Commandeering the class at East Tennessee State University

At ETSU, CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour (at center, wearing a white sweater) takes questions from respectful students (raising their hands), while their teacher (far right) berates CBR volunteers who challenged his absurd accusations.
Every now and then, GAP presents opportunities for volunteers to commandeer indoctrination pods also known as college classes. This happens despite the diabolical grip the pod leader has on their pod people.
Respecting women? A male women’s studies teacher brought his class out to rant against GAP. After class, CBR volunteer Bill Boyer approached this teacher and asked when he thinks life begins. The man ignored the question and went straight to the ad hominem, “You don’t have the right to tell a woman what she can do with her body because you could never have a baby.” Bill responded, “I was never a slave owner, so may I not speak against slavery?” The man exploded in a fit of rage.
Just then a local pastor’s wife joined the discussion. This “teacher” launched a cursing verbal assault toward her as well. So much for respecting women.
We’ll take it from here. With this teacher now distracted by his own tirade, CBR volunteer Laurice Baddour addressed his class, most of whom were still standing on the library steps. In her own words:
Holy Fire and Holy Love overcame me, righteous indignation, love, and compassion flooded me, and I took over his class. To my own surprise (!), my mouth opened, and I called out to the female students, loudly enough to overshadow his voice, “Ladies, I love you! You are being lied to by this professor, and you’ve been lied to by our culture.” I immediately corrected each lie, one by one, with truth. I listed the risks of
abortion to their bodies, souls, and relationships. I shared testimonies of some post-abortive campus peers with whom I had connected. …
The female students became angry, loud, and mob-like — I love mobs — but I called out for order and assured them that each one of their comments and questions would be addressed, one student at a time. Immediately the raging lionesses became sweet li’l lambs, and several began to raise their hands, waiting their turn. The others listened. As God once closed the mouths of the lions in the den where Daniel was thrown, so He closed the mouths of the students, and the accuser of the brethren, who was speaking through the mouth of their professor. After our time of questions, answers, and comments, the class disbanded. Several of the students came down the steps and shared their personal stories and concerns with me. It was a victory for truth.
And the professor? Well, you’ll have to ask someone else, because I never heard his voice or saw him again.
Tags: abortion images, abortion pictures, East Tennessee State University, ETSU, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, women's studies
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