“Creative” Protesters at App State
Just over the state line from ETSU is Appalachian State University. Many children live today because of our numerous visits to App State over the years. Here are some interactions from our most recent visit.
Gore meets GAP. Not surprisingly, we were met with more pushback than praise. Pro-aborts continually yelled obscenities at our team. A group of them held signs with absurd statements such as “I like my government like I like my coffee—not in my vagina.” One held a sign that said, “I eat dead babies.” Sick.
When profanity is your only argument. While some pro-abort protestors got creative with their signs, most had common pro-abortion slogans. One said, “F*** YOU.” Hmm. That’s an argument we never considered. We’ll have to go reconsider our entire worldview.

Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, anti-abortion, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, pro-life debate, prolife, right to life
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