Knowledge reveals pain while saving lives at Rio Hondo College

Rio Hondo College welcomes GAP to campus. (Click on photo to enlarge; see yellow sign in background.)
When we expose abortion, two things happen. People who have aborted feel the pain of knowing, but babies are saved because of knowing.
“I might be pregnant now and I’ve been thinking about having an abortion.”
CBR was at Rio Hondo College in November when a 32-year-old student approached our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP). She had aborted her child some years ago and now lives with regret. She is married but unable to conceive. She told volunteer “Carol” that she thinks she is being punished by God for having aborted her only child. Carol sought to encourage her by telling her how God works in our lives and by bringing up the possibility of adoption.
“Rhonda,” the wife/girlfriend of a campus security guard, asked Carol about people’s response to GAP. As they talked, Carol shared her own testimony of having aborted, the deep regret, and how it has affected her life. Then Rhonda told her own situation to Carol, “I might be pregnant now and I’ve been thinking about having an abortion.”
Carol told her about the student who aborted and now cannot have children. Rhonda had never thought of that possible consequence. She was worried about the economics of raising a child, citing a $400,000 figure she had read. Carol helped her understand that those numbers do not reflect most people’s needs; Carol had been raised without her parents having much money, but there was always love in the home. At the end of the conversation Rhonda said, “I don’t think I’ll have that abortion now.”
Three women came up to CBR’s Lois Cunningham and one asked what Lois would tell a woman who was contemplating abortion. Lois told her we would (1) show the abortion pictures to educate her, (2) be sure the woman has adequate support in her life, including supportive family and friends, if at all possible, and (3) take her to a pregnancy help center/clinic for services. The lead woman than told Lois that she has a friend who is pregnant and planning to abort, but she was now going to show her friend our photo brochure and tell her about pregnancy help clinics.
These are only two of the babies who may have been saved as a result of CBR’s presence on campus. If you will help us, we are committed to showing students the truth about abortion so we can spare them and their children from the brutality of abortion.
Tags: abortion debate, abortion photos, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, Rio Hondo College
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