Introducing Caleb Johnson!
We are delighted to introduce our newest staff member, Caleb Johnson! Now some of you may be thinking, didn’t they just introduce him last summer? And you would be correct! Caleb interned with us last summer and it was such a fulfilling experience for him that he decided to join us full time. We are so thankful!
Caleb grew up in a godly family but says, “I only became experientially pro-life after the bloodguilt of supporting an abortion destroyed everything in my life. I became actively pro-life after I was saved and delivered from my guilt.” God healed Caleb and then showed him that he needed to reach others with the truth.

About a year after Caleb was saved, he was struck by stories in the Old Testament in which God warned the people of Israel that they would be held responsible for the innocent blood shed in their land. Caleb couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Israel in the days leading up to that judgment and the current state of our own nation. In ancient Israel, it wasn’t just the directly guilty parties who felt God’s judgment. Ezekiel, Daniel, and others were innocent and yet they were exiled along with all the rest.
This is when Caleb realized he needed to actively fight abortion or there would be some very serious consequences not only for the preborn, but for himself and our country as a whole.
This is not the first time Caleb has fought for his country. He served as an infantryman in the United States Marine Corps for four years, including two combat deployments in Iraq. No stranger to confronting evil, he has now sacrificially committed himself to yet another war here at home.
Caleb started his pro-life activity by ministering outside an abortion center. However, he quickly realized that his success rate was very low. He wanted to find a way to reach people before their hearts were hardened, but sidewalk counseling was the only thing he knew to do. In what Caleb describes as an answer to prayer, his dad told him about CBR. As soon as Caleb heard about the Genocide Awareness Project, he signed up for our mailing list. When we next put out the call for volunteers, he joined up!
Wanting to be sure before quitting his existing job as a personal fitness trainer, Caleb decided to participate in our Summer Internship in 2023. At the end of the summer, he felt God was calling him to full-time work to end abortion. We are so very glad he is with us.
In his new role as Community Outreach Coordinator, Caleb will be training local pro-life leaders to be more effective by using CBR tactics and resources. Welcome aboard, Caleb!
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 5th, 2024 at 10:01 am and is filed under Internship, Post Abortion Healing, Pro Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.