
Mixed Nuts at East Carolina University

CBR Staffer Joanna Kielson and a volunteer answer a young man’s questions about abortion and rape.

At East Carolina University (ECU), students flocked to our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP). Some had unfounded claims, others brought quirky questions, and still more came with minds eager to learn. Here is a snapshot of the weird and wonderful!

Can a tomato really think? “If you are pro-life, you need to be a vegan.” There it was again — the well-worn argument posed to catch a pro-lifer off guard. CBR staffer Joshua Lindsey quickly challenged the young man’s statement, “Sure, you are still (technically) killing even when you eat veggies, but we all take it for granted that veggies can’t think.” Joshua stood in disbelief as he heard the young man’s reply, “Actually tomatoes can think. There is a book that says tomatoes can think.”

Knowledge is power. CBR volunteer Tony spoke briefly with Justin, a freshman. Justin admitted, “Abortion is crazy. I was pro-choice, but now being informed about it, I’m having different ideas of if it should be legal (or not).” No wonder the other side works so hard to cover up abortion; they know that once people see for themselves, the lies that justify abortion begin to crumble.

Who wants to cancel Halloween? A group of students approached the display and immediately proclaimed their feelings: “Your pictures are traumatizing and make us feel unsafe. They cause PTSD.” Quick to point out a double-standard,  Joshua mentioned that there was a bloody hand picture in the student center advertising a movie for Halloween. He said, “That doesn’t upset you because it isn’t real. Abortion is real. If I asked for Halloween to be canceled (because some find it offensive), you would laugh me out of the room.” The student reported: “You WILL NOT cancel Halloween.”

The healthcare deception. A male nursing student was appalled. “I was trained to believe abortion was a good thing; that it was simply the removal of a clump of cells. I have been mis-taught and deceived.”

God is faithful to provide. Tommy encouraged us, “Yeah, these are big pictures, and you are doing a great work.”

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