Newest member of CBR family almost home from … Armenia?
We are indebted to the Pro Life in TN blog for this story about the newest member of the CBR family! Four-year-old Karine is the latest arrival at the Hardin household, whose members are fixtures on the GAP circuit.
How many of those pro lifers ever adopt?
Well the Hardin family, whom I am proud to call friends, are as pro life as they come. Just take a look at their van covered in pro life stickers … their 8 home-schooled children … their entry into pro life oratory contests … avid and trained sidewalk counselors and in several pro life arenas … I can count on them to march in the parade and help with any pro life event.
They have worked and fund raised for over two years to raise the money to adopt this special needs child from Armenia who had never been outside her orphanage in her 4 years of life. While the prayed and waited for the bureaucracy to move, they almost lost her as Kathy Hardin received a call to make an emergency trip as their to be daughter, Karine was critically ill.
She was sick and down to only 15 pounds. The is hospital was without the basic necessities to treat her. I must admit when I received the broadcast email of what was happening, I was greatly discouraged. The Hardins have a strong faith and when they finished the email by telling us to take a front row seat and watch what God can do, I must admit I felt that she could not possibly survive even if they were able to raise the funds for an air ambulance from Armenia to Nashville.
Fast forward … they were able to get the adoption accomplished in an emergency period of time, fly home on a commercial flight, get her into Vanderbilt for the needed surgery literally in the nick of time. Yea God !!! … Slap me across the face for my lack of faith.
Channel 5 covers the story here, here, and here.
“For two weeks it was pretty touch and go and I was working on adrenaline,” Hardin said.
Karine suffers from Spina Bifida and lives with a shunt to reduce swelling in her brain. Just weeks before she was scheduled to make the journey, the Hardin’s said she underwent surgery to correct the shunt, then developed meningitis, and lost nearly 20 pounds when the Armenian hospital withheld pain medicine and antibiotics.
If you’d like to help with her medical costs, you can make a donation to the Karine John Hardin fund at the Hendersonville branch of Regions Bank.
You can also visit the following Facebook page for updates:
Tags: prolife
This entry was posted on Monday, March 28th, 2011 at 5:40 pm and is filed under Pro Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
August 26th, 2011 at 8:09 pm
White House Pro-Lifers Need Our Help! says:[…] Eyes in the center of the photo is Karine, the newest member of the Hardin family. You may remember our story of her arrival from Armenia earlier this year. This will be her first […]
April 28th, 2012 at 10:33 pm
the Hardin’s were snowjobbed, Armenia has the best medical universities and Pediatric care.
This is the stories that Adoption Agencies tell to tug at the moral heart strings of Evangelicals to adopt special needs children.
The agency still got at least $26,000 for this adoption.
It has nothing to do with pro-life or not.
But the new marketing is to the right to lifers in the USA as there are such few healthy children available worldwide.
Try adopting a fellow American
September 27th, 2013 at 2:33 pm
Abortion Photos at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) says:[…] blessing to CBR and to many babies and moms. Below is Kathy’s daughter Karine, who first graced the cyberpages of FAB in 2011. She’s come a long way since Armenia! At MTSU, Karine was a force to be reckoned with. […]