Archive for March, 2017
Mixed nuts at Middle Tennessee State University
A few of our more disturbing encounters at Middle Tennessee State.
A slave to sodomy. A very polite young man made a shocking admission. Because of his sexual encounters with multiple men, he said, “I go to Planned Parenthood 2 or 3 times per month for STD testing.” To speak with us, he skipped class and endured not a small amount of hazing from, we assume, some of his sexual enslavers. Rejecting their manipulation, he stayed with us for an hour. Please pray for this young man. Very sad.
Science jumps the shark. He said the preborn is not human because it doesn’t have a soul. “I have researched this extensively and written papers on it; I know for a fact when the fetus gets a soul.” Jane told him, very nicely, as only Jane can do, that he was full of baloney.
Better off in the human chop shop. A young woman became more and more belligerent as she talked. She was sure that
- late term abortions are done because the mother is going to die,
- women are making thoughtful, deliberate decisions when they abort,
- the 8-week skeleton does not show differentiated cells, and
- no one wants to adopt, and if these babies are not aborted, millions will be in the broken system.
Gems at Middle Tennessee State University
Here are just a sampling of encouraging encounters at our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at Middle Tennessee State.
Genocide close to home. Vanessa’s uncle was a Tutsi victim of the Hutu genocide. She was deeply moved by the comparison between abortion and Rwandan genocide.
Grace from God. Jami was quite emotional. “Thank you for this. When I was 17, I got pregnant and the doctor wouldn’t give me prenatal vitamins because ‘I should not have this baby.’ I married the dad and we have a 26-year old named Grace. She was the Grace we needed. God’s plan is always best, even when it is hard.”
Changed minds and grateful hearts. We got reactions from many passersby at MTSU:
- This really changes my perspective.
- That is so great! Can I pray with you?
- I’ve changed my mind.
- I didn’t know they had body parts this early. Thank you.
- I once stopped a friend from aborting.
- Students need to see this. Life has adult consequences. This is murder and I am glad you are here.
More grateful hearts. We are grateful for you. You make our work possible through your sacrificial giving. May God bless you as he has blessed us in this work.
Pro-Life on Campus at Middle Tennessee State University
The 2016 Fall tour brought GAP to Middle Tennessee State University. With its rating of 1.5 out of 10 moonbats, MTSU was a quiet school, allowing us to focus on the many students with thoughtful questions.
There was a small protest group with a few signs with the typical slogans. Only one protester turned to strange antics to get their point across. He wore an ape mask and held a sign that read, “Stop the genocide of Harambe.”
Prayer won the 2016 election
by Jacqueline Hawkins
I was not surprised by the results of the 2016 election. By the time election night rolled in, I knew that it was 100% in God’s hands. Granted, everything is 100% in God’s hands, but this was a situation where Christians pulled together and did all the work they could. If we lost it was because God willed it to be so, not because Christians sat around and did nothing.
Christians engaged in fervent prayer for months before the election. We all saw the potential for things to go very badly for Christians in America and around the world if the presidency went to Hillary.
Pro-life and pro-family Christians were on edge. So was anyone who is pro-Constitution or even pro-economic sanity. Very much on edge. We felt helpless in our own power.
How could we as individuals make a national difference against evil? How could we stand against injustice and insanity in 2016, when we failed so miserably in 2008 and 2012? But even though we were helpless in our own power, Christians turned to our Father, knowing that He has all the power. Christians turned to God — asking, begging, pleading, and imploring God grant favor to a nation that really didn’t deserve it.
And God heard our prayers — our fervent, near-desperate prayers. He heard. He listened. He had mercy on us, despite all of our complicity and complacency in the face of child sacrifice, sodomy, and many other abominations. He, as Fletcher Armstrong wrote, granted us a stay of execution. Not a pardon — we don’t deserve that — but a merciful stay of execution.
Let us now pray that we use this opportunity wisely. Pray that we don’t get lazy. Pray that we don’t lose hope. Pray that God guides and blesses our work. Pray that we can make America great again by making her righteous in God’s eyes.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Pro-Life on Campus at Tennessee Tech University
CBR brought the Genocide Awareness Project back to Tennessee Tech University (TTU) in September. TTU was a quiet school, with a rating of only 1 out of 10 moonbats.
Not many moonbats in Tennessee. What can we say? This has two beneficial effects. First, we don’t get beat up as much. Second, students vulnerable to moonbatism … Is moonbatism a word? … Anyway, by staying calm, they have a better chance to see the signs and reflect on their meaning.
This was our third trip to TTU. We went in 2013 with Choice signs and 2015 with a full GAP display.
Pictures work: Statistical evidence

Perhaps God told us to expose the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11) because in His infinite wisdom, He knows that it works.
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Pictures work. Anyone who has used pictures knows it. But now, we have the cold, hard statistics.
In her study, A Statistical Analysis on the Effectiveness of Abortion Victim Photography in Pro-life Activism, Dr. Jacqueline C. Harvey examined the effectiveness of abortion pictures to change minds. Key findings include:
• Nearly 90% of respondents said that seeing the images increased their negative feelings toward abortion.
• “Those identifying as completely pro-life increased by nearly 30 percent following the campaign.”
• “Those identifying as pro-abortion also decreased in their degree of remaining support for abortion.”
• “Overall, there was a statistically significant gain of nearly 17 percent toward a pro-life world view.”
• “The degree of permissiveness toward abortion was statistically decreased and support for incremental pro-life gains, like gestational limits, substantially increased by 15 percent overall.”
There you have it. The survey proves a statistically significant shift to a more pro-life position when people are exposed to abortion pictures.
Read more at LifeSite News and One News Now. Read the entire study report here.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
CBR Appoints Joanna Keilson as Project Director for Carolinas
We are pleased to welcome Joanna Keilson of Cary, North Carolina to the CBR family. Joanna is a graduate of UNC Greensboro, having earned her BS degree in Public Health Education.
Pro-life activism is in Joanna’s DNA. Her mother helped start one of the first crisis pregnancy centers in Maryland. While a student, Joanna led the campus arm of the Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center.
After graduation, she began to explore career options. For years, she felt God tugging at her heart. But the abortion thing? Really? She knew somebody should do something, but couldn’t it be somebody else? Or maybe child sacrifice would just fix itself. Yeah, right.
She was planning to go back to school and perhaps become a doctor, but then she met CBR at a national conference. [Note: your checks to CBR make it possible for us to meet outstanding young people like Joanna and bring them into our movement.]
It was a real tug-of-war between CBR and med school, and the children won out!
Welcome aboard, Joanna! We’re expecting great things from you!
If you’d like to share in this work, it’s quick, easy, and secure to support CBR online. Whatever you can do will make a huge difference. To support Joanna’s work, designate your gift for “Carolina Project Director (SE-JLK).”
Aborting women: crime and punishment
by Gregg Cunningham
CBR strongly believes that a post-abortive woman is abortion’s second victim, and that abortion already punishes women with tragic severity without ever prosecuting them.
We understand experientially that every woman who aborts knows that what she is doing is wrong, but few understand how wrong. The humanity of the child is systematically hidden from her by society. The inhumanity of abortion is methodically hidden from her by society. Women are lied to about prenatal development and abortion by their teachers, the press, and the entire medical establishment. The pro-life movement and even the church have unwittingly conspired with Planned Parenthood to hide the horror of abortion.
We allow them to be lied to and then some would punish them for believing the lie? Where is the love in that betrayal?
Countless pregnant women have told us they have changed their minds about “pregnancy termination” when shown the inexpressible evil of abortion. Countless post-abortive women have told us they would have never aborted had someone shown them that truth before instead of after they aborted.
The Centers For Disease Control report that nearly half of all abortions are performed on women who have already had one or more previous abortion. Post-abortive women are among those most at risk of aborting, and are, therefore, among those in greatest need of seeing our deeply disturbing abortion photos – lest they do it again!
These women are not without fault, but it is moral fault, not criminal fault. The remedy is spiritual, not penal. They are often panic-stricken. Many are being coerced by threats of abandonment made by boyfriends, fathers, husbands, etc., who say “This pregnancy will ruin your life!” What they really mean is “This pregnancy will ruin my life!”
It is, thankfully, impossibly unlikely that the public (even the pro-life public) would support the enactment of criminal penalties regarding post-abortive women. The mere attempt to enact such legislation would forever discredit our movement.
The enactment of such an insensitive penalty would merely be a pyrrhic victory for the most vindictive among us, because police would virtually never be willing to arrest post-abortive women; prosecutors wouldn’t charge them; juries wouldn’t convict them; and judges wouldn’t imprison them.
Society has already entered into a period of shocking lawlessness when authorities are refusing to enforce enormous numbers of laws. All that would result from the futile prosecutions of post-abortive women would be a black eye for pro-lifers whose lack of compassion would confirm the accusations that we are misogynous bullies who hypocritically claim to care about the suffering of post-abortive women and then brutalize them as savagely as the abortion industry.
Gregg Cunningham is the Executive Director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) and a frequent contributor to FAB.
International reactions to ALL Black Lives Matter

Will the future leaders of foreign nations, influenced by the American pro-life movement, help us if we get to the point that we can’t help ourselves?
by Patti Shanley
The international population at Purdue is one of the largest at any university in this country. The students who saw GAP will return home with more than a degree.
Sad Song. Song, from China, struggled to put into English her reaction to the horrifying pictures of tiny, aborted babies.
“Is real?” she wanted to know. She knew about forced abortion in her homeland, but this was the first time she had actually seen abortion. She experienced that crucial moment of cognitive dissonance when truth shatters through a long-held belief. With her head shaking, fighting back tears, all she could say was “No! No! No!”
Unimaginable and unbelievable. “This is not legal in this country, yes?” Two international students were having a hard time believing abortion is available on demand, without any reason. He could only stare, and she was almost in tears. I explained the importance of graphic images in reform movements, and that we want people to see the horror of abortion so they will never accept injustice as a choice. The students had heard of forced abortions in their own country, but could not imagine voluntary abortions. When I told them there were about 3,300 each day, the young woman cried out in disbelief.
Disgusting. Reactions from other international students were similar, and after three days at Purdue, it was painfully clear that this country is in trouble. Although students from other countries were shocked and disgusted at seeing the truth, American students and faculty called us “disgusting” for showing the truth. They tried to defend decapitating and dismembering tiny, innocent human beings. “You people are disgusting,” one faculty member hissed as she walked by. No, abortion is disgusting.
Patti Shanley is a CBR partner and volunteer from Raleigh, North Carolina.
Debunking Planned Parenthood’s 3% abortion myth (AKA lie)
Even left-wing sources agree:
- Slate: “Most meaningless abortion statistic ever”
- Washington Post: 3 Pinocchios, “Very misleading”
According to PP annual report:
- Number of abortions = 323,999
- Number of patients = 2.5 million
- Do the arithmetic: 1 out of 8 patients gets an abortion, (not 1 out of 33)
Live Action explains in detail:
Diary of a black pro-lifer: Loud activists and quiet sponges
by Jacqueline Hawkins
There seem to be two groups of black students who come to see our ALL Black Lives Matter (ABLM) signs, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists and the I’m-just-here-to-get-my-education (IJHTGME) students.
The BLM activist students lose their minds, but the IJHTGME students absorb ABLM like parched sponges.
When BLM students see us use their slogans to expose their own hypocrisy, they blow a gasket. At Purdue University, the BLM students (mostly women) pulled out all the stops, trading in their dignity to become out-of-control, stereotypical caricatures of black women. There was wild neck rolling, finger wagging, fist shaking, and nearly unintelligible shrieking and cursing.
According to one of the BLM students, only white people could be racist because they had power; black people had no power so they couldn’t be racist, only prejudiced. Armed with their own delusions, they spewed putrid racism for all their peers to see (and cower from).
BLM students are used to behaving like this with anyone and everyone. They do this because it usually works to get them their way. But it doesn’t work with us, and before long, they tire out. The shrill screaming and wild body movements gets exhausting. They lose their voices. They get cricks in their necks.
But despite all the theatrics, the giant display is still there, exposing abortion and the damage it does to Black community.
So they disappear, and in their places come the quiet sponges, many of whom readily accept the comparison of abortion with Jim Crow and slavery. They are shocked to learn about the racist origins of Planned Parenthood and the way PP is suppressing the Black vote. Not everyone is convinced, but most are willing to listen with open minds, and for that we praise God.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Gems at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Although we got a lot of pushback from pro-aborts at UNC Chapel Hill, we got a great deal of positive feedback.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it (John 1:5). Perhaps it is in the darkest places that the light of truth is most evident.
Mission accomplished. “You have achieved your goal—dialogue and getting people to think. We should have more of this on campus.”
Pro-abort suspicious of the abortion system. CBR staffer Jane Bullington spoke with a young woman who had done a paper on abortion, but was still pro-choice. She admitted she learned some things from our display that she did not known before. She said, “The university culture stigmatizes pregnant girls and basically says ‘since you are I school with no job, to be pregnant is irresponsible. So they shame you to have an abortion. The system still pushes abortion because employers get around non-discrimination laws and won’t hire pregnant girls, usually. The system pushes abortion on women.”
Glad you are comparing… “The protesters were saying this is an anti-abortion display. I am glad you are comparing it to other genocides. You know, I actually read your brochure; I like to think and ask questions!!”
No Hitler brains! “I really don’t want Hitler brains!” And by that, CJ meant that he didn’t want to think like Hitler. After volunteer Patti explained to him the reasoning behind the GAP display, he put the message in his own words and it made sense to him. He saw the connection between the dehumanizing language for both the Jewish people used in Nazi Germany and unwanted, preborn babies today. Some students and professors take such immediate offense, they will not even read what Rabbi Yehuda Levin stated in our brochure about the common thread that ties together each form of genocide: “the systematic slaughter, as state-sanctioned ‘choice,’ of innocent, defenseless, victims…” But CJ got it.
Pro-abort? Not so much anymore. “The chat site, Yak-Yak, was full of conversations about being pro-choice at the beginning of the day and “not -so -sure, leaning pro-life” at the end of the day, because of seeing your display. I wanted you to know you are making a difference.”
Tired of intolerant liberal crap. Hally, a student from a small town, told us, “I want to get involved with other pro-life kids on this campus. I am so tired of the liberal crap on this campus. They are not tolerant and certainly not diversified in thought here.”
She’ll find a way; believe it! A female student kept her distance for a few minutes, then strolled up to the barricade to talk with volunteer Patti Shanley. She felt some anxiety about her plans to attend med school, because she knew that there would be pressure to prescribe abortifacients or perform abortions. Our graphic images weren’t news to her. She was glad we were there to share the truth about abortion with the rest of the students. “I don’t see how anyone could do that. It’s so obviously a little person,” she said as she shook her head. Patti asked her if she could stand up for the little ones when she’s in med school. To that she answered, “I’ll find a way, believe it!”
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Uncle Awesome
by Patti Shanley
At UNC Chapel Hill, a really handsome, blond student hung out at the barricade, waiting for a chance to talk. He studied the sign which illustrates the progression of life in the womb. He was nodding his head, as he advanced from photo to photo.
He softly asked if I knew anyone who had been through an unplanned pregnancy. I assured him I did. With a little hesitation, he opened up and told me his sister, a single teacher, was a few months pregnant. She considered abortion, but with support and guidance from a crisis pregnancy center, she chose life. Now the family was rallying around her to welcome their newest member.
He beamed with pride when he spoke of his sister, and pointed to the picture of how his little niece or nephew looks now. Before he left, he glanced again at our display and said, “Thank you.”
He will be an awesome uncle!
And we say, “Thank you!” For supporting CBR, for making our work possible.
Patti Shanley is a CBR volunteer who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.
I don’t know nothin’ ‘bout PRCs!

Now that he knows, he can make sure that his people do not perish for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Church-going, pro-life folks like us know the lingo. We have counseled abortion-minded women in front of the local abortion clinic. We have helped with baby bottle drives. We have helped with diaper drives.
So we often forget that people in the mainstream have no clue that pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) exist. Planned Parenthood have huge budgets for marketing death, some of it paid for by our taxes. PRC budgets are much more modest.
At UNC Charlotte, a young man had been looking at the picture thoughtfully. He said, “I understand what you guys are saying, but if me and my girlfriend (sic) get pregnant, what are we supposed to do?”
Let’s set aside the fact that this young man and his girlfriend should be waiting for marriage. Let’s also set aside the implied claim of entitlement to sex without responsibility.
I asked him if he had ever heard of a pregnancy resource center, as I pointed to the PRC hotline number on one of our signs. He had never heard of such a thing. A little surprised by this, I explained to him about all the services PRCs offer. He was truly thankful to hear about this option for him, his girlfriend, and his future children, should the need arise.
I told him that now that he is aware of it, he has new responsibilities. Having seen abortion photos, he knows what abortion does to pre-born children. He knows about life-affirming alternatives. He knows abortion is not good enough for those he cares about.
Armed with facts, he can direct his family and friends to life-affirming options. He can make sure that his people do not perish for lack of knowledge.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.