
CCBR Finds Fertile Soil In Florida

Each February, our friends from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) escape the Great White North to conduct their Abortion Awareness Project (AAP) at universities in Florida. (The AAP is similar to our Genocide Awareness Project.)

CBR staffers Caleb Johnson and Cody Levi joined the Canucks and had dozens of life-changing encounters with students. They came back with many fantastic stories.

Human rights for all human beings. Caleb asked a young man approaching the display if he thought abortion was okay. He said, “No, but it’s the mother’s choice.” So, Caleb used three questions to get to the heart of the issue:

· If something is growing, isn’t it alive?

· If a male human and a female human reproduce, isn’t the offspring human?

· Do you believe in human rights?

The student answered “Yes” to all three. Then, Caleb brought it full circle and asked “And who do you think should get human rights?” The young man smiled widely, “Every living human being.”

Food for thought. Another young man flipped the bird, cursed at Caleb’s question and stomped away. However, about ten steps later, he turned around and came back, saying, “You know what, a respectful question deserves a respectful answer. I’m so sorry.” After that, they had a friendly exchange, during which Caleb was able to make our pro-life position clear. We don’t always change someone’s mind on the spot, but we always give them something to think about. 

Silently pro-life. A pro-life woman from Brazil shared that in her home country, if someone finds out that you are pro-life, you are harassed and hounded until you change your mind or until you won’t dare bring up the topic anymore. And we thought we had it bad!

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