Archive for May, 2015
All Black Lives Matter at Fayetteville State University

At Fayetteville State U, CBR Project Director Jackie Hawkins explains how abortion is the leading cause of death (and voter suppression) in the Black community.
We need the Black community. Without them, we cannot win. And who better to advocate against pervasive injustice?
That is why we were thrilled when the Life Education And Resource Center (LEARN) brought our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to Fayetteville State University (FSU) in North Carolina, one of many historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) who need to see that all Black lives matter. It was our first visit to this school.
See CBR’s new All Black Lives Matter signs and press release here.
“I saw so many being enlightened, some weeping, and others willfully joining our opening and closing prayers. The dialogue was transforming.” (LEARN National Director Johnny Hunter)
One group of students said they even watched part of Maafa 21 in class, because of our presence on campus.
Media Coverage:
- “All Black Life Matters” project visits HSBC Fayetteville State College students
- LifeTalk: Johnny Hunter interviewed on Life Dynamics
- Life Dynamics: Students react to All Black Lives Matter abortion display
“CBR has always been burdened by the fact that the abortion rate in the African American community remains tragically high. Black women account for 36% of all abortions despite constituting only 11% of the female population.” (CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham)
For more details, read this letter from Gregg Cunningham explaining the All Black Lives Matter Initiative.
Kudos to CBR Maryland Operations Director Samantha Linnemann for making this event possible by bringing equipment and personnel to Fayetteville and managing the site.
Pro Life on Campus at Tennessee Tech University

Justin Brown explains to a group of students how abortion advocates dehumanize their intended victims. It is amazing how much influence one student can have.
This was different, but in a good way. At Tennessee Tech University (TTU), official policy allows individual students (not just student groups) to host events on campus. So when national pro-life award-winner and TTU student Justin Brown contacted us about bringing GAP, we were eager to go.
It is amazing how much influence one student can have, by God’s grace and with your support. Thank you for making our work possible!
As it turns out, every public university student has the same right that Justin exercised at TTU; their universities just don’t know it … yet. The rights of free speech and equal access to university grounds are individual rights, not group rights. They cannot be denied to an individual student simply because he hasn’t identified others willing to join him in that speech. TTU has figured this out, and they deserve credit for that.
There were some complications, however, because several TTU administrators didn’t understand their own policies. To make matters worse, they were not very cooperative when we tried to speak with them. It’s a good thing we got those issues resolved, however, because the last thing TTU wanted was for CBR to start flying airplane tow banners bearing abortion photos over their campus on a regular basis! They can ask Notre Dame what that’s like. TTU hosts many activities for high school students throughout the summer (Boys State, cheerleading camps, etc.), so the last thing they want to see is abortion photos flying overhead. Fortunately, they read their own policy manual in time, so we can save the nasty version of ourselves for somebody else.
Justin did an outstanding job of hosting GAP at TTU, and we look forward to working with him for many years to come. We set up in front of the Library, a very good location in the middle of campus.
Media Coverage:
Pro Life on Campus at Western Kentucky University
It was our very first trip to Western Kentucky University (WKU) with the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP). We were not invited by a student group, but were able to reserve space as a vendor on Centennial Mall, the most heavily trafficked location on campus.
Although the WKU Students for Life (SFL) did not sponsor GAP, they were willing to host our Pro-Life Training Academy (PLTA), and we are grateful for that. SFL members learned how to articulate and defend the pro-life position, even in a hostile environment.
GAP proven effective yet again! Even though the WKU SFL didn’t sponsor or participate in GAP, they did set up an information booth at a different location nearby. They told us that many students stopped by their booth and said that our GAP display had changed their minds. Some even signed up to join SFL! That is why we say that GAP
- neutralizes the opposition,
- converts the neutral,
- activates the converted, and
- energizes the active!
Pro-Life on Campus at University of North Carolina at Wilmington
It was by far the best campus Christian organization we have ever encountered. They are Ratio Christi and they don’t have time for the “pizza for Jesus” tomfoolery that wastes so much time in youth ministry today. Young Christians are very weak because nobody is preparing them to take a stand. But Ratio Christi is different; their unofficial motto seems to be, “We’re trying to pick a fight!” And they are good at it!
The fight we helped them pick was over child sacrifice at the U of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW). Ratio Christi, along with College Republicans (CRs), invited us to bring our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) and Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) to UNCW for the very first time. By God’s grace and your support, we made quite a splash.
Our display location was along the Chancellor’s Walk, which is the primary walkway to get from anywhere at UNCW to just about anywhere else.
Campus newspaper coverage of GAP:
- The Ever-Growing Controversy: Pro-choice or Pro-life? (published about a month before GAP)
- Genocide Awareness Project comes to UNCW
- Controversial Comparison of Genocide and Abortion
Local news coverage of GAP:
- Two UNCW student organizations bring controversial display to campus
- Controversial display has people talking at UNCW
Lightning was an issue both days on campus. For our GAP displays, CBR has adopted the NCAA protocols for outdoor athletic events (although our staff and volunteers are normally much less exposed than the typical baseball center fielder). We vacate the site whenever lightning is detected within a 6-mile radius (less than 30 seconds between lightning flash and sound of thunder), and stay in a sheltered location for 30 minutes beyond the last such strike.
Pro Life on Campus at East Carolina University (ECU)
Although East Carolina University (ECU) has an undergraduate enrollment of >21,000, this was our first-ever GAP at ECU. By God’s grace and with your support, it won’t be our last.
ECU has no pro-life student group—we are taking steps to fix that problem—but their policies allow outside groups to reserve space on campus, so we did! Although our location was a good one (outside the Student Center), ECU is a huge campus and there is no one collection point for all of the pedestrian traffic. That made our Truth Truck all the more important, allowing us to reach many thousands of students who may not have seen GAP in person.
The campus newspaper coverage was excellent, and included a photo of our best GAP signs on page 1, above the fold! Items in the campus paper:
Here is a copy of the first news article, as seen, with abortion photos clearly visible on page 1 above the fold! See original here.
The second article was factually incorrect about one point. We did not pay a service fee to use the space. First, ECU did not set up the display nor clean up afterward, as implied by the article. Second, ECU officials asked us to move our event from the designated public forum (near the Cupola) to the location outside the Student Center. Since the designated public forum space is available free of charge, we incurred no additional fee by agreeing to ECU’s request. Finally, we would never agree to pay any security fee (to cover the cost of policing violent pro-abortion protesters), because that is a violation of the Forsyth County v. Nationalist Movement decision of the US Supreme Court.
Pro-Life on Campus at Grand Valley State University
This was our first trip to Grand Valley State University (GVSU). The GVSU Students for Life did an awesome job of hosting both GAP and our Pro-Life Training Academy (PLTA).
The Quote of the Week came from one of the students who actually came out to protest against GAP:
You saved my future children. I would have aborted them. Now I won’t because I know what it looks like.
Media coverage:
Pro-Life on Campus at Oakland University
On the first day of GAP at Oakland University (OU), Christina Lo Piccolo wrote on her Facebook page:
The cost of my student group hosting the Genocide Awareness Project: $5,000
The look on my professor’s face when he asked if I saw the disgusting display outside and I told him I helped organize it: PRICELESS!
What a thrill to work with young heroes like Christina! The thrill is even sweeter because our trip was paid for by student fee money, just like last year! Students for Life collaborated with a dozen other campus groups to pay our expenses out of their respective student fee allocations.
But the best part of the week came at the very end, when Christina again posted on Facebook:
This past week was life-changing to say the least. I was able to participate in 3 days of the Genocide Awareness Project to educate students about abortion. Hearts were changed and students were motivated to take action. I can hardly wait to graduate and continue this work as a full-time career. “Y’all” are like family to me, and working beside you feels like home.
Did she say “Y’all”? How bout dat. We get to do GAP and learn a Yankee how to tawk! It don’t get no better-n-at.
Seriously, we’ll never end abortion if we don’t get folks like Christina to join the battle full-time. The other side has made killing babies a full-time profession, but we’ve made saving them a part-time hobby. We can’t do anything without volunteers and financial supporters like you, but we absolutely need more like Christina to do this full-time. Such a victory is well worth the trip to Michigan!
Thank you for making this possible with your gifts and prayers.
Purdue Students for Life: Pregnant? You Are Not Alone
Choosing life is always the right choice … but not always the easiest. Purdue University Students for Life has created a video to raise awareness about resources available for pregnant students on their campus.
Take a few minutes to watch their beautiful video and remember that there is support when you choose life!
You might also check out Students for Life of America’s Pregnant on Campus Initiative.
Pro-Life on Campus at Georgia Southern University
For the first time ever, CBR hit Georgia Southern University (GSU) hard with the reality of abortion. Faculty, police, press, and students alike couldn’t deny what abortion does to a human being. Nearly a dozen students said they will organize a pro-life group to continue the work. Pray that they will!
One administrator said her own daughter had been born at 24 weeks; she said her baby, “looked like the picture on your poster.” She was startled by the contrasting photo of a dead 24-week-old baby, killed by a late-term abortionist.
One of the most encouraging responses: “Where’s the sign-up sheet? I have to do something! This is horrible.”
Campus police were a constant presence. One officer debated with a couple Liberty students and did his best to defend choice. It was an unusual but welcome bonus. The officers, doing their job and standing near the display, allowed us to do ours and influence them with the pictures and our words.
We even had media before GAP:
- Police: Graphic images of abortion to be seen on Statesboro streets (story on truth trucks)
- Anti-abortion group: Graphic images to be displayed on Georgia Southern campus
A reporter from the Statesboro Herald interviewed several CBR members, students, and GSU staff. (If you can get the Statesboro Herald website to work,) You can read his article here:
One student said, “Disgusting! How can people do that?” Another commented, “I know the facts and while this is hard to see, I am glad you are here. People need to know what the word [abortion] means.”
One of the most encouraging responses: “Where’s the sign-up sheet? I have to do something! This is horrible.” Indeed.
Pro-Life on Campus at Columbus State University

Emily McGowan of Liberty University explains how genocide perpetrators always dehumanize their victims.
For the first time in history, CBR exposed the horror at Columbus State University (CSU) in Georgia. We were hosted by the CSU Advocates for Life (AFL), the student group we started earlier this year.
We were joined by five students from Liberty University in Virginia who spent their spring break winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. We pray for the day these students expose abortion on their own campus, without interference from the Liberty University staff.
The trip was funded by the Chattahoochee Valley United for Life (CVUL), a chapter of Georgia Right to Life (GRTL). Over the years, we have worked with many GRTL chapters to bring GAP to Georgia. This trip was a huge answer to prayer.
CBR and CVUL hosed our Pro-Life Training Academy (PLTA) to prepare members and students alike to articulate and defend the pro-life movement, even in a hostile environment.
Check out the local media coverage:
A middle-aged woman told us, “I am so glad you are here. Folks don’t understand what they are doing. I have 50 year-old friends who are still hurting from abortion. It goes so much deeper than people realize.” Indeed.