Archive for September, 2019
Mixed Nuts at Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) may be the most leftist college in Virginia, if not in the entire Southeast. We were expecting (and hoping for) a ruckus for our third visit to campus, and they did not disappoint! When the pro-aborts show up, they never fail to draw attention!
What if the Holocaust were still happening? A woman stopped to tell CBR staff member Mik’aela Raymond that we were using scare tactics. Mik’aela mentioned the Holocaust Museum as proof that images work to convince people of atrocities. The woman said, “Maybe, but no one is forced to go in the Holocaust Museum.” Mika’aela responded, “That’s because they Holocaust isn’t happening anymore. But if it was, I would be willing to use images to stop it.”
For some, it’s personal. Jennifer told us that her father pressured her mother to abort her older sister. She’s very emotional about it, but that’s why she’s pro-life!
Hostile campus. Nick and James were so thankful that we were there. “We’re both conservative, and it’s so hard to hold on in this environment.” Keep it up, gentlemen!
Genocide survivor agrees with GAP. A young woman who had survived the 2004 genocide in Burundi spoke with CBR staffer Jane Bullington. She wasn’t totally convinced that all abortions are wrong, but wondered, “This is America. For not much money, you can get birth control and never need abortion.” However, she completely understood our comparisons of genocides and our use of victim images because, as she said, “the baby is real.”
The right to share the truth? Nellie, a young Christian student, told CBR staffer Joanna Keilson that she didn’t know where she stood on abortion. Joanna challenged her to research when life begins and to stand up for truth. Nellie asked about earning the right to talk to someone. Joanna reminded her of the prophets, disciples, and Jesus Himself who were killed because they preached against sin. Did they need to earn permission to speak to someone before calling them to repentance?
Mixed Nuts at Liberty University
Many are surprised to learn that we are unwelcome at Christian colleges and universities, where we are often denounced by students and faculty alike. Here are some of the more disappointing comments from our recent trips to Liberty University.
Inconvenient maybe, but not inappropriate. A Liberty student told CBR staff member Joanna Keilson, “How long are you going to be here? This is inappropriate. You’re showing pictures of dead babies. This is a Christian campus.” This student can ignore God’s admonition to do oppose injustice, but he can never again say that he didn’t know.
How did you come to that conclusion? Jacob had many questions, but was sure about one thing. “Oh, I support abortion. I don’t think we know when life begins.” The biology books in your library say something very different. So does Matthew 1:18-23, where God tells us that the life of Jesus Messiah began when Jesus was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit.
Where is that in the Bible? “You know what my favorite Bible verse is? The one that says to love your neighbor and like, not shove things down their throat.” Hopefully, they’ll let him take Bible 101 again …
Ignorance is bliss. CBR staffer Fletcher Armstrong asked a passing student what he thought about abortion. The student replied, “I’m not educated enough to know.” So Fletcher offered him one of our informational leaflets. The student turned it down.
What’s political about child sacrifice? One student refused to speak with us because he doesn’t “get into politics.”
Gems at Liberty University

CBR Staffer Joshua Lindsey explains to a Liberty U student that God is displeased and appalled when His people fail to intervene against injustice.
CBR took our Revival Project to Liberty University twice during the 2018-2019 school year. Although we were denounced by students and others, we certainly had many positive reactions as well.
Pro-choice, even in the church. A young man stopped his bicycle and told CBR staffer Mik’aela Raymond that he grew up in a Christian family hearing that “abortion is murder,” but he hadn’t given it much thought. In the last few years he had become “borderline pro-choice,” even while a student at Liberty. He said seeing our abortion pictures opened his eyes and made him think differently about all of it.
Student comes to our defense. The president of the Liberty U pro-life student club complained that we were using shock tactics and were only hurting people. But one of his fellow students overheard and rebutted, “We need to be shocked in order to care!”
Wake up! Vincent stopped to talk with CBR staffer Fletcher Armstrong and was very supportive. “This is a very explicit picture, but that’s how you wake people up. I’m upset that you aren’t allowed on campus; you could do more good there.”
She gets it. A young female student stopped to tell CBR staff member Joanna, “Those are graphic pictures, but they are effective.”
Politically correct Christianity? A young man on a bicycle told CBR volunteer Tony, “Thanks for being here y’all!” A jogger stopped and said, “Liberty is very politically correct and I am glad you are here. What you are doing is right!”
CBR’s “new” Revival Project

Despite opposition, many students are receptive to the Revival Project message at Lee University.
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) is refocusing its outreach to the Church, which will now be known as our “Revival Project.” We’ve taken our pro-life message to Christian audiences for many years, but calling it the “Revival Project” is new. Here’s why.
The Church’s prayer: revival. For some time now, Christian leaders have prayed for revival in the Church and in our land. We don’t doubt their sincerity, but they ignore the principle that God will never bring revival as long as Christians, leaders and lay alike, stand by and do nearly nothing about abortion. Christians are both complicit with and complacent about child sacrifice in America, even when church members sacrifice their own children.
The Church’s position: cruel indifference. Church members are killing children who could be saved if Christian leaders would (1) stop helping Planned Parenthood cover up the truth and simply open the curtain to let everyone see what abortion is and does, (2) exhort Christians to forsake killing their own children and grandchildren, (3) help Christians be a public witness against child sacrifice, and (4) offer hope and healing to abortion-wounded hearts. The overwhelming majority of our “pro-life” churches refuse to take even these basic steps.

Challenging students and passersby alike in front of Catholic University of America.
The Lord’s apparent response: “Request denied.” We want revival without repentance, the crown without taking up the cross. We pray for revival, but how can God permit revival when there is complacency about the bloodshed of our neighbors and even bloodshed within the Church? God says in Isaiah 59:2-3:
[B]ut your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood . . .
God says in Isaiah 1: 15-17:
When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen; your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.
In these and many other places in the Bible, God says, in effect, that our petitions to Him are offensive as long as we fail to seek justice, correct oppression, protect the fatherless and widow, etc.
A question for the Church: Who is more of an orphan than a child being abandoned by his own parents to be decapitated and dismembered? And who is more of a widow than a woman being threatened with abandonment if she will not consent to the extermination of her own child?
In light of God’s Word, it is difficult to imagine that He will grant revival as long as the Church turns a blind eye to child sacrifice. Over and over again in Scripture, God rebukes and calls to repentance, not the world, but His own people (e.g., Ezekiel 36:18-23, Revelation 3:15-17,19, and Romans 2:24).

Signs visible to pedestrians and vehicular traffic alike at Liberty University. By standing on a busy sidewalk, we reached many thousand students.
Purpose of CBR’s Revival Project. Our purpose is to confront complicity and complacency in the Church. We use horrifying photos, because without them, most people cannot understand how evil abortion truly is. Nor can they understand how their indifference must grieve the heart of God.
Our signs exhort Christians to forsake killing and take a public stand against child sacrifice. Our presence models one way Christians can be a public witness. One sign offers hope and help to parents in crisis and offers healing to abortion-wounded hearts. You may view all of the Revival Project signs below.
Revival Project signs. Each Revival Project sign is a 5 x 10-ft image printed on two 5 x 5-ft panels. Most depict a photo of abortion or living embryo, along with a Scripture verse that explains God’s view on child sacrifice and our responsibility to stand against it. Depending on conditions, a volunteer can hold one or two of the panels.

Revival Project at entrance of Regent University, reaching arriving students and staff, as well as travelers along a busy thoroughfare.
Revival Project venues. Christian leaders, for the most part, are not receptive to this message, so we display our signs on the sidewalks and other public spaces immediately adjacent to their concerts, conventions, seminaries, and schools. In doing so, we find Christians who will see the difficult truth and hear God’s heart for “the least of these.” God sent Jeremiah to the gate of the Lord’s house to call His people to repent of their sin, including child sacrifice (Jeremiah 7).
The response from “pro-life” Christians. At Liberty University, Lee University, Catholic University of America, and Regent University, we were denounced by faculty and students alike. Harvest Crusade organizers (Anaheim, California) threatened their own attendees, stating that they would not be admitted to the arena if they hold one of our brochures. Members of Crossroads Community Church, a megachurch in Vancouver, Washington, used vinyl banners to block our prenatal development photos. This is reminiscent of the pagans in Ireland who also blocked our prenatal photos. Apparently, pro-life advocacy of any kind is offensive to many Christian leaders.
Why would “pro-life” Christians oppose us for exposing the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11)? Why did so many churches fail to address historical injustices such as slavery, racism, and Nazism? Here’s why. It is bad for business. Controversy doesn’t fund-raise well. It’s easier to give a token response and turn to more profitable pursuits.
Will you invest your time and treasure? Please pray that Christians will repent of sacrificing children on the altar of self and instead sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, as Jesus has done for us. We will expose injustice as long as God enables. Please invest your time and treasure in this crucial work, to be a voice for those who have none.
Revival Project Signs
For display only at Liberty University: