Archive for September, 2023
A prodigal granddaughter at ETSU
Oxymoron. The teaching of Jesus is one Truth, but the doctrines of demons are many, diverse, confusing, and self-contradictory. (1 Timothy 4:1)
One male yelled “I agree with you! We shouldn’t have a choice! We should abort all the babies!” We asked what good that would do. “I don’t know,” he responded, “I’ll leave that problem to the next generation.”
Lemme get this straight. The next generation, the one we kill, can tell us why it’s good they are dead. Riiiiiight.
The prodigal granddaughter returns. One student expressed her supposed hatred for the Church and self-identified as a “positive-outlook nihilist.” After a long conversation, she admitted she missed her Christian grandparents. They hadn’t talked recently because of her non-Christian lifestyle. Jane encouraged her to read the Bible to find Christ, and to give her grandma a call. Two hours later, the student returned to happily report the hour-long conversation she had just had with her grandma. Miracle of miracles, she even asked her grandmother to take her to church.
Stay tuned for our last reflections on ETSU next week.

Mob Mentality at East Tennessee State University
The amazing Turning Point USA student group sponsored us at ETSU and they gave us so much hope for the future!
A campus divided. We were blessed to have a large contingent of fearless helpers. However, evil was also present in full force as students screamed falsehoods and accusations. Instead of responding to their absurdity outright, a family of GAP volunteers began singing worship music. Of course, that only made the mob angrier.
Safety hazards. One hateful student told volunteer Patty that he wished we would all die that night. As you might imagine, pro-life students felt threatened by this. One wrote us a note saying she wanted to speak with us but was afraid for her own safety
Twenty going on two. Some pro-aborts threw tantrums. They stomped up to the barricades, clenching their fists, screaming at the top of their lungs, “Get off our campus!” Again and again. Sometimes those terrible twos turn into terrible twenties!
Understanding pro-aborts. Still, God does work in the hearts of men. Some of the students broke away from the mob and found themselves in conversation with us. “En masse, they scream. In groups of two or three, they listen thoughtfully,” noted one volunteer.
Stay tuned for more from ETSU next week.

Reproductive Choice Campaign: Maximum Impact-Minimal Effort
Did you know that we show abortion victim images to the public around Knoxville on a regular basis? We do this through our Reproductive Choice Campaign (RCC). The RCC is simply driving our big box truck with abortion images on both sides and back through heavily trafficked areas around town.
On the first day of classes at UT-Knoxville, our truck driver, John Stair, was ready to hit the road! A few times that day, John was stuck in heavy traffic right in the middle of campus. It was the perfect opportunity for thousands of students to see the horror of abortion. Later this semester, we plan to do our Genocide Awareness Project at UTK, so these students will have plenty more where that came from!

A Save at Cleveland State University
When a couple approached volunteer Tony at Cleveland State University this spring, he had no idea the amazing thing that was about to happen.
They stopped in front of the Genocide Awareness Project and said to Tony, “We have an abortion appointment scheduled. What can you say to change our minds?”
Tony responded “If these pictures don’t change your minds, what about the realization that you will be the parents of a dead child that you paid to have killed? Can you live with that truth for the rest of your life?”
The couple were quiet as they contemplated the pictures in front of them and Tony’s bold words. After a little while, they left saying that they would not abort their child.
Praise Jesus for this young family spared!