Do you know a prolife teenager?

At CBR, we’re not only saving lives of preborn children from abortion. We’re also saving born children from the lies of the pro-abortion culture. And, that’s the theme of our 6th Annual Pro Life Leadership Youth Camp: Countercultural.

As in past years, we will be offering two separate weeks of camp, in two different cities!
Click here for Knoxville, TN camp details.
Click here for Columbus, GA camp details.
Both camps are $100 per person, but additional campers from the same family will be discounted to $50 each. Please pass this information to your church leadership, youth ministries, and like-minded Christian parents and friends. Seats are limited!

We offer this life-saving training far below cost, thanks to our generous venue hosts and partners.
Help keep camp affordable for all with a special gift here!
(designation: SE-YLC Youth Leadership Camp)
Tags: abortion debate, anti-abortion, CBR, pro-life debate, prolife
This entry was posted on Friday, June 2nd, 2023 at 9:30 am and is filed under Abortion and the Church, God's Kingdom, Pro Life, Pro Life Activism, Pro Life Apologetics, Pro-Life in Knoxville. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.