“I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Even more stories from our outreach at Kent State University.
Not everyone was rude. Angela stopped to tell volunteer Pam, “I am a pre-med student, and my textbooks confirm exactly what you are saying about human development.” She returned later in the day with a friend and they both began enthusiastically defending the preborn.
They even thanked us! Lisa boldly stepped between us and the protesters and proclaimed, “Thank you for being here.” She encouraged each of us with her sweet demeanor. We always appreciate it when students express their support, but it’s even more inspiring to see when the campus environment is particularly hostile.
While some were truly touched… One young woman stood at a distance and stared at the photos for a long while. Eventually, she approached CBR staffer Amanda saying, “Wow, this is so graphic. I have never seen anything like this before. This is so sad.” They spoke for a bit, and it was clear that she was very deeply moved by what she saw. Finally, she walked away, still pondering in her sadness.
Others remained hard-hearted. Unfortunately, not everyone was as open. A male student briskly walked past the display and gruffly said, “Give me a coat hanger. I’ll do it any day!” We hope that one day his heart will be softened toward his preborn brothers and sisters.

Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, anti-abortion, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, pro-life debate, prolife, right to life
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