Archive for August, 2017
Mike Huckabee on Charlottesville pressure cooker
by Gov. Mike Huckabee
I’m not going to recount everything that happened Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, because the details are being updated constantly. We do know that the Unite The Right protest and the Antifa counter-protest turned into brawls and riots, which might have been planned (there was a report that some counter-protesters brought weapons, although fortunately not guns – one blogger compared it to a “rumble.”) The ACLU confirmed that as the violence escalated, the police were ordered to stand down for some reason that begs investigation. And worst of all, one woman is dead and at least a dozen more people injured after a 20-year-old Ohio man believed to be a white supremacist sympathizer drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters. He’s been charged with murder, malicious wounding and hit-and-run. He should also be charged with an act of domestic terrorism and prosecuted to the full extent of the law .
But before we discuss the aftermath, let’s talk about something that seems irrelevant, but is not at all. Back in the 1940s, a new technology swept America’s kitchens: the pressure cooker. In those pre-microwave days, pressure cookers were a miracle. They cooked food faster and with less energy because the heat couldn’t escape. Instead, a lid was clamped down tight. All the steam that might have been blown off if the system was open was instead held in. As the heat rose, with no way to vent it, so did the pressure. Under pressure, things get hotter and hotter. It was a great way to cook food, but there was one drawback: at the first crack or weak spot, there was a very real danger that the whole thing could explode like a bomb. Today’s pressure cookers have safety features to prevent that, but if ignored, the results can still be deadly. Recall that the Boston Marathon bombings were carried out with pressure cookers.
“Jesse Watters on Fox News illustrated the double standard with a montage of clips.”
Over the past few years, several small but loud factions of society have been trying to turn America from an open system into a pressure cooker, and the explosions of rage and violence in Berkeley, Dallas, Charlottesville and other places are the result. The Founders knew that there would always be clashing ideas, and the best way to deal with them was a free marketplace where everyone could express and defend his views, and the best would be adopted while inferior ideas were exposed and rejected. America hasn’t always gotten things right, but thanks to free and open debate, we have consistently gotten things better.
Unfortunately, in recent years, we’ve seen a dangerous trend toward clamping down the lid on the free marketplace of ideas. Places that were once bastions of unfettered debate, such as college campuses and the Internet, are now rigidly policed to silence any ideas not approved by self-appointed authorities. Americans who don’t toe a particular line have not only been driven from the public square, even their private conversations make them targets for the thought police, if they’re caught in surveillance by a leaky intelligence agency or overheard by an overzealous busybody. It’s not enough that any opinions that vary from the “approved” line be silenced, but those who dare express them, even thoughtfully and anonymously, must be ferreted out, exposed, threatened, publicly shamed, bankrupted and fired.
I don’t say all this to try to shift blame for what happened in Charlottesville. The people who started this are vile, hateful racists and should be condemned in the strongest terms . But it’s not a coincidence that violent extremist groups are suddenly popping up all around us. They’re a symptom of a larger problem. They are the weak spots that turn dangerous when the pressure gets too high and too hot. Violent extremist movements have always drawn their numbers from those who think they have no voice. When you take away the free marketplace of ideas, it creates a breeding ground for their recruitment.
But why should people be allowed to express bad ideas? Because when they express them in the open, they have to defend them. Maybe they can be reasoned into seeing the error of their ways. In fact, that’s a large part of the history of America: bad ideas that used to be taken for granted are now seen as abhorrent, because good ideas won out. We used to be a nation where people who disagreed could sit down over a beer, have a spirited discussion, and maybe end up by seeing things from the other person’s perspective. Ban the open discussion, tell some people their perspective is invalid and they have no right to express it, and you’ll end up with a barroom brawl instead.
In light of the tragedy in Charlottesvlle, President Trump issued this initial statement: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. On many sides.” He was immediately blasted by politicians, the media and celebrities for not singling out just the white nationalists for condemnation. But at that point, it wasn’t entirely clear what had happened. What was he supposed to do, leap to a conclusion that might fire up the conflict even more, only to have it turn out to be incorrect, the way President Obama did with Ferguson, Missouri?
Trump later issued a stronger statement specifically condemning white separatist and neo-Nazi groups and calling on Americans to end the violence, stop exploiting divisions and come together to concentrate on the positive things we have in common. This statement, very similar to a statement once made by Barack Obama under similar circumstances, was greeted by more attacks from left-wing politicians, media figures and celebrities, some of whom blamed Trump directly for violent racists in Charlottesville and claimed that they represent the entire Republican Party. Jesse Watters on Fox News illustrated the double standard with a montage of clips, showing many of these same people insisting that the angry Bernie Sanders supporter who shot Rep. Steve Scalise and tried to slaughter Republicans at a charity baseball practice in no way represented the Democratic Party.
And they were right. I absolutely believe that the deranged shooter and the black-masked rioters who shut down free speech at UC-Berkeley are not representative of the approximately 96 million registered voters who identify as Democrats, any more than I believe that the racist idiot who ran down people with a car or a small group of white supremacists represent the views of 88 million registered voters who identify as Republican. They are two opposite extremes that exploded when the political pressure cooker got turned up too high.
We should all be doing everything we can to reduce the heat, release the pressure, let the steam out and open up the system to more dialogue and discussion between people of different backgrounds and viewpoints. But when people in positions of public trust respond to violence, division and hatred with even more heated, divisive rhetoric, seeking not to put out the fires of rage but to pour gasoline on them, they should be well and truly ashamed of themselves.
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 4
This is the fourth of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
Why is Deeper Still, a leading post-abortion healing ministry, associated with the display of abortion photos?
Many post-abortive mothers have said that God used abortion photos to bring them to repentance, peace with God, and eventual healing. This is what happened with Irene van der Wende, the founder of CBR-Netherlands.
Deeper Still has also counseled women who sought help because they saw CBR’s abortion photos in the public square.
People in denial can’t find healing. Also, post abortive mothers are at risk to abort again, compounding the trauma.
Further, if we don’t force Americans to see abortion, then the killing will never end. When CBR shows abortion photos, we know babies and moms are saved. We also know hearts and minds are changed.
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 3
This is the third of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
What about small children who might see the photos?
CBR does not target children with our abortion photos, but they cannot always anticipate when a child may inadvertently see the photos.
The parents set the tone for what happens next. Parents who understand God’s heart regarding abortion can use it as a teaching moment and calmly explain this is an evil that breaks God’s heart and we must compassionately and sacrificially help save babies from abortion.
A parent who is not prepared to give an answer can advise the child to look away.
In CBR’s experience, if a parent explodes in anger, the child will be distressed more by the parent’s behavior than the images. The parent may be projecting his/her own history with abortion onto his/her child.
Children as young as middle school are getting pregnant and having abortions, yet seeing abortion photos can protect them from aborting their babies. It is far worse to allow the wholesale slaughter of a million children each year than to risk the possible discomfort of some children.
Children saw Jesus’ battered and bloody body as he carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem on the way to Calvary. He died on the cross publicly to show the price He had to pay for our sins. Should we keep our children from knowing the truth that could spare many lives from abortion?
Assemble the people — men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns — so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 31:12)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 2
This is the second of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
What about compassion for the post-abortive women who might see the photos?
It is never compassionate to hide the truth when babies’ lives and women’s souls are at stake. Dr. Alveda King has had two abortions, and she wants women to see the pictures so they can avoid the pain that she has felt.
We know that abortion photos save babies from abortion and spare mothers from unbearable pain. Further, many post-abortive women have reported that seeing abortion photos was their first step to repentance and healing.
So we must ask which is more compassionate, (a) exposing the truth so that post-abortive women can be healed, pre-abortive women can be spared, and babies can be saved, or (b) hiding the truth so the killing never ends?
Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it — I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while — yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. (II Corinthians 7:8-10)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 1
This is the first of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.

Images like this educated the public on the evils of slavery. Additionally, they created the kind of tension/conflict that (a) forced the public to think about slavery and (b) created a public forum that forced slave traders to defend the indefensible.
Why does CBR display disturbing abortion photos?
No injustice has ever been eradicated by covering it up. William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson used images to end the slave trade, because words alone did not work. Alice Seeley Harris used pictures to end atrocities in the Congo. Lewis Hine used pictures to end abusive child labor.
Martin Luther King said that America would not reject racism until America saw racism, and his niece Dr. Alveda King now says that America will never reject abortion until America sees abortion.
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)
Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11)
Gems at Old Dominion University

Based on facts and not false assumptions, ODU students can have a rational debate about abortion. Without the facts, as horrific as they are, rational debate is impossible.
We judged Old Dominion University (ODU) to be “moderate” on the moonbat scale, earning 6 moonbats on a scale of 1 to 10. There were a lot of great conversations, but without the same kind of acrimony that we saw at Virginia Commonwealth University that same week. However, things did get a bit heated by the end of the second day.
She knows all too well. A pregnant woman and her husband are seeking asylum in America. She was so glad to see GAP. A strong woman who knows a thing or two about life, she will fight against injustice for anyone, regardless of race or religion. She soberly confirmed our rape sign. She lamented fact that fathers kill their daughters and their grandchildren, but they ignore the rapists. She told us that although abortion is not allowed in the Muslim religion, it is allowed in the Muslim culture.
Rampant bloodshed. A Saudi Arabian man found it very hard to believe our lax abortion laws. Abortion happens in his homeland, but (he believes) not as frequently as it happens in America. He is against abortion regardless of the country.
Never again. A young woman angrily marched up to Maggie Egger. “These pictures are very upsetting to the students!” she shouted.
Maggie responded, “How can a picture of abortion be upsetting, if the act of abortion is not?”
The young woman calmed a bit and told Maggie that she was post-abortive. “I would never do that again,” she declared resolutely.
God speaks. Ivy, a Christian young woman, thought that if she became pregnant as a teenager, she would have an abortion. She theorized that God would approve.
While her words were still in her mouth, a young man swooped in and exclaimed, “Thank you! My mom had me at 16, and if she had had an abortion, I would not be here.” It was obvious that God had given His Word on the matter.
Mission Accomplished! A member of the wrestling team exclaimed, “You changed my mind! Mission accomplished!” He thought he had gotten a girl pregnant years ago and had considered abortion. Now after seeing the pictures, he was open to speaking to teammates who are sexually active or have paid for abortions. He would help his teammates stand up and do the right thing, even if it was difficult.
Vote pro-life! Roy was about 50 years old. He was ex-military, a railroad worker, and a corrections officer. A tough guy. “Thank you! This needs to be seen and we can only hope it affects voting.” Amen!
Chickens, sin, and indoctrination
by Jacqueline Hawkins
A PETA woman (or wannabe) screeched at us, “You don’t care about the millions of chickens raised in horrible conditions, just to be slaughtered, but you care about this!!!”
Before you could say “Chick-fil-A, but hold the pickle, please,” another young woman walked over. She didn’t much care for the PETA woman. “I just want to hit her in the face!!” she exclaimed. CBR does not advocate violence, but we understand the young woman’s frustration.
A mother of two, she was 100% against abortion, and then some. She lost her virginity at 15 because, although her parents were good Catholics, the message of sexual purity just didn’t come through. Or at least it didn’t come through strongly enough to overcome the culture of death.
She was angry that schools indoctrinate students with sin and self-destruction. The worst example is telling young children, “Let me show you how to put a condom on a banana so you can have safe sex.” The seeds of destruction find fertile ground among naïve children with adult bodies and wild hormones.
Jackie Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Mixed nuts at Old Dominion University

He definitely looks like someone who is ready to give an account at the Pearly Gates. … Just sayin’.
College students say the nuttiest things.
Christian for Choice. A young “Christian” man held a clever sign that said: “Christian for Choice.” Have fun explaining that at the pearly gates…
Changing the subject. A woman shrieked about our omission of the Native American genocide. “Why don’t you have pictures of that genocide!?!?” Jane calmly directed her to our photo Wounded Knee photo.
Upon receiving exactly what she asked for, she changed the subject, but not her tone. She came closer and closer to Jane, until they almost touched noses. Jane, not deterred by a petulant child, did not flinch or step back.
The student continued to shriek about the 100 million Native Americans who should be acknowledged. “Abortion is NOT genocide like THAT is genocide!”
She got louder and louder until she finally stopped and left. She never acknowledged that we actually do recognize Native American genocide. Perhaps it never really matter to her in the first place.
Passionately apathetic. “F*** you people” a young man hissed at GAP staffers. “And f*** you people too!” he growled at the protesters. Like Billy Martin in those Miller Lite commercials in the 1970s and 80s, he feels strongly both ways.
Can’t handle the truth. An ODU events manager sat nearby and fielded complaints from angry students. Jane suggested that ODU teach a Constitutional law class to freshmen. The lady replied wearily, “I am seeing that the students don’t know how to deal with opposing opinions in the culture of this campus.” Ya think?!