
ALL Black Lives Matter at the DC Black History Museum

“Gross! Horrible! I can’t look away. I can’t stop looking at it.”

Since the US DOJ sided with CBR in our lawsuit against the Museum of African-American History and Culture, CBR has been displaying ALL Black Lives Matter (ABLM) signs outside the Museum on a regular basis.

Black adolescents constitute a high percentage of the Museum’s visitors, and their future children are most at risk for abortion.  African-Americans are 11% of the population, but account for 37% of all abortions.

One member of our target audience, a boy, exclaimed, “Those look like baby arms!”  He got it.

A girl said, as she took pictures with her phone, “Gross! Horrible! I can’t look away. I can’t stop looking at it.”  She got it, also.

A group of five black boys stared nonstop.  Several times, they walked away to do something else, but they always came back to the signs.  One day, those boys will be men and they will be much less likely to kill their own children.

Inside the Museum, leftists are promoting a left-wing political agenda.  Essentially, it is Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood hiding behind a picture of Martin Luther King.  Outside, we are showing African Americans that their supposed benefactors are today killing black children at staggering rates and have suppressed the black vote more effectively than poll taxes, literacy tests, voter ID requirements, and Ku Klux Klan lynchings combined.

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