Gems at Old Dominion University

Based on facts and not false assumptions, ODU students can have a rational debate about abortion. Without the facts, as horrific as they are, rational debate is impossible.
We judged Old Dominion University (ODU) to be “moderate” on the moonbat scale, earning 6 moonbats on a scale of 1 to 10. There were a lot of great conversations, but without the same kind of acrimony that we saw at Virginia Commonwealth University that same week. However, things did get a bit heated by the end of the second day.
She knows all too well. A pregnant woman and her husband are seeking asylum in America. She was so glad to see GAP. A strong woman who knows a thing or two about life, she will fight against injustice for anyone, regardless of race or religion. She soberly confirmed our rape sign. She lamented fact that fathers kill their daughters and their grandchildren, but they ignore the rapists. She told us that although abortion is not allowed in the Muslim religion, it is allowed in the Muslim culture.
Rampant bloodshed. A Saudi Arabian man found it very hard to believe our lax abortion laws. Abortion happens in his homeland, but (he believes) not as frequently as it happens in America. He is against abortion regardless of the country.
Never again. A young woman angrily marched up to Maggie Egger. “These pictures are very upsetting to the students!” she shouted.
Maggie responded, “How can a picture of abortion be upsetting, if the act of abortion is not?”
The young woman calmed a bit and told Maggie that she was post-abortive. “I would never do that again,” she declared resolutely.
God speaks. Ivy, a Christian young woman, thought that if she became pregnant as a teenager, she would have an abortion. She theorized that God would approve.
While her words were still in her mouth, a young man swooped in and exclaimed, “Thank you! My mom had me at 16, and if she had had an abortion, I would not be here.” It was obvious that God had given His Word on the matter.
Mission Accomplished! A member of the wrestling team exclaimed, “You changed my mind! Mission accomplished!” He thought he had gotten a girl pregnant years ago and had considered abortion. Now after seeing the pictures, he was open to speaking to teammates who are sexually active or have paid for abortions. He would help his teammates stand up and do the right thing, even if it was difficult.
Vote pro-life! Roy was about 50 years old. He was ex-military, a railroad worker, and a corrections officer. A tough guy. “Thank you! This needs to be seen and we can only hope it affects voting.” Amen!
Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, ODU, Old Dominion University
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