CBR Appoints Nicole Cooley as Project Director for Virginia
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Cooley as our newest Project Director, responsible primarily for Virginia projects.
Nicole has been active in pro-life ministry for more than 10 years. In fact, we first met Nicole when doing our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at the University of Louisville in April 2002. She has publicly shared her story of rape and abortion in both Christian and secular venues, including in the video Choice of a Lifetime, produced by Focus on the Family. Most recently, her story was featured on the 700 Club, which you can see here.
In her new role, Lord willing, Nicole will be (1) arranging GAPs at the major universities in Virginia, (2) organizing and assisting pro-life campus groups, and (3) working cooperatively with student groups and other pro-lifers in Virginia.
The mother of three boys and one girl on this side of eternity, plus another three in Heaven, Nicole is also a home educator and avid Longaberger Basket collector. She currently lives with her husband Patrick and family in Churchville, Virginia. Learn more about her book Into the Light: Rape, Abortion and the Truth that Set Me Free at www.NicoleWCooley.com.
A US Army veteran with 9 years combined active and reserve forces service, Nicole resigned at the rank of Captain to devote herself to her family. Her husband Patrick is a recently retired Lieutenant Colonel. His twenty-years of service included two tours in Iraq. Nicole is very proud of his service and is most grateful to have him home with the family full-time … a most wonderful blessing to all of them!
Welcome aboard, Nicole and all the Cooley’s!
Tags: CBR Southeast, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Nicole Cooley, Virginia
This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 at 7:26 pm and is filed under Pro Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
August 31st, 2011 at 4:35 pm
Who is the one in charge of such graphic displays being shown where preschool & elementary children have to be?? What an awful decision that while trying to protect the unborn children, you are harming the innocent! We are against abortion, and many other sins, but we are also responsible to protect our young children who are here. My girls go to LCA where your displays cannot be avoided when picking my kids up after school. How could you allow this to be seen by small children? You are suppose to be for the protection of children, but by allowing this, you clearly are not helping me to protect what my girls are viewing. These should be information that is shared with high school & older, not 5 year olds.
September 1st, 2011 at 1:25 am
Edie, Let me agree with you that information about abortion, including pictures of it, should be shared with high school students. Is that being done? If there were a policy of showing these images to students at Liberty (high school and college) on a regular basis, then perhaps our presence would start to become pointless.
We don’t target young children with our pictures, but with all the institutions of society (including the Church) covering up the truth of abortion, we have no choice but to take to the public square. Furthermore, children are exposed to graphic images of violence all the time … on newspaper front pages, on magazine covers that are visible in the supermarket checkout lines, etc. They even showed Schindler’s List on TV during family viewing hours a few years back. Nobody objects because nobody feels guilty about their own complicity or complacency with respect to those acts of violence. Many are guilty of complicity or complacency with respect to abortion.
You have to tell me what is worse, a born child being horrified by a picture of abortion or a preborn child being killed by the act of abortion.
You might ask if Jesus would ever put a graphic image on display where children could see them. In fact, He did just that. Jesus controlled every aspect of his arrest, trial and execution. He arranged to have Himself beaten nearly to death before stumbling through the most crowed part of Jerusalem on the most crowded day of the year. His bloody body horrified throngs of Passover pilgrims which included large numbers of families with young children.
He then permitted himself to be stripped naked and tortured to death in full view of still more passersby, including more children. The Romans used executions to intimidate subjugated peoples. They located crucifixion cites for maximum public exposure. Our Lord accommodated Cesar by going out of His way to make this disturbing spectacle of His death as public as possible. And in the process, He chose as the very symbol of our faith, a bloody instrument of torture. His point was to disturb us with the gravity of our sin but bless us with the grace of His forgiveness, despite the fact that many children would be traumatized in the process. Did He get this wrong?