Hot Debate In Cleveland
Abortion education had ramped up at Cleveland State University for many months thanks to the courageous efforts of our former intern Ilyssa and her student group Advocates for Life. That prep work paved the way for our visit with the Genocide Awareness Project and resulted in many seeds being planted, watered, and even some beginning to bear fruit.
They can’t fight back. A male student gave every reason he could think of for why abortion was okay and even good in some cases. Tired of all his excuses, long-time volunteer Pam asked him to consider what abortion does to that child. That didn’t seem to make any difference to him. Finally, Pam said, “I think the only reason we can get away with abortion is because the baby can’t fight back.” That stopped him cold, and he slowly said, “You know, I think you’re right.”
Let’s be civilized. As three female students pelted Amanda and Brad with rapid-fire questions, Marshawn, an older black man, listened silently nearby. They were interrupting each other as well as our staff. Eventually Marshawn calmly interjected, “Why do you have to yell? Why do you have to use profanity? If we’re going to talk, let’s be civilized!” The three girls were stunned, but his words had an effect. They then restarted the conversation, much more politely.

Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, anti-abortion, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, pro-life debate, prolife, right to life
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