Making America Great Again, one bit of truth at a time

I have been surprised at how often the MAGA hat has sparked serious discussions about important moral and political issues.
by Fletcher Armstrong
Not wanting to talk about decapitating and dismembering little human beings, pro-aborts often change the subject. For example, they will ask if we support every social welfare program, because if we don’t, it means we hate moms and children. Or they might ask our position on same-sex marriage, because if we don’t accept their enlightened view, we don’t really believe in equality.
To prevent them from changing the subject, we point to the abortion photo and ask, “What does your question have to do with decapitating and dismembering little human beings?” Other than proclaim the Gospel — we are commanded to do that — many pro-lifers believe we should abstain from hot-button issues that might create barriers to dialogue and just focus on abortion.
After all, people who disagree with us on a wide range of issues can still agree with us that killing is wrong, that killing 6 million Jews is wrong, and that killing pre-born children is wrong.
On the other hand, abortion attitudes often reflect an unwillingness to accept personal responsibility. Whether it is taking care of their own children, paying off their own college loans, or paying for their own contraceptives, many students consider even the mere notion of personal responsibility to be something akin to a human rights violation. And this entitlement extends not only to themselves; everyone on the planet is entitled to come to the USA and have their expenses paid as well. That is idiotic at a number of levels, but many believe it. There is a political component to all of this that cannot be ignored, and our society cannot long survive if too many people believe that personal responsibility is a human rights violation.
Leftist kookery not only puts our nation at risk, as if that were a small thing, its advocacy of sexual perversion also puts students at risk of great personal harm — spiritually, emotionally, and physically. God designed love, marriage, sex, and child-rearing to operate as one package. He designed us to enjoy sex and raise children within the context of a lifelong, monogamous, committed partnership (i.e., marriage) between one man and one woman.
In rejecting this model, man (a) separates himself from God, (b) destroys the healthy formation of relationships between men and women, (c) denies children both male and female role models in the home, (d) exposes himself to dozens of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and (e) invites serious physical injury. At Middle Tennessee State, a young man enslaved by the homosexual lifestyle told us that he must get tested for STDs every two months. The god of this world tells him this is “freedom.”
People like this desperately need somebody to tell them the truth. For some, we might be the only ones who can. We can’t be so focused on abortion that we forget to love the person in front of us, and the best way to love this person is often to tell him the truth he needs to hear.
To invite discussions of lifestyle and personal responsibility, I have been wearing my Make America Great Again hat when on the campus. It has stimulated important dialogue on a wide range of important issues, way beyond my expectations.
At Evergreen State College, a young man walked up to me and said, “I wanted to speak with the one person furthest away from me politically, and when I saw your hat, I knew you must be the one!”
We both laughed. I told him that I wear the hat, not so much to support our President, although I do, but because I wanted to speak with him about three things that make America great. He was open to that. I told him this:
- “Our founding belief ‘that all men are created’ has made us the freest people on the planet.
- “Our system of capitalism and free enterprise has made us the most prosperous people on the planet.
- “Our respect for the Constitution and the rule of law has made us the most stable society on the planet.
“Yet we have a political party that wants to set all of that aside and hunt around for something that ‘works.’”
He agreed with my first point, he said, because he is a Christian. I further explained that because we are created, we are equal before the Creator and bound to respect the dignity of every human person. We owe that responsibility not to the magistrate, but to God Himself.
He agreed with all of that, but then he then went on to say that he was a practicing homosexual, and he wondered what I had to say about that. Here was a person in desperate need of hearing the truth.
I told him that I was bound to treat him with respect, just as I would anyone else, but as a Christian, I could not endorse his self-destructive behavior. I told him,
- “The Centers for Disease Control reports that men having sex with men are 2% of the population, but are nearly 70% of the new AIDS cases every year. My best friend in childhood was killed by AIDS that he contracted from same-sex relationships.
- “The tissues that God designed for waste management purposes will not stand up to the punishment that this kind of activity inflicts.
- “As a Christian, he should know that God’s Word strictly forbids homosexuality.”
We talked for about 20 or 30 minutes. Another student stood and listened, without comment. After I answered all of his questions, we shook hands and he left.
I don’t know how God will use the encounter. I don’t know if this young man will repent and let God put him on a better path. But at least I loved him enough to tell him the truth. And nobody was harmed in the process.
Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, GAP, Genocide Awareness Project, MAGA, Make American Great Again
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 27th, 2018 at 12:32 pm and is filed under National Politics, Pro Life Apologetics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
March 19th, 2019 at 2:28 pm
Thanks for your efforts and activity of being a voice for the children in the womb and for their mothers. Thanks for the example you set and for strategies of encouraging conversations to relate important information and save lives. Thank you for bringing God into the picture and his ways of good living and how it is self-destructive when we choose our own way.
tony walker