Mixed nuts at Virginia Commonwealth University

Men in pink shirts and strange socks thought they would frighten us, but we are not that easy to scare.
More from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).
Stooping low out of respect? A student complained, “I just wish you could present this so as not to disrespect liberal students and maybe they would listen. And maybe find common ground.”
Hmmmm. Looking at the crowed of half-naked, cursing, sex-crazed snowflakes, we wonder what they would consider “respectful.”
Kill ’em, cause I don’t want ’em. A middle-age maintenance man took issue with the genocide comparison. Not because he had an argument, but because he didn’t want to take care of his own children. “Are you going to take in all those kids that live? I’m not.”
A young man admitted that abortion is murdering a child, but he would still do it.
Demonic. A young man came up to the poll table and voted that abortion should remain legal. He wrote, “I worship Satan and I think abortion is great.”
Whom do you fear? “I thought we scared them off, to be honest,” a male Planned Parenthood operative said when we showed up for Day 2 (3 days after Day 1). Yeah, right. Men in pink shirts holding “I stand with Planned Parenthood signs” are much less scary than God’s judgment on a nation that sacrifices its children to Molech.
Regrets. We ran into a handful of people who were vocal about their regrets. A woman had an abortion via plan B regretted it deeply. She started crying. CBR staffer Jane Bullington tried to comfort her and told her that there was forgiveness in Jesus.
Standing up to bullies. When he was 22, his girlfriend aborted his child against his wishes. After that, he studied the facts and changed from pro-choice to pro-life. He stood in front of the GAP display and engaged students for an entire day. He was spit upon and harassed by “pro-choice” students, but he held his ground.
Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, VCU, Virginia Commonwealth University
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