
Mixed Nuts at Lee University

Lee University students attempt to conceal child sacrifice.

In a March 2019 article published by The Cleveland Banner, Ann Lasley (a Lee University student) described her reaction to our Revival Project. She disagreed with our photos and our message. She identified herself as a Christian, but claimed that “Christians should
not impose their views on others who don’t share them.” Really? What Jesus is she talking about? Not the one I know.  What about the Jesus (and His apostles), who confronted evildoers and exposed evil? What about the Great Commission? Sadly, Ann was not the only Lee student who believed this. 

Shocking arrogance. A girl in a passing car yelled to CBR staffer Jane, “How dare you show these disgusting pictures! You need help.” Jane asked if she was a Christian. “Yes, and you need to leave!”

Christian, and gay? CBR volunteer Laurice spoke with a protester who was openly gay, holding a rainbow flag, and a sign proclaiming rights for gay preborn babies. Laurice discussed Scripture as well as genetics with him, since he claimed gay people are “born that way”. She affirmed that we at CBR fight for the right to life of ALL human beings, including those who experience same-sex attraction.

Human life: it depends. “Well, I don’t know, it depends on when you think a human life begins.” Is it up to us to decide this question? Or is it up to us to find the factual answer to this question, which has been answered thousands of times already?

Shocking spiritual blindness. One student admitted to CBR staffer Joanna, “I don’t really buy into the concept of sin. Sins are mistakes. You (CBR) create shame, which makes women have to cover up the last mistake with another mistake.” Comments like these make us wonder, “What in the world is this Christian university teaching its students?” Not only does this student seem to not understand the difference between guilt and shame —guilt is good, shame is not —but he doesn’t even accept God’s admonition to recognize sin and avoid it.

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