog is the #1 pro-life blog in all of Karns.
From here, it’s on to Richmond, Kentucky, for our Pro Life Training Academy tomorrow morning.