Archive for March, 2018
Mixed Nuts at East Tennessee State University

Even sleepy schools like ETSU are a hotbed of oppressive leftist ideology. GAP confronts this private liberal club in a powerful way … as unique as it is effective.
The hostility of the Academy toward the Citizenry is omnipresent, as we saw at East Tennessee State (ETSU), where tax-funded employees routinely condemn Christian and conservative students for their beliefs and values.
With indisputable facts and unassailable arguments, GAP is a fantastic way to help students wage ideological warfare. We demonstrate how Christians and conservatives can engage professors and their heavily propagandized classmates with courage and grace.
Dumb blonde. Diana, a pre-med student, told us that the pressure to conform to leftist ideology is oppressive. Her “ethics” professor makes fun of her intelligence and her blonde hair. Note: Only leftist professors may disparage women as dumb blondes.
Pro-choice? This professor says a doctor shouldn’t be allowed to let his beliefs interfere with his “services.” In other words, Diana should be forced to perform abortions or lose her license. How is that “pro-choice”?
An unexpected friend. GAP works on many levels. We of course expose abortion as a horrifying act of violence. But at the same time, we advance the cause of free speech. Moreover, we demonstrate how people on both sides of a contentious debate can respectfully advance their arguments. After speaking with CBR’s Jane Bullington, Noah wrote on his Facebook page:
The conversation was based on mutual respect … We were able to actually “hear” what the other one had to say. My concerns were focused mostly on pro-life people not favoring programs that would make life easier for the born people and their apparent vilification of women who have made this tough decision. Jane talked about the devaluation of human life leading to increased violence and selfishness in our country. She also said we may want the same “ends” for born people, but have different strategies for arriving at that goal. Did we come to the same conclusion? Do I approve of CBR or their tactics? No on both counts. But I made a friend and have a greater appreciation for civil discourse. I am guilty of abrasively engaging in debate and speaking without listening. Today was different and refreshing. So, come talk to these folks rather than yell at them. And I even went back to get a picture with my new pro-life friend.
Thank you for your support! Only through your prayers and financial investment can we take this message where it most needs to go.
ALL Black Lives Matter at the DC Black History Museum
Since the US DOJ sided with CBR in our lawsuit against the Museum of African-American History and Culture, CBR has been displaying ALL Black Lives Matter (ABLM) signs outside the Museum on a regular basis.
Black adolescents constitute a high percentage of the Museum’s visitors, and their future children are most at risk for abortion. African-Americans are 11% of the population, but account for 37% of all abortions.
One member of our target audience, a boy, exclaimed, “Those look like baby arms!” He got it.
A girl said, as she took pictures with her phone, “Gross! Horrible! I can’t look away. I can’t stop looking at it.” She got it, also.
A group of five black boys stared nonstop. Several times, they walked away to do something else, but they always came back to the signs. One day, those boys will be men and they will be much less likely to kill their own children.
Inside the Museum, leftists are promoting a left-wing political agenda. Essentially, it is Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood hiding behind a picture of Martin Luther King. Outside, we are showing African Americans that their supposed benefactors are today killing black children at staggering rates and have suppressed the black vote more effectively than poll taxes, literacy tests, voter ID requirements, and Ku Klux Klan lynchings combined.
For the Pastors: Is abortion only a political issue?

“The deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery…” Gal. 5:19-20a “… because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.” Rev. 18:11
On Day 2 at Western Kentucky University, a female student set up her own table near the GAP display. She was wearing a black robe; she had black hair, black nail polish, black lipstick, and red contact lenses. She set out a good bit of witchcraft paraphernalia on her table and began to cast spells over us. Debbie and CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour began to pray, asking God to keep the GAP team and the campus community protected; they prayed fervently against the kingdom of darkness. Laurice describes what happened next:
I asked for prayer, then I walked over to the table, introduced myself, shared my faith, and asked her and her two friends some questions about their spiritual lives. They were incredibly open — the two with her were atheists. I began to share the great power and love of God for them, but that their sin is separating them from Him, yet He is calling them to repentance and a relationship with Him. I shared the gospel three times with them, each time going deeper.
Amazingly, this lengthy conversation about salvation with a witch and two atheists was one of the most peaceful I have ever had! I had expected great trouble, but instead experienced engagement at such a deep, meaningful level, with no interruptions. Their hearts were so open to listen! I knew that God was doing a great work, and that team members were praying for us. I urged the students to respond to God, made myself available to talk again anytime that afternoon, and hugged them all before leaving their table.
Are you a Christian leader? Are you really sure that abortion is just a political issue? The witches don’t think so. Abortion is a battle of good and evil. Souls are at stake. GAP is not only an opportunity to save lives and fight the culture of death, it is an opportunity to share the Gospel with those who need it most.
Mixed Nuts at Western Kentucky University

CBR’s Joanna confronts hypocrisy with a gentle but firm directness. Exposing the deeds of darkness is the most loving thing one can do.
Our recent trip to Western Kentucky University (WKU) was our second visit, having been at WKU two years before that.
Changing minds and winning hearts. We had no sooner set up at when Allison walked up and let us know that she had been pro-abortion when we had visited in 2015. She saw the pictures and spoke with CBR volunteer Gene Garrett. She even rode in our Truth Truck and heard the Gospel. After we left, she did more research. As a result of all of this, she changed. She is now pro-life.
“There is none so blind as he who will not see.” That’s what the great philosopher Ray Stevens said. Paul went a little further. He wrote, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see …” (2 Corinthians 4:4) Zach, a 27-year-old student lamented, “They accuse you guys of talking in circles, but they go in circles and ask you to follow. They have one-dimensional arguments. If you ask “Why?” all they can say is “Because.” I am a believer and outspoken in class. I try to get people to move deeper on their stance, but these folks cannot.”
Hypocrisy. Men can’t speak, except for when they can. One guy was holding a sign, “Men can’t speak on women’s rights.” Apparently, his buddy is excepted. His sign said, “I love abortion.”
Hiding. ABC-13 WBKO ran a story “covering” our Truth Truck driving around town. They said they had received a photo of our GAP display from a student, but it was “too graphic” to show. But why is it “too graphic” to show? Because abortion is an act of violence, and the pro-abort media do not want people to see the truth.
Healing. Debbie Picarello of Deeper Still, a post-abortion ministry which partners with CBR, set up a table next to GAP. She ministered to students who had already been involved in abortion. One student took materials for himself and his former girlfriend — she aborted his child against his will. An older pro-life man told Debbie that he was post-abortive and shared his story with her. Debbie explained that Deeper Still is available for men as well as for women. A female student thanked her for being on campus and commended her for being “brave”.
Compassion. Matthew announced that he would meet with the Counseling Center after GAP to discuss ways they might help those hurting after abortions.