Archive for January, 2020
Mixed Nuts at William & Mary

CBR Staffer Maggie Ferrara explains that human beings are valuable no matter how they were conceived.
When we began planning GAP at The College of William & Mary (W&M), we contacted the pro-life student organization, Tribe for Life. They refused to work with us; a common decision among pro-life college students. The reality is, most pro-life student groups think that being liked around campus will help end abortion. How wrong they are.
On our first day at W&M, a member of Tribe for Life approached CBR staffer Jane Bullington and said, “I think we made a mistake not working with you guys. Pro-lifers need to stick together.” Praise God this student was able to see the effectiveness of GAP, and was willing to step forward.
Nothing like a good ad hominem. Jane asked two passing girls, “How are you?” One replied, “Fine until you stuck this in my face! You are wrong and stupid and ignorant and I don’t like being forced to see this.” Her friend continued, “We wouldn’t be so angry if you just showed aborted fetus pictures. Piggy-backing on these other events from long ago only weakens your argument.” Somehow, we doubt you wouldn’t be so angry if that’s what we did.
Facts or feelings? CBR staffer Maggie Ferrara spoke with a student who claimed that life doesn’t begin at fertilization, but it also doesn’t begin at birth. He decided it began sometime in between those two events. He refused to look at the list of academic sources Maggie offered him, saying that he could go into the library and find sources that disagreed with ours. Maggie encouraged him to do his own research and not rely on when he “feels” like life begins.
Kill your child, or risk stretch marks? Annie told CBR staffer Joshua, “I use my body every day, and pregnancy would take too much of a toll on my body. Especially if I were raped, I would get an abortion to preserve my body and prevent stretch marks.” A human life, or stretch marks? They’re about equal in importance, wouldn’t you say?
Vulgarity abounds. One girl yelled as she walked pass the display, “If I wanted the government in my vagina, I’d f*** a senator.” Another gave us the middle finger while snarling, “You disgust me.”
Williamsburg Democrats claim our photos are doctored. Maggie talked to an older gentleman who received an email from the Williamsburg Democrats, claiming our photos were doctored. He went to our website ( and then responded to the email, “Why do you claim the photos are doctored? That does not add anything to this debate.” Maggie told him, regarding the authenticity of our photos, to use common sense. If you don’t believe our proof (affidavits from a doctor and photographer), you can look at fetal development and at how abortions are performed, and can logically deduce that the end result would look like our pictures. He nodded, “Yes, that makes sense.”
Gems at William & Mary
At W&M, there was plenty of good to counterbalance the plenty of bad. Many students spoke words of encouragement. Some maintained intellectual honesty even if they didn’t agree with us. Others shared personal testimonies which affirmed what we know to be true: God is the creator and sustainer of life. Here are a few flickers of hope:
Open minds see the truth. A young man spent time talking to us, and to the protesters across the green. “You guys have the arguments. The other side only has posters that say you are hateful. No information at all.”
Photographs promote understanding. CBR staffer Joshua Lindsey talked with a girl who understood exactly why we were on campus because she recently visited the Holocaust Museum. She told Joshua, “I always knew the Holocaust was wrong, but it didn’t become real to me until I saw the photographs of the victims.”
Watering a pro-life sapling. Nick spent almost an hour talking with CBR staffer Jane Bullington. Nick said he was Christian and pro-life but didn’t think our method was best. Jane calmly answered his many questions and listened to his thoughts. After a long while he said “I just realized how middle-of-the-road I really am on this issue. I need some time to think about this.” Jane agreed and encouraged him as he left. She told him, “Thank you for being a blessing to me, with your honesty and desire to be truly pro-life, in word and deed.” Sometimes we plant the seed, sometimes we water that seed, sometimes we bring in the harvest. But God always fills in the gaps.
Forcing people to care. CBR staffer Mik’aela talked to a group of girls for a long time, answering all their questions. They were particularly interested in why we use images to support our pro-life position. Finally, one of the girls said, “It sounds like your purpose in bringing these pictures here is to foster conversation, because people aren’t going to care about talking about abortion otherwise.” You got it!
Pro-Life on Campus at The College of William and Mary
Our first visit to The College of William & Mary (W&M) in historic Williamsburg, Virginia shook the campus. Thousands of students and faculty saw the truth of abortion for the first time, and they could not stop talking about it.
Check out press coverage of our visit:
- Protests, while distressing, emphasize supportive, kind collegiate student body
- Upsetting protests offer poor reflection of pro-life movement, harm students
- William and Mary students hold counter-protest during anti-abortion demonstration
- Wed April 24, 2019. Letter written by David Scheeveil of James City County. Mr. Scheeveil writes a letter to the editor of the Virginia Gazette in response to SaraRose Martin’s article (see above).
- “Why is it that the protest side of events and issues gets the headlines and becomes the focus of stories published and promoted by the news media? Isn’t it correct to say that the event of that day was a pro-life demonstration? Why couldn’t there have been a title to this article like ‘Pro-life group holds anti-abortion demonstration at W&M’? Then if you wanted to say something about the fact that protesters to the event also rallied to voice their concerns with the display, that’s fair game. I just get a little tired of always seeing the liberal perspective being the headlines.”
- W&M’s pro-life student organization, Tribe for Life, released a statement on Facebook in opposition to CBR’s demonstration:
- “We have spoken directly with the Center, asking them to refrain from demonstrating at W&M. Please know that Tribe for Life is in no way associated with it.”
Gems at Lee University
“We are almost all pro-life…” said a Lee University student who opposed our March 2019 visit. If that is true, then why are “almost all” Lee students, alumni, administrators, and faculty—and their churches—doing almost nothing to end abortion?
Unfortunately, almost doesn’t count when innocent babies are being slaughtered by Christians and non-Christians alike. Many students and faculty at Lee University had never seen abortion until we showed it to them.
Shocking warning. As soon as we set up the first day, Isaac approached us and said, “This university is getting more liberal and students won’t want to see these. Abortion is being ‘normalized’ and they think it is a clean procedure that should be allowed.” God was using this student to confirm we had gone to the right place.
Encouragement is always welcome. A young woman told us, “I appreciate you guys devoting your time to this great cause.” And another said, “These pictures are graphic, but I think they’re saying what they need to say.” Indeed.
A God moment. Three angry girls were badgering CBR staffer Joanna Keilson with questions, barely letting her answer and repeatedly claiming our images were harming children. While they were still ranting, a family walked up: a father carrying a toddler, a pregnant mother, and a 6-year-old child. The father took his children over to the sign, pointed, and said to the oldest, “See, that’s the doctor’s hand. He’s holding a small baby that was aborted.” He went on to explain what that meant and why it’s wrong.
You don’t represent us. A group of ministry school students came out against us, claiming that they represented the ministry school. Several other ministry students came to support us and told the others, “You don’t represent us; we’re pro-life.”
Shocking fear. Two of the ministry students who supported us were saddened by the negative reactions of their fellow students. One of their professors encouraged them, but was afraid to join us himself, for fear he might get fired. Think about that. A professor at a Christian university is afraid of being fired for standing against child sacrifice. He told his students, “The abolitionists used these same methods. These students just don’t like it because it’s the one injustice they don’t want to deal with.”
Mixed Nuts at Lee University
In a March 2019 article published by The Cleveland Banner, Ann Lasley (a Lee University student) described her reaction to our Revival Project. She disagreed with our photos and our message. She identified herself as a Christian, but claimed that “Christians should
not impose their views on others who don’t share them.” Really? What Jesus is she talking about? Not the one I know. What about the Jesus (and His apostles), who confronted evildoers and exposed evil? What about the Great Commission? Sadly, Ann was not the only Lee student who believed this.
Shocking arrogance. A girl in a passing car yelled to CBR staffer Jane, “How dare you show these disgusting pictures! You need help.” Jane asked if she was a Christian. “Yes, and you need to leave!”
Christian, and gay? CBR volunteer Laurice spoke with a protester who was openly gay, holding a rainbow flag, and a sign proclaiming rights for gay preborn babies. Laurice discussed Scripture as well as genetics with him, since he claimed gay people are “born that way”. She affirmed that we at CBR fight for the right to life of ALL human beings, including those who experience same-sex attraction.
Human life: it depends. “Well, I don’t know, it depends on when you think a human life begins.” Is it up to us to decide this question? Or is it up to us to find the factual answer to this question, which has been answered thousands of times already?
Shocking spiritual blindness. One student admitted to CBR staffer Joanna, “I don’t really buy into the concept of sin. Sins are mistakes. You (CBR) create shame, which makes women have to cover up the last mistake with another mistake.” Comments like these make us wonder, “What in the world is this Christian university teaching its students?” Not only does this student seem to not understand the difference between guilt and shame —guilt is good, shame is not —but he doesn’t even accept God’s admonition to recognize sin and avoid it.
Pro-Life on Campus at Lee University
In Spring 2019, we headed to Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee as part of our new Revival Project.
Check out the press coverage of our visit:
Mixed Nuts at UT Knoxville
We returned to the University of Tennessee this past Spring to a mixture of callousness, indifference, curiosity, and blessing. God orchestrates dialogue around GAP, often in a miraculous fashion. Here are a few moments which stood out.
Be the hands and feet. Samuel approached the photos. He stopped in front of CBR staffer Jane Bullington, heartbroken, and asked, “What can I do?” Showing photos not only changes hearts and minds, but it also prompts pro-lifers to do more. Many Americans
claim to be pro-life, but only in their heads; to end the killing, we need their hands and feet to be pro-life as well.
Still needs healing. James, a 33-yr-old man, said, “I still regret what I did; my child would be 14. But everybody’s circumstances are different so I’m still pro-choice.” Jane urged him to share his story and seek healing. Please pray for James, that he realizes the full gravity of what he did, so that he can be forgiven and healed.
Does that really answer the question? CBR staff member Joanna asked a passerby “What do you think about abortion?” His response: “Long live Roe v. Wade.”
She wore her heart on her shirt. Jane saw a girl whose shirt said, “I would like to stop and talk to you, but I would be lying.” Jane laughed and told the girl her shirt was funny. The girl almost responded, but then realized that Jane was with GAP. She yelled “NO!” and flipped the bird. I guess she meant what her shirt said!
Making progress. Sean expressed the unoriginal view that he is “personally against abortion, but wouldn’t stop someone else from having one.” How many times have we heard that?
CBR staffer Joanna Keilson asked him, “If I wanted to own a slave, would you be content with saying ‘that is your decision’ like you do with abortion?” He responded, “No, of course I wouldn’t!”
Joanna replied, “Slaves are human beings, despite the injustice done to them. The preborn are human beings, despite the injustice done to them. It’s not okay to own or kill someone else.”
He paused, then nodded, “I can see that.” With GAP, the photos create interest and convey facts, and dialogue helps overcome obstacles to clear thinking.