Archive for April, 2014
Pro Life on Campus at Michigan State University
Michigan State University (MSU) was next up for CBR’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP).
We were hosted at MSU by the Students for Life and their president, Lisa Jankowski. What a blessing to help students like Lisa stand up for truth and justice in a hostile world! You share in that blessing when you support CBR (click here).
CBR’s Pro-Life Training Academy prepared students to articulate and defend the pro-life position.
Media coverage:
- MSU Students for Life displays photos for anti-abortion campaign
- Students protest against MSU Students for Life poster display
- Letter: Pro-life protesters are misguided, need to consider reasons for abortions
- Editorial Cartoon
- Free speech should be celebrated on campus
More to come!
Pro Life on Campus at Oakland University (Michigan)

Michelle Anderson at Oakland University (on the right) is an up-and-coming leader for the pro-life movement.
Next stop for this Spring’s massive Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) tour was Oakland University (OU) in Auburn Hills, Michigan, a northern suburb of Detroit.
Like most suburban universities, OU is relatively new (established 1957) and is growing by leaps and bounds. Students are more likely to commute and less likely to be involved in student activism. The OU Students for Life (SFL) are a refreshing exception to that rule.
Under the leadership of Michelle Anderson, the OU SFL has become a force on OU’s campus. They have hosted a number of big events on campus, including an appearance by Rebecca Kiessling and a major debate with the pro-abortion club. And now, they have hosted GAP.
Media Coverage:
- Two-day project shocks campus, draws protest
- Graphic Image
- WARNING GRAPHIC: Genocide On Campus (see video at bottom of page)
More to come.
Pro Life on Campus at North Carolina State

Julie Thomas traveled from Atlanta to tell her story of abortion and healing. Her shirt invites students to learn more, “I’ve had an abortion. Please ask me about it.”
North Carolina State University (NCSU) Students for Life (SFL) hosted the Pro-Life Training Academy (PLTA) and the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) earlier in April.
Teresa Pincus, President of NSCU SFL, is an effective leader and we expect great things from her in the years to come.
CBR Virginia Project Director Maggie Egger served as Site Manager for this and all of the GAPs this Spring. We are thrilled to see Maggie and others young people stepping forward to lead the next generation of pro-lifers, the generation that will win!
Media coverage:
- Letter from Mick Hunt before GAP
- Response to Mick’s letter
- Abortion display provokes protest
- Genocide Awareness Project: A lost cause
- One last thought about the Genocide Awareness Project
- All the best intentions
Do not be discouraged at the tone of the items printed in the NC State student newspaper. Remember what Mahatma Ghandi said:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
They are fighting us.
More to come!
Pro Life on Campus at the University of North Carolina
The Carolina Students for Life (CSFL) hosted our Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) and Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) in late March. It was our third trip to Chapel Hill. We gotta do this more often!
Due to a turf restoration project on Polk Place, the normal venue for displays like GAP, CSFL reserved a very visible space just outside the Wilson Library.
Co-Presidents Julie and Emily Ascik are very effective leaders who labored long and hard to convince the CSFL members to host GAP. As it turned out, some of the opposition came from “members” who rarely bother to do very much at all (other than obstruct, apparently). Fortunately, several younger members stepped up and CSFL’s future looks bright indeed.
Media coverage:
- Letter: Abortion should be considered genocide
- Letter: Abortion letter was ignorant and hateful
- Letter: A pro-life response to the abortion letter
- Letter: Thoughts on Israel and abortion
- Letter: The missing element in abortion debates
- Controversial anti-abortion protest on UNC campus
- Visual tactics of anti-abortion protest in front of Wilson Library questioned
- Letter: Abortion display was in bad taste
- Students protest anti-abortion display on campus
- UNC students protest anti-abortion advertisements (video with excellent commentary by CBR’s Maggie Egger)
- Opinion: Winston Crisp’s email was not sent to enough people
- USA Today: Anti-abortion group sparks controversy on UNC campus
- Letter: Equal access to contraception is key
- Letter: Thoughts on the abortion display
- Quickhits for April 3, 2014: Why so serious?
- Column: Public displays of revulsion
- Letter: Abortion images were simply the truth
Julie and Emily aren’t the only pro-life warriors in their family. Older brother Peter was President of the Students for Life at the U of Georgia when they hosted GAP in 2010.
More to come.
GAP makes debut at Virginia Tech University
GAP made it’s first appearance ever at Virginia Tech University on March 27-28, where we were hosted by the Advocates for Life (AFL).
Because you support CBR, Virginia Project Directors Maggie Egger and Nicole Cooley encouraged and trained AFL President Zach Hoopes and others to expose abortion at Virginia Tech, and they formed AFL for just that purpose.
CBR’s Pro-Life Training Academy prepared students to articulate and defend the pro-life position.
There was a slight hiccup in the final day or two before GAP. A key member of AFL resigned from the group, which almost caused a delay. Fortunately, we were able to complete the project as scheduled.
Media coverage:
- Drillfield display goes too far
- Anti-abortion campaign causes controversy in front of Dietrick
- Editorial: Free speech must remain considerate
- The aftermath of activism
- Letter to the editor: Abortion display necessary
More to come!
GAP off to a rousing start at George Mason University
Great start for GAP at George Mason University (GMU). In fact, we spent 4 days at GMU, the Pro-Life Training Academy (PLTA) on Sunday (March 23), GAP on Monday and Wednesday and Choice Chains on Tuesday.
Abortion images are nothing new at GMU. Anna Maher and GMU Students for Life display abortion photos on a regular basis. More to come.