CBR brings controversial abortion pictures to Knoxville
by Philip Hamilton
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) recently displayed photos of aborted fetuses in downtown Knoxville, reminding passersby on Market Square that abortion decapitates and dismembers little human beings. CBR’s display, known as the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), exposes the devastating effects of a “woman’s right to choose” by focusing attention on what is actually being chosen.
The Market Square GAP was my first one as a new staffer for the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. During the course of the day, I encountered many people on both sides of the debate.
I spoke with a homeless couple who had lost custody of their children due to drug issues; they were staunchly pro-life. They said that while their children did not have an ideal childhood, there is always the option of adoption.
Later, I got a pro-choice progressive to admit that late term abortions were morally wrong. I told her about Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal organs. We discussed Virginia’s ultrasound law, which she supported because a woman should at least be able to see an ultrasound of the child before being able to kill him. I told her that there should be at least a 24-hour waiting period after the ultrasound is done, so that women can have more time to make and informed choices between life or death for their children. [The more time women have to think about their decision, the more likely they are to choose life.] She supported a waiting period after I discussed the reasons why the a waiting period is actually “pro-woman.” After seeing GAP, this progressive woman rejected some of the most extreme pro-abortion positions. Not a complete conversion, but it’s a start, and not a bad one in only 15 minutes.
At the end of the day, I spoke with a woman with two young women in tow. She supported our message, but ordered her children to look away from the pictures as we talked. In spite of her belief that children should not look at aborted fetuses in a public square, she believed that teenagers and adults must see them before they can make an informed decision on the effects of “choice.”
We have a choice, too. We have a choice whether to spend our time and treasure on winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. Will you devote your time and treasure to stand for the right to life?
Tags: abortion photos, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, Planned Parenthood, Pro-Life in Knoxville
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