East Knoxville Rallies Against Planned Parenthood

East Knoxville Rallies at True Vine Baptist Church
Knoxville, Tenn./Feb 20, 2010 — East Knoxville rallied Saturday afternoon against the relocation of the Planned Parenthood (PP) abortion clinic to Cherry Street. A crowd of about 200 gathered at the True Vine Baptist Church, just across the street from the clinic. The rally was organized by the ProLife Coalition of East Tennessee (ProCET) and a number of East Knoxville churches.
Pastor Sharon Welch of New Living Faith Community Church delivered the opening prayer and call to action. ProCET spokesperson Lisa Morris highlighted PP’s founding, history, and current status as America’s largest abortion provider. Morris described PP founder Margaret Sanger as a devout racist who implemented a sterilization program, called the “Negro Project,” which targeted African American women and others she deemed as “undesirable.”
Morris then read a statement of support from Dr. Alveda King, a pro-life activist who is also the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King stated that even though African-Americans make up 12% of the population, a full 35% of aborted babies are Black. According to Dr. King, 78% of PP clinics are located in minority communities, and African-Americans are the only minority in America whose population is declining.
Steve Arnold of ProCET described PP’s deceptions relative to the purchase of the property on Cherry Street. Arnold said that this was part of a pattern of PP deception, citing their practice of providing abortions to children without parental consent, their educational programs that encourage deviant sexual behavior, and even their pattern of covering up the sexual abuse of under-age children by adult males.
Pastor Jean Delaney of announced a prayer vigil to be held in front of the PP clinic every Friday during Lent. Those interested in participating were directed to go to www.40daysknoxville.com/vigil or call 567-1245.
Other speakers included Pastor Barbara McKinney of Clayborn Temple AME Church, Pastor Johnny Watson of AME Bethel Church, Pastor Joe Maddox of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Andy Rittenhouse of First Baptist Concord, Monsignor Xavier Mankel of the Knoxville Diocese, and Pastor Joseph Parker of Campbell Chapel AME Church (Pulaski). Statements were read to the crowd from Gubernatorial candidates Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and US Rep. Zach Wamp.
Following the prepared remarks, most of the crowd walked over to the clinic, stood on the sidewalks along both Cherry Street and Washington Avenue, and prayed silently for about 30 minutes. Many held signs of protest, e.g., “Planned Parenthood – Bad for Babies” and “Women Do Regret Abortion.”
Following the brief prayer vigil, a smaller group assembled inside the True Vine Baptist Church to preview the new Maafa 21 documentary, which details PP’s racist history. Pastor Parker also showed a portion of the movie “Tilly,” which is based on the Frank Peretti book of the same name.
Stay tuned to www.FletcherArmstrongBlog.com for more on this story and for future updates. For more information about the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and the effectiveness of our work, visit www.ProLifeOnCampus.com. To understand the problem of abortion (what it is and does), visit www.AbortionNo.org (not for cowards; viewer discretion advised).
Tags: anti-abortion, Planned Parenthood, ProCET, prolife
This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 at 2:23 am and is filed under Pro-Life in Knoxville. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
February 24th, 2010 at 1:32 pm
Wonderful summary of an inspiring event; this is the new civil rights movement of the 21st century and True Vine Baptist is where it begins! I am humbled by the courage of so many Black pastors from the Cherry St. neighborhood who are leading the way!
April 2nd, 2010 at 9:16 am
Abortion isn’t what Planned Parenthood is about. The organization exists to educate on safe sex practices and to prevent the spread of STIs and HIV/AIDS. Many southern states have inadequate sex education programs, and unfortunately many of those in place have been funded by an initiative set in place by former President Bush to support Abstinence-Only programs. Such programs, quite frankly, do not work. It is human nature to explore one’s sexuality before marriage, as is evidenced by many cultures of the world (yes, even our own). This isn’t to say that some remain virgins. I happen to know a few. But it isn’t rational to turn a blind eye to those who aren’t. I could go on and discuss why I think purported “abortion clinics” are necessary (women will seek abortions anyway, as they have done historically). I will avoid that topic and instead say that Planned Parenthood exists to PREVENT the need for abortion. We accept that sex, premarital or not, is a fact of life. We facilitate an open and honest conversation on the topic with people of all ages (but especially youth); we encourage mature decisions and even abstinence, but provide people with a means to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and infection.
-Anna, a Planned Parenthood volunteer
September 15th, 2010 at 8:37 pm
This is for Anna, I was raised Southern Catholic from New Orleans I myself has 92 (YES Ninety Two) First Cousin’s I could never imagine my life without being able to not have been Blessed to love them.Not ONE of them has EVER had an Abortion this is a FACT.
Have you ever thought that Absenteeism FROM unmarried KIDS OR Virgin Young Adult’s is better and More so what God want’s that from His children to remain a Virgin until Marriage.”Opinion’s” is what you are basing your comments on.
Per you….”Abortion isn’t what Planned Parenthood is about”. I disagree? It is MOSTLY what people seeking Abortions know of this place faster than for any other purpose, This comment is MY opinion and fact’s from asking many kid’s and young Adult’s and I mean MANY.
Per you ….. It is human nature to explore one’s sexuality before marriage, as is evidenced by many cultures of the world (yes, even our own)My opinion on this is….Human Nature? If a child is raised in a Good Moral Respectable Christian or sadly Non Christian but still OK as long as there are Moral’s and Respect taught in the Home then there would be NO reason to seek any information regarding needing Sexual Protection and such it is NOT Human Nature to explore’s one’s sexuality, Do you or Can YOU show Statistic’s on your comment to back up what you are saying??? I am sure I can find it.
Again The Bible say’s that it is a Sin, I do not believe that it is in a Christian Home raising our kid’s as Christians that our kid’s are promiscuous IF they are raised in a Good Moral Christian Home then I am sure we can both look up the statistic’s on this.
IF a child or young Adult remains Abstinent then there is no need for them to go or seek Planned Parenthood for Abortions or Condom’s to prevent STD’s AID’s and other Diseases. AGAIN… A-B-S-t-I-N-E-N-C-E.
When there are people outside of ANY Abortion Clinic such as Planned Parenthood NO Christian is there for a thing EXCEPT…… PRAYER NOT to PROTEST HUGE difference.
I can NEVER imagine ANY Parent that truly love’s their CHILD to accept there child as sexually active then take them for an Abortion, A child has no rights to abuse their body and kill a child inside of them, How could ANY Mother or Father take their baby to KILL their OWN grandchild. Now this is MY opinion.
May the GOOD Lord above bless you and your’s.
February 18th, 2011 at 10:33 pm
Unfortunately, you are misinformed and misdirected. Planned Parenthood is an educational establishment for the prevention of abortion, not an abortion clinic as you report. They are a decent organization and deserve your respect.
Volunteer at a maternity clinic and discover how many high school girls in our city thought they could only get pregnant while on their period. It will floor you. They actually think they have the physiology of dogs and cats.
Planned Parenthood is accessible to young people, and that is a good thing. It is a place to go to learn about your reproductive health. There is nothing wrong with that, and there is nothing wrong with planning the most important decision you will ever make.