Archive for October, 2018
Gems at University of Tennessee

We get a lot of great support at the University of Tennessee.
There were some beautiful gems at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville during our Spring 2018 visit.
Planting the seeds, reaping the harvest. “Last year I was mad at you,” Nola said. “But I did some studying and realized abortion is wrong. Preborn children should have a chance to live.”
Future pro-life lawyer. “I’m studying to be a lawyer so I can fight against abortion. Thanks for display. May I have some pro-life buttons?”
We’ll take your baby. A young woman asked if one of us would adopt her baby. She said she had an abortion scheduled, but seeing the pictures she was hoping for another option. CBR volunteer Tony replied, “YES! Bring your baby here and we will keep her until you should want to come back and get your child,” he said. We’re all praying for this young woman and her baby.
Experience reveals the truth. “You guys are doing a great job,” Eric said. He and his wife had two little girls who were born weighing one pound. They were perfect. That changed his whole perspective and even influenced his friends. “They were people,” he said.
Campus pilgrimage. Kaiya walked out of her way to find GAP after she heard about a pro-life group being on campus. She was a freshman and wanted to be a neo-natal nurse. She was pro-life and she made sure to let her pro-abortion roommates know where she stood.
Shocked by [Perverted] Sex Week. We often schedule our trip to the University of Tennessee to coincide with [Perverted] Sex Week, an annual event. “We are so glad you are here!” a visiting mother with her daughter said. “My daughter is looking at UT to come here. Did you see all the signs for “Sex Week?” We can’t believe it!”
Glad his mom chose life! A young male student asked, “How can anyone see this and think it is good? I am glad my mother didn’t do this to me! I am so glad you are here.”
Thanks from the other side. “Thank you for being here with real information,” the pro-abortion young woman. She was glad that people were being informed about what choice actually meant. Forest Gump was absolutely right when he said, “GAP is like a box of chock-lits. Ya neva know watt your gonna gay-ette.”
Exceeding expectations. “I want to shake your hand. My sister was suspected to have autism before she was born. My mother chose not to abort. Now my sister is in med school.”
Mixed Nuts at Appalachian State University

Mik’aela Raymond was not breathing when she was born. Does that mean she wasn’t alive?
There were varying reactions to the abortion pictures at Appalachian State University. Seeds are planted and lives are saved even if we can’t see it initially.
Talking to a living, breathing example. “The baby is alive when it takes its first breath,” said the student. CBR staffer Mik’aela Raymond described her own birth, “When I was born I wasn’t breathing.”
“OK, that is a little tricky,” the young woman admitted. “I do have to think about that.”
Excuses, Excuses. Samuel had tons of excuses for child killing.
- “I’m pro-abortion, but not after 4 months.”
- “Abortion is child killing but I’m still pro-abortion because the world is over populated and there is not enough food.”
- “My wife had to have an abortion.”
- “We do not want children, not right now.”
- “Adoption is so expensive.”
Shifting the death line. “I am pro-choice and would never try to convince someone against their choice. It is not a person until after 6 weeks when the heart starts beating.” Upon looking up when the heart beat is detected, he slightly changed his tune. “Well abortion is wrong after 4 weeks but I would not tell anyone what they should think.”
Pictures important. “Thanks for what you are doing, these pictures are so important.”
Rape exception. “I was raped last year, at gun point. I didn’t get pregnant but if I had, I could not have carried that child, even to adopt. Otherwise, I know it is a life and innocent and deserves protection. I have friends who have had convenience abortions and I worry about them.” Pray for this young woman and her friends. Pray for healing.
Invisible pro-lifers. A pro-life student told us, “I’m glad you guys are here. I didn’t even know about any pro-life groups. The only group I know concerning abortion is Planned Parenthood.”
In fact, there was a Students for Life student organization at Appalachian State, but they have routinely refused to help us expose abortion, preferring instead to remain hidden and ineffective.
Diary of a Black Pro-Lifer: Pacific Northwest

“You of all people should know!” was his greeting.
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Something that was rather bothersome about the Pacific Northwest tour was the common occurrence of white people telling me how bad I had it as a black person. It was a mixture of white guilt, virtue signaling, and racism.
“Oh, the poor stupid black animals can’t take care of themselves so we’ll sit in our little classes and talk about how bad off they are and how vital killing their children is and pat ourselves on the back for having such righteous thoughts.”
Little did they know, when it came to me, they were talking to a victor, not a victim. That left them scrambling to save face again and again. Check out this conversation had at Salt Lake Community College that epitomizes the conversations I ran into time and time again.
Student: “I’m sure you know how hard it is to vote as a black person. African Americans live in such a way and I’m sure you’ve been through this in your life. There is a level of discrimination in how the voting process works.”
Me: “I’ve never had issues with voting.”
Student: “Oh, I mean as a woman or as a person. We all go through it. African Americans and Latinos go through it the worst because they on average live in higher crime or lower income areas. “Right now, they are the least voting people because of systemic racism. The system puts them down so they can’t vote.”
Me: “So, they can’t vote at all?”
Student: “It’s harder to vote. If you don’t have the money to buy ID then how can you go vote?”
Me: “See all my family is black and we don’t have issues with voting. O r buying IDs. IDs are cheap.”
Student (dismissively): “Oh, Utah’s better than some places.”
Me: “I’m from Virginia. And my family in Georgia, Florida and DC have not had issues either. A lot of the time white people think black people are a certain way and can’t take care of themselves but then you ask a bunch of black people and they say they have no issues.”
Student: “That’s not what I meant.”
Me: “You said that black people are just so bad off.”
Student: “That’s not what I said. That’s out of context.”
At The Evergreen State College, a student told Joanna that she had never taken anyone white to have an abortion, but she did take three black friends to have abortions. According to her, they had no hope because they were black. White people had lots of hope and therefore didn’t need abortions unless there was something wrong with the baby. But black people? Well they had no hope of a decent future so it was best to cull them.
While the young woman had the best intentions at heart, like the young woman in Utah, the mentality that black people are stupid, down-trodden, animals in need of the great white hope is the same in both cases.
Even more tragically, their “help” often takes the form of the grim reaper.
Gems at Lane Community College

Joanna discusses abortion and rape at Lane Community College.
Despite a cadre of vocal pro-abortion protesters, we met many thoughtful students at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.
Sharing the Gospel. “F*** you,” Bryan told Joanna. For a visual aid, he held up his middle finger. Joanna responded calmly. By the end of the conversation he said he was sorry for how he acted. He brought up rape and the woman’s body in their calmer conversation. He was an atheist but agreed that selfishness is not good. Joanna shared the Gospel and why we love and care, and should be self-sacrificial because God loved us first and sacrificed for us.
A changing mind. This same Bryan came back the next day. He had thought long and hard about his first conversation with Joanna. “Two months is long enough for a woman to decide, and after that she shouldn’t kill her baby,” he declared. Progress!!! Joanna thanked him for thinking about what she said and coming back and encouraged him to consider the implications of his view. If abortion is not OK after 8 weeks, then why not? And what does that mean in a country and state where abortion after that point is allowed?
Young moms understand. Skyann and McKenzie were both teen moms in high school. Motherhood made them serious so they were already taking college classes. Skyann kept her baby despite the lack of support she had initially. “Yeah you’re giving up your freedom, but it’s so worth it. All you do in high school is drink and party anyway so that’s all you’re giving up. It’s amazing to watch your child grow,” Skyann said. “This is so great. I mean, it’s sad to see; the truth hurts,” McKenzie chimed in. Skyann told Joanna about a friend who had been raped. She went through with her pregnancy despite it all. She loved her baby no matter what.
Supporting remarks. We got lots of encouragement at Lane CC:
- “It’s refreshing to see an opposing point of view!” The young man said he was tired of always being silenced.
- “Good for you. Hang in there. It’s the right thing to do.”
- “I’m glad you’re here. It needs to be in their face. Stay strong.”
- “Thank you for being here,” said a woman whose grandchild was killed at the local Planned Parenthood.
Mixed Nuts at Portland State University

The “antifa” are, in fact, the “fa” (fascists) at Portland State.
The “antifa” were out to get us at Portland State University, but the police presence dissuaded personal violence. They did, however, splash paint on one of our signs (which we cleaned up in just a few minutes).
Still, there were also expressions of support to encourage us.
Leftist “tolerance.” Leftist pro-abort: “We should abort Christians.” (Joanna: “Do you want to kill us now?”) “Well, there are police around, so I can’t really answer that.”
Another peace-loving leftist said, “If the police weren’t here, I would knock you unconscious.”
He gets it. “It’s a selfish decision. Thank you guys so much did what you’re doing. This is so important for people to hear.”
Demonic. “Do you believe in God? Do you believe in magic?” the girls said at they threw demonic dust at us. “Curses for you,” one said. Thankfully, throwing things at people is a crime, so the police quickly intervened.
They chose life, not death. David and his girlfriend considered abortion, but Christian friends encouraged them not to, so they kept their baby boy Rowan. And they got married! David is still in school, and the happy couple are expecting a second baby!
See you in hell! “Do you believe in hell?” said another disciple of tolerance and diversity. (Joanna: “Yes.”) He snarled, “You’re gonna burn in it.”
A victor, not a victim. A young woman who had been sexually abused spoke her mind. “They love victims here, and they love to keep you a victim.” When she decided to move past her victim status, they no longer had any use for her.
Join the $quad! A young man walked up and handed us $100. “This is a good cause,” he said. Do you agree? Click here to join his effort to $upport us.
Just One More Thing …
This came to my inbox, and I had to share it. It was credited to “Butch.”
Just one more thing on Donald Trump.
If Donald Trump deleted all of his emails, wiped his server with BleachBit and destroyed all of his phones with a hammer, would the mainstream media suddenly lose all interest in the story and declare him innocent?
Just one more thing on sanctuary cities.
If you rob a bank in a sanctuary city, is it illegal or is it just an undocumented withdrawal?
Just one more thing on the London “lone wolf” terror attack.
After the London “lone wolf” terrorist attack government officials have arrested at least eight other lone wolves who had conspired with the original lone wolf in planning the ‘Lone Wolf’ attack. Even though all involved are Muslims, you can be assured, the lone wolf attack has nothing at all to do with Islam, just like the other 1000 plus lone wolf attacks by Muslims, are completely unassociated with Islam.
Just one more thing on Entitlements.
We should stop calling them “entitlements.” Welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc. are not entitlements. They are taxpayer-funded handouts, and shouldn’t be called entitlements at all. Social Security and veterans benefits are entitlements because the people receiving them are entitled to them. They were earned and paid for by the recipients.
Just one more thing on the Muslim Refugees.
If Muslims want to run away from a Muslim country, doesn’t that make them Islamophobic?
Just one more thing on The Women’s March.
If leftists don’t believe in biological gender, then why did they march for women’s rights?
Just one more thing on the Russians hacking the election.
How did the Russians get Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to steal the primary from Bernie Sanders? How did Russia get Donna Brazile to leak debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance of the debates?
Just one more thing on Democrats and the Electoral College.
Why is it that Democrats think super delegates are fine, but they have a problem with the Electoral College?
Just one more thing on Hillary’s speeches.
If Hillary’s speeches cost $250,000 an hour, how come no one shows up to her free ones?
Gems at Salt Lake Community College

He was a mature adult with a wife and a new baby. He had a much firmer grasp of reality than his younger fellow students.
Man oh man, check out the nuts at Salt Lake Community College! But with all the weirdo comments, there were several beautiful gems.
A grandchild’s life in the balance. A middle-aged woman was taking pictures of our signs so she could show them to her pregnant 18-year-old daughter, Brittany. She was worried, because her daughter had told her, “I could just get an abortion.”
This mother believed her daughter needed some encouragement and she was so happy we were there to provide evidence she could use to save her grandchild’s life.
Unwanted. The pro-aborts insisted that it is best to kill the disabled, because no one wants them. Hearing this, Dana teared up and told us that her late brother Alex had Down syndrome. That day would have been his 17th birthday. She missed her brother and wanted him back.
Black genocide. In response to black abortion statistics a husband and father said, “Think about how that would have changed the demographic in the United States! … You’re looking at far more than 20 million people. … It’s a form of genocide for the black community.”
Accountability. A young woman standing in the midst of the the nut job group asked a thoughtful question. “When does accountability come in? When does a person have to say, “I messed up and I have to take responsibility for my actions?”
Another young woman replied, “We don’t have education.”
“But that too is an excuse. When should we be held accountable for our actions?” Her calm, quiet words disarmed the group and they didn’t have much of an argument for her.
Freedom of speech for all. A Hispanic young man spoke with CBR’s Jackie Hawkins, “They told you to go away? They want to take away your freedom of speech? There’s a sign over there that says, ‘We don’t need another white man to tell us what to do with our bodies.’ What about me, a Mexican? What about a woman or a black person? To me it makes no sense at all. I appreciate you guys expressing what you believe in.”
It makes sense. A red haired young man said to the pro-abortion group, “I used to be with you guys, but I talked to them and it makes sense.”
Heard in passing.
- “It’s just so powerful. There’s really no argument that you can make after seeing this.” (female student)
- “I totally agree with you.” (female student)
- “I’m glad you guys are doing this.” (female student)
Who’s your boss? At the end of the day, a maintenance worker popped out of her utility buggy and called out the pro-aborts, “You guys think these guys are racist?! Do you know the roots of Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood is racist!”
The compassionate, caring, tolerant crowd were enraged. “Are you on the clock? Who do you work for? We can get you fired!”
“I don’t care,” she shot back. “You can’t fire me, I’m working for the Lord!”
Amen. So do we. And as long as both the Lord and you are willing, we will keep winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives! But you have to be willing. Please support our work or we have to stay home.
Thank you. Please keep praying.
Completely Nuts at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC)

A pro-abortion crowd gathered across the walkway from GAP. The more vocal ones made sure we had many opportunities to explain the pro-life position to their more open-minded classmates.
Never believe propaganda. Salt Lake City claims to be the gayest city in America, but they weren’t happy at all, not after we got there. More fake news. Anyway, the deception was strong at Salt Lake Community College. The students were of average intelligence. But when it comes to the deeds of darkness, willful ignorance is hard to overcome.
Not very safe. Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) was one of many schools that created a “safe space” for students who would be disturbed by GAP. GAP team member Don Blythe went to investigate. Nobody was around, so he ate all their cookies.
Don has been trying to lose some weight, so that space wasn’t safe for him … but we don’t want to get into that.
Um … could you repeat that? Early on Day 1, a large group of students gathered on the grass across the walkway. Several of us went over to speak with them. We heard lots of extremely silly comments:
- “You are persuading people to say, ‘If this is what abortion is, then I don’t want this!’ You are bad.” (Bad? Maybe so, but also effective, apparently.)
- “You aren’t giving us facts; you are giving us quotes.” (He did actually say that. And that’s a fact … or maybe a quote … not too sure which.)
- (When we quoted from a medical school embryology textbook,) “That’s just according to your religious beliefs.” (Embryology is theology. Who knew?)
- “Planned Parenthood does everything possible to prevent abortion. That’s the primary goal of Planned Parenthood.”
- “Convincing a woman not to have an abortion is an act of violence!”
- “Slavery has a long history. Abortion doesn’t. So you can’t compare the two.”
- “We ask you the same questions again and again and you keep giving us the same answers over and over!”
- “Statistics from 2014 are too old to use in 2017. Facts change every day.” (And, after all, as all good Southerners know, tomorrow is another day!)
- “It’s wrong to use someone else’s history to make a point.” (Is there any history that doesn’t belong to somebody else?)
- “You don’t present all sides. People will come here and get ideas about abortion!” Oh…so that’s what happens when we show pictures? Who knew?)
- “These pictures hurt my heart. I have kids but that doesn’t mean we can take women’s rights away!”
- “We don’t abort children because we hate them, it’s because the circumstances are difficult.” (So, that means if picking cotton is difficult, then slavery is OK?)
- “Why is it wrong to kill another human being? That sounds like a moral implication.”
Ad hominem. A very angry man barked at CBR’s Kevin Olivier, “This shouldn’t be here! You’re not a woman, you can’t get pregnant, you have nothing to say about abortion!” Kevin asked, “Are you against rape?” Man: “Yes!” Kevin: “Have you ever been raped?” Man: “No!” Kevin: “Then how can you be against rape?”
Man: “That’s different; rape is an act of violence against another person.” Kevin: “And abortion is an act of violence against another person. That’s what these signs show you.”
He had no answer, so he changed the subject, “You’re lucky you’re at a school where things are calm. You should try doing this in Portland.”
Little did he know our team would be at Portland State University less than two weeks later!
CBR appoints Mik’aela Raymond as Assistant Director of Minority Outreach

Mik’aela Raymond
We are pleased to welcome Mik’aela Raymond of Monroe, North Carolina to the CBR family. Mik’aela is a graduate of Liberty University, having earned one BS degree in International Business and another in Market Research and Analysis.
As a freshman, Mik’aela knew very little about abortion, but after seeing Choice Blues (CBR’s graphic abortion video) and learning the staggering number of children being killed every year, she was motivated to join the student pro-life organization.
Sadly, pro-life activism at Liberty University gets almost zero support from the Administration and most of her classmates at Liberty did not at all support her efforts. At best they were apathetic, but quite often they were antagonistic.
Later that year, Mik’aela attended a CBR student training conference in Virginia, along with a carload of other Liberty students she brought with her. At this conference, she learned why CBR projects are so effective.
When she graduated three years later, she felt God calling her to pro-life activism. She answered, and we thank God for her.
Welcome aboard, Mik’aela! We’re expecting great things from you!
If you’d like to support Mik’aela (or any of our staff), it’s quick, easy, and secure to support CBR online. Whatever you can do will make a huge difference. To support Mik’aela’s work, designate your gift for “Carolina Project Director (SE-MAR).”