
Chilly Reception at First Ever Kent State Outreach

 We are always ecstatic when we have an opportunity for outreach on a campus that we’ve never visited before. Those of us from south of the Mason-Dixon Line aren’t quite so ecstatic when it involves the threat of snow. Luckily, that remained just a threat and we were able to conduct two full days of outreach to students at Kent State University. They had some chilly dispositions, but those didn’t phase us one bit. 

What a charmer. Due to administrative regulations, we deployed our handheld 5’x5’ signs and soon had many protesters chanting, yelling, and cursing. One young man turned to volunteer Pam and said, “Why are you hiding behind that sign?” She laughed and said, “I’m not hiding, I’m just really short!” With no good answer, he responded “Well, go f*** yourself!”

And he wasn’t the only one. One of the female protesters was getting loud and agitated. Walking around our signs, she was yelling, “Do you have a medical degree? How many children have you adopted?”  CBR staffer Jane asked, “How many do I have to adopt?”  She kept screaming her questions and Jane kept asking the same one back to her, “How many do I have to adopt?”  Finally, she just screamed “All of them, b****!”

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