CBR Appoints Darius Hardwick as New Midwest Director
CBR is pleased to announce the appointment of Darius Hardwick as the Regional Director for its Midwest Operations, based in Columbus, Ohio. Darius has been on the CBR staff for more than 6 years, having previously served as the Director of CBR’s Northwest Operations.
Darius and his wife Janet were first exposed to CBR’s abortion imagery 7 years ago. They were both nominally pro-life but not actively participating in the struggle for life.
Then they saw the pictures.
They could not sleep. Abortion pictures were all they thought of for weeks. They became monthly financial supporters and began to volunteer at GAPs.
The more he volunteered, the more he knew that he must make saving babies his full-time profession. The other side has made killing babies a full-time profession, but we have made saving them a part-time hobby. This is a huge problem, and Darius knew he had to be part of the solution.
Darius had owned his own construction business in Oregon for 10 years. He had a substantial client base and was always busy, regardless of economic conditions. But he was not at peace laying beautiful wood flooring, while babies were being killed every day. After serving in the Northwest for a time, he moved his family of to Columbus, Ohio, to serve as a Project Director in CBR’s Midwest Operations.
Having previously served as the Northwest Operations Director, Darius brings outstanding leadership skills to his new role in CBR. He has directed CBR’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at some of America’s largest and most influential universities.
Darius and his family are dedicated to showing people the truth of abortion and are excited for the future and all that God has for them. We are excited that Darius and his family are on our team.
Tags: CBR, CBR Midwest, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Columbus, Darius Hardwick, Ohio
This entry was posted on Thursday, May 19th, 2011 at 7:53 pm and is filed under Pro Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
May 21st, 2011 at 10:49 am
Thank you so much for your devotion to saving babies!
God Bless,
May 21st, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Darius and family,
I smiled when I saw the size of your family. I am the father of six also. Remarkable women we married.
I have been a supporter of the organization ever since I saw my first presentation in Watertown, SD.
Remarkable move and planned dedication.
September 29th, 2011 at 10:09 pm
Great meeting with you and chatting with you at Purdue University on the Memorial Mall today and then chatting more on the WTGO LIVE call-in radio with Truth Talk, with Pastor Tom Camp and myself. I did take a quick youtube video on my iPhone and posted it to youtube and linked it to my Facebook wall and to the wall of Purdue Students for Life. People who view may have to tilt their heads and use the ‘pause’ button, but it takes a lot of the big picture in. God bless you. Here’s the youtube link FYI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=984eU7OzOp4