Archive for July, 2023
Graphics: A Mind Changed
The following was written by our 2023 Summer Intern Taylor Breeden.
Before the summer internship, I didn’t have a solid opinion on using graphic imagery to expose abortion. I had researched abortion and seen pictures, but I always felt icky at the thought of placing those images in the public square.
Now I do have a solid opinion: I very much dislike it. Let me explain.
CBR’s activism methods can be overwhelming. It’s difficult to feel like you’re doing good by showing something so horrible. I have found that nobody likes the abortion victim images; pro-lifers, pro-aborts, CBR employees, and passersby alike. Nobody feels completely comfortable with images of a dead baby – and they shouldn’t.
The whole point of our work is to expose the truth about abortion. And the truth is, it’s disgusting, so we should all be absolutely horrified when faced with it.
In A Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that “we… are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with.” This statement completely changed my mind set on abortion graphics. Before, I thought it was just as disgusting to show the horror of abortion as it was to commit an abortion. I figured it only had a negative impact on the movement, making people turn away from the topic all together.
Once I read Dr. King’s words, I understood that we weren’t making people uncomfortable; abortion was.
After releasing the burden of guilt, CBR’s methods made perfect sense to me. I’ve even come to see it as a necessity in the pro-life movement. So, while I dislike showing graphic images of abortion victims to the public, I do it, because it must be done.

Introducing Intern Caleb
Caleb has been involved in pro-life work for about 4 years. Before he was saved, his girlfriend had an abortion. “Supporting her in that decision ruined my life,” says Caleb.

After experiencing the trauma of abortion firsthand, Caleb felt called to speak out. He believes that one of his biggest roles in the pro-life field is to speak with the fathers of potential abortion victims. Caleb explains to them that, contrary to what pro-aborts say, men DO have a voice and a place in the pro-life movement. He emphasizes that these men will be just as impacted as the mother in the aftermath of abortion.
Caleb’s pro-life work started with volunteering outside of an abortion clinic. He noticed that he and the other volunteers had a low success rate. By the time a mother and father were driving to the clinic, it was almost always too late. He knew he needed to do something more proactive where he could reach people before they’d made up their minds.
When he heard about CBR’s unique activism methods, it was exactly what Caleb had been praying for. As a veteran, he appreciates that CBR plans their activities and evaluates tactics based on what’s been proven effective. Caleb volunteered with CBR before joining the internship program to help him discern his place in the pro-life movement.
We are so blessed to have Caleb with us this summer. We know he has much to contribute to the cause for life.
Introducing Intern Taylor
Taylor is a 19-year-old Knoxville native. She is entering her senior year at the University of Tennessee, pursuing a degree in journalism and electronic media. Her long-term goals include having and homeschooling many children while working part-time in the pro-life movement.
Taylor is a devout Catholic. Even though she grew up in the Church, she didn’t hear much about abortion until she was 14. By the time she was 16, Taylor felt called to defending the unborn. Taylor’s core belief is that life is precious from fertilization to natural death and should therefore be protected legally and honored morally.

One of Taylor’s proudest accomplishments is the completion of her Stars and Stripes Award, the highest level award a girl can earn in American Heritage Girls (AHG). AHG is an organization devoted to “building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.” To receive this award, Taylor planned, implemented, and lead a 100-hour service project for Tennessee Right to Life, improving their prayer garden next to Planned Parenthood. She added a sign, a new statue, a literature/prayer box, lighting for the walkway, and other sources of color to the garden.
After this internship, Taylor intends to volunteer (or work part-time) with CBR while she finishes school. She hopes to continue working in communications and education in the pro-life movement, using her degree to help make abortion illegal and unthinkable.
We are tickled that Taylor has joined us this summer and look forward to seeing all she accomplishes in the future!
Introducing Intern Ilyssa
Ilyssa is a senior intern, returning to CBR for a second year. She just graduated with her bachelor’s in Anthropology from Cleveland State University (CSU) and is planning on getting a master’s degree from CSU next year.

CSU’s leftist campus made Ilyssa realize that many of her peers were misinformed about abortion. The skills she learned and the people she met while working for CBR last summer gave her the confidence and courage to start a pro-life club at her school in hopes of informing her classmates on the issue. The Club, CSU Advocates for Life, has done several events including tabling, a pro-life training academy (thank you, Fletcher!), and the Genocide Awareness Project. If you want to keep up with their activism, their Instagram handle is @csu_advocatesforlife.
“Pro-life students thanked us for being on campus, pro-aborts verbally attacked us, and those in the middle asked us questions. CBR’s display really made an impact,” Ilyssa said. She is excited to continue to bring truth to her campus next fall.
Ilyssa returned to CBR because she appreciates the effectiveness of our methods and our dedication to protecting humans and raising pro-life Christian leaders. “At our first GAP of the summer, hearing and seeing the reactions of the people we are reaching, whether pro-abortion or pro-life, really affirms the importance of what CBR does and my decision to keep working with them,” Ilyssa explained.
We are so pleased to have Ilyssa back with us!