Choice Chain at the University of Richmond

Maggie Egger and Kristine Kruszelnicki get ready for the students to arrive. Abortion photos allow just a few people to have a huge impact.
Maggie Egger of Spiders for Life and Nicole Cooley of CBR organized a Choice Chain at the University of Richmond (UR) on Monday.
The abortion pictures are what the military calls a force multiplier. They allow us to take a small amount of resources and create a huge effect.
One student tried the “famous violinist” argument on Nicole. Of course, we are all veterans of the Pro Life Training Academy, so we know exactly how to answer that question. Nicole pointed out that the famous violinist is not analogous to the preborn child because
- The violinist is not the offspring of the host.
- We all recognize that we have responsibilities to our own children that are greater than our responsibilities to a random stranger. For example, we are required by law to support and care for our born children.
That seemed to be enough; the young man just turned and walked away. Nicole could have added:
- The child is not an intruder. He is exactly where he naturally belongs.
- Withholding support is not the same as dismembering, poisoning, and/or crushing.
- Except in the case of rape, the host actively participated in the act that created the pregnancy.
This being a private school, the normal First Amendment protections did not apply. For example, CBR staff and volunteers were not permitted to speak to a UR student unless first approached. However, when the UR students began chalking messages on the plaza (a common activity on college campuses), CBR volunteer Jonathan Darnel got his own chalk and started to respond. It was just like our Free Speech Board. The pro-aborts complained, but UR administrators allowed him to continue.

Jonathan Darnel awaits a ruling on whether he could continue chalking messages on the plaza. He had started to write a quote from Dr. Alveda King: "America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion."
Tags: abortion debate, abortion photos, Choice Chain, University of Richmond
This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 at 7:39 pm and is filed under Campus Debate (GAP). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
April 11th, 2012 at 10:28 pm
Flethcer Armstrong is still copying everything Mark Harrington has done: training, free speech board, open mic and now smaller signs on campus. Interesting.
April 12th, 2012 at 11:39 am
Jim, that’s too funny! Expanded training, free speech board, and open mike all came from Justice for All (JFA). We did a Choice Chain at UNCC 3 years ago, and we’ve done it many times since! If it saves babies, we’re happy to copy it, and even improve upon it!
“A perverse man stirs up dissension.” (Proverbs 16:28)
April 12th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
JFA pioneered those things too but no one is going to more high schools and colleges than Created Equal because they had the good sense to adapt and transfer the projects to next generation. I am certain that Mr. Harrington would be flattered that you are copying his work. He has made the explicit purpose of his mission transferabilty.
CE uses jumbo TV’s too. Maybe you should contact CE and ask them how they do that too. He wants to equip others and seems uninterested in taking credit.
April 12th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
Who cares who is copying who? And who cares whose idea was an original or not? The greater thing is that JFA, CBR and Created Equal are all doing great work and doing their best to save babies. This isn’t about whose organization is copying who. This is about us working together for a common goal, in the most effective way we can, sharing ideas, honoring one another and above all honoring God in all that we do.
April 13th, 2012 at 8:46 pm
I agree but it seems like Armstrong likes to take credit for the work of others. He acts like he is in Maine for example. Then he turns around and asks for money to fund work that others are doing. I find his fundraising tactics a bit shady.
He does good enough work on his own to not have to act like he is in other places and that the ideas he copied originated with him. I have never, for instance (until now) give credit to JFA.
When we all work together and don’t care who gets credit we all win and the babies win.
April 15th, 2012 at 12:23 am
Fletcher Armstrong has been a key behind-the-scenes operator for all the I-95 GAPs. I know because while he was working with me in Virginia, he was also on the phone with folks in both Florida and Maine helping to get those events done as well. There is a lot of legwork to be done before a large event on campus can ever take place…it takes weeks to plan, sometimes longer. Jim – you are wrong about Fletcher. In my experience, he is generous with his praise of others and is one of the most selfless people I know. None of these comments are productive to our mutual goal of ending the killing of innocent babies.
April 15th, 2012 at 12:27 am
Jim – for the record, it was my idea to copy Darius! I was at UNF and loved the open mic session. Our student at GMU asked for an open mic session and Darius shared his extra equipment with us. Cooperation is a very good thing! Great ideas should be copied! 🙂
April 15th, 2012 at 7:07 am
A house divided against itself cannot stand OR save babies…That’s what this is about SAVING BABIES-all hands on deck folks!