
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 3

This is the third of a 4-part series.  Download the entire series in PDF format here:  Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.

Young children learning the truth of abortion.

What about small children who might see the photos?

CBR does not target children with our abortion photos, but they cannot always anticipate when a child may inadvertently see the photos.

The parents set the tone for what happens next.  Parents who understand God’s heart regarding abortion can use it as a teaching moment and calmly explain this is an evil that breaks God’s heart and we must compassionately and sacrificially help save babies from abortion.

A parent who is not prepared to give an answer can advise the child to look away.

In CBR’s experience, if a parent explodes in anger, the child will be distressed more by the parent’s behavior than the images.  The parent may be projecting his/her own history with abortion onto his/her child.

Children as young as middle school are getting pregnant and having abortions, yet seeing abortion photos can  protect them from aborting their babies.  It is far worse to allow the wholesale slaughter of a million children each year than to risk the possible discomfort of some children.

Children saw Jesus’ battered and bloody body as he carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem on the way to Calvary.  He died on the cross publicly to show the price He had to pay for our sins.  Should we keep our children from knowing the truth that could spare many lives from abortion?

Assemble the people men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law.  (Deuteronomy 31:12)

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