
Abortion Photos at Tennessee Tech University

CBR SuperDuperVolunteer Gary Johnson is a real blessing to everyone he meets


When funding or timing prevents us from taking our huge GAP display, we can still win hearts, change minds, and save lives by invading campus with a few “Choice” signs!  Here we are at Tennessee Tech University (TTU).

This was an excellent target because TTU is another school which allows citizens to reserve space for displays, without requiring a student invitation.

On this day, we identified 5 freshmen willing to form a pro-life club on campus!

At upper-right is CBR SuperDuperVolunteer Gary Johnson, who is in a special category all his own!  He is a real blessing to everywhere he goes.  We just need to take him more places!  That’s where your support comes in.  Link here to send Gary to more places … to bless more students!

Below, Deeper Still and CBR volunteer Debbie Picarello can engage students at a very different level than Gary ever could do.  Link here to help Debbie bring hope and healing to post-abortive women … and  men!

Deeper Still and CBR volunteer Debbie Picarello can engage students at a very different level - 475


Hooking kids on sex, even in kindergarten (video)


Make no mistake about it, Planned Parenthood (PP) is coming after your children.  See video report below, Hooking Kids on Sex II.  (The original version was taken down by YouTube after a complaint by a PP operative.)

Paul Rondeau, Executive Director of the American Life League, authored a report for the Washington Times that described how the sex industry is using your money to promote perverted sex to children as young as kindergarten.


PP is funded with our tax dollars to market sex to our children in our schools under the guise of sex education, anti-bullying, diversity, and tolerance. Once sexualized, those children then become PP sex customers for contraceptives, STD testing, and abortion.

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) activist and kindergarten teacher Jaki Williams has said that during kindergarten children are “developing their superego,” and “that’s when the saturation process needs to begin.”

Read Mr. Rondeau’s full article here.

See ALL video report, Hooking Kids on Sex II:

Abortion. No matter what. (video)

Awesome video produced by Students for Life of America (SFLA) explains how Planned Parenthood’s (PP’s) business model is fueled by promoting sex among teenagers.  Key points:

  1. PP is Big Business that sells one thing, abortion.
  2. They need to sell as many as they can, so …
  3. They turn teenage children into loyal customers.  First, they start with sex ed programs that promote promiscuity.  Then, they sell low-quality contraception to teens, guaranteeing that many of them will contract STDs and get pregnant.
  4. When the teens return to PP with unplanned pregnancies — unplanned by the teens, but most assuredly planned by PP — PP offers “counseling.”  The purpose of the “counseling” is to help PP achieve revenue goals by meeting abortion sales quotas.  To sell more abortions, PP sales teams push teens toward abortion and away from parenting and adoption.
  5. Each abortion sold to a teenager brings in $450.
  6. Planned Parenthood is about abortion.  No matter what.

Big Abortion caught helping child rapists … again (video)

We know that Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion routinely help child rapists get away with their crimes, in such a way that the abuse can continue undetected.  We first became aware of this when Life Dynamics reported on the scandal about 10 years ago.

More recently, Live Action has reported video evidence that Planned Parenthood is still more than willing to help child sexual abusers and even sex traffickers commit and continue their crimes.

Big Abortion’s criminal cover-up continues.  Just two recent examples:

  • In Washington (story here and here)
  • In Indiana (story here)

In the video report below, produced earlier this year by Life Dynamics, the following statements jumped out:

 … girls between 10 and 15 years old are now more likely to be impregnated by adult males than they are by boys near their own ages.
Life Dynamics has documented that virtually no mandatory reporting is being done by the clinics that provide these services.  In fact, not only are the people at these facilities almost universally ignoring their states mandatory reporting laws, they often take an active role in circumventing them.

You wonder how this can happen?  It’s not just the profit motive.  And it’s not just your basic extremist ideological commitment to a woman’s “right” to a safe, legal, and rare abortion.  No, it’s even more sinister than that (if that’s even possible).  Some … not all, but some … of the people who populate Planned Parenthood and Big Abortion are wholly committed to the notion that any limitation on sexual behavior is unjust, so long as the act is consented to by both … check that … all parties.  Even pre-teen children should have unlimited discretion to have sex with whomever they choose, including dirty old men.  In their view, anything short of forcible rape is not abuse.

How Do You Feel About Sex and Teenage Sleepovers?

Excellent essay from FAB contributing author Bradley Mattes.  Mr. Mattes is the Executive Director of Life Issues Institute.

They’ve sunk to a new low
by Bradley Mattes

Just when I think I’ve heard it all, I come across something that makes me pause in disgust. This week, I read an article from the Huffington Post titled, “How Do You Feel about Sex and Teenage Sleepovers?

There’s no doubt how I feel, but let’s first take a look at what the author said. In the first paragraph she asks, “Why not teach children how to have sex well, the way you teach them how to do other things?” She elaborates, describing parents inviting the teenager’s partner over, having a nice dinner and then the couple “toddles” off to bed together. (In reality, that’s just permitting the behavior to take place, not actually educating.)

Then she goes further stating, “It seems logical to me that the same way I try to teach my kids to exercise, sleep well and be good people, I would teach them to have healthy sex with other good people.” Appalling mental scenarios come to mind, but I’m not going there.

The author’s arguments in the article are built on a number of faulty premises. I’ll address three:

  1. Blaming abstinence-only sex-education for the teen pregnancy rate in the US.  Abstinence-only sex-ed has become increasingly rare in our schools, instead being replaced by so-called comprehensive sex-ed. The truth is, comprehensive sex-ed isn’t working. It fosters an environment of promoting adolescent sexual activity by implying that teen relationships should include sex. Further, it falsely assumes that teens don’t have the ability to avoid sexual experimentation. Teens are actually empowered by embracing sexual purity. For example, a group called Healthy Visions has been welcomed into high schools to tackle tough issues like promiscuity. They present teens with the consequences of sexual activity and empower them to make better life choices. Through their no-nonsense, straightforward approach, teens are shown they can “change their story.” The impact it’s had on students’ lives is nothing short of astounding. To meet some of their successes firsthand, watch our Emmy Award-winning episode of Facing Life Head-On called “Teens Making Healthy Choices.
  2. Presenting only two perspectives: either abstinence means “sex-is-bad” or promiscuity equals “sex-is-awesome.”  Just because a person believes in abstinence doesn’t mean that he or she thinks sex is bad. In fact, I support abstinence and think sex is great! But it’s a gift to be given within marriage, rather than promoting it as something casual. It’s an act that’s to be treated with respect. Recently, Duck Dynasty stars Jase Robertson and wife Missy shared why they chose to wait until marriage to have sex. Jase told reporters, “We were both virgins when we got married until our wedding night. We decided to do it God’s way and basically had a godly agreement that we would help each other get to heaven.” Teaching teens respect and encouraging self-control reinforces how awesome sex really is and why it’s important to wait for the right time and the right person to enjoy it.
  3. Downplaying the risks of teen sex, while calling abstinence the “scare-them-silly” camp.  We live in a highly sex-saturated culture that mocks abstinence. Unfortunately, this has made it easy for teens to embrace casual sex. Yet, there are consequences for those actions. No matter how “healthy” and “responsible” sex is, young people are putting themselves at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies and all but certain emotional repercussions. This isn’t about instilling a false sense of fear; there are real dangers that exist and cannot be ignored. Abstinence offers the only truly healthy alternative.

Surprisingly, there’s one thing that the author and I agree on—the role of parents. She writes, “It also turns out that parents have more influence on what their kids think and do about sex than teachers do. Parental attitudes, it turns out, are far more influential and meaningful.” (Emphasis mine) That’s why it’s crucial we stay engaged in our children’s lives and not be afraid to discuss sexual purity. We have to be honest; it isn’t easy for teens to remain abstinent. Olympic athlete, Lolo Jones shared this about her efforts to remain abstinent, “It’s just something, a gift that I want to give to my husband. But please understand this journey has been hard. . . Harder than training for the Olympics, harder than graduating from college, has been to stay a virgin before marriage.”

What’s not surprising is abortion-giant Planned Parenthood also openly advocates for teen sex. From their perspective, “The solution… is to teach young people how to experience sexual pleasure instead of teaching them not to have sex.” Their motive is clear. When teens are sexually active, they need to rely on Planned Parenthood’s services, including their lucrative abortion “services.” It’s a sick and manipulative approach that essentially fuels Planned Parenthood’s business model. And it’s even more reason we must diligently fight to protect the lives of not just the unborn, but of our young people.

Abortion photos at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)

Kathy Hardin


We would love to display our huge Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at every major university ever year.  But when funding or timing prevents GAP, we can still win hearts, change minds, and save lives by invading campus with a few “Choice” signs!  Here we are at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU).

This was an excellent target because MTSU is one of many schools where we can reserve a good space without a student invitation.

At upper-right is long-time CBR volunteer Kathy Hardin.  She and her whole family have been a huge blessing to CBR and to many babies and moms.  Below is Kathy’s daughter Karine, who first graced the cyberpages of FAB in 2011.  She’s come a long way since Armenia!  At MTSU, Karine was a force to be reckoned with.  She asked anyone and everyone to take a pro-life pamphlet (bearing abortion photos, of course) and almost nobody refused.

Karine Hardin


Pro-life activism at it’s best — Artscape 2013

CBR peacefullly confronts a crowd of 350000 with the truth

CBR peacefully confronts a crowd of 350,000 with the truth. What an honor to bring light to this darkened place! What a tragedy more pro-lifers don’t do it.

FAB is grateful to CBR Maryland Operations for filing this report.

Pro-life activism at it’s best — Artscape 2013

Again this year, CBR rocked the Baltimore art scene to its core with three days of non-consentual, anti-abortion witnessing.  Twenty volunteers helped reveal the truth of child-killing to a crowd of 350,000.  Many of them were willing to see and hear the pro-life message.  Reactions ranged from extremely hostile to enthusiastically supportive.  In fact, four people came out of the crowd and joined our demonstration!

On Friday, a woman who had protested against us last year turned up again, this time with spray paint.  She defaced one of our signs and violently assaulted a volunteer before being apprehended by Baltimore police officers.  There were many more incidents of vitriol and rage, but this was the only physical assault, thanks to the diligence of the Baltimore Police Department.

Two volunteers leave the crowd to help

Two volunteers abandon their plans for the day to help save babies. Will you abandon your plans for the day and help? Whether you hold a sign yourself or buy a sign for somebody else to hold, your contribution saves lives.

Saturday and Sunday gave us greater exposure, as the size and density of the crowd increased.  Our headline banner could be read seen from the other end of the fairway, so we attracted a great deal of attention.  People of all races, ages, and backgrounds passed by to read our messages and see the reality of abortion.  We spoke to Satanists, eugenicists, homosexuals, atheists, Christians, post-abortive women, adopted children, and a self-described socially liberal, gay, pro-life young woman running for state delegate.  The diversity of human emotions and reactions was incredible.

It is often saddening to see how absolutely the pro-abortion narrative dominates people’s thinking, despite their pro-life instincts.  Over and over, they confirm what CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham has long said,

When the topic of abortion comes up, the average IQ in the room drops by about 40 points.

People have taught themselves to believe really stupid things about abortion that they don’t … well … things they don’t really believe.

We met several who did not believe late term abortions were performed in Maryland.  The assumption that the world is overpopulated was almost universal.  Few people, even the most intelligent, had a coherent idea of what constitutes a “person,” almost as if they had never considered the question before — which most probably hadn’t.  As always, many had simply never seen what an abortion looks like.

What an honor to bring light to this darkened place!  What a tragedy more pro-lifers don’t do it.

As we departed for the last time Sunday afternoon, a police officer quietly shared with one volunteer that his parents had considered aborting his younger brother, yet chose life instead.  This same brother is now designing satellite systems.  What a testimony!  If only every unborn child were given the same chance!

The pro-life movement cannot afford to overlook opportunities like Artscape.  Everywhere we turn, there are people whose pro-abortion assumptions have never been challenged.  How can we expect to win without converting people to our side?  Babies are being murdered even as you read this.  To save them, we must reach our fellow citizens … where they are … and make them see.  Please help us do it.  There is no time to waste.

Preborn children can feel pain as early as 8 weeks (video)

Dr. Maureen Condic, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah, testifies before a Congressional hearing on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Dr. Condic earned her PhD from University of California, Berkeley.  She is a widely published scientist whose works have appeared in a wide variety of peer-reviewed journals.

Read the LifeNews coverage of the story here.

Excerpts from her written remarks:

The neural circuitry responsible for the most primitive response to pain, the spinal reflex, is in place by 8 weeks of development. This is the earliest point at which the fetus experiences pain in any capacity.  And a fetus responds just as humans at later stages of development respond; by with withdrawing from the painful stimulus.
Imposing pain on any pain-capable living creature is cruelty.  And ignoring the pain experienced by another human individual for any reason is barbaric.  We don’t need to know if a human fetus is self- reflective or even self-aware to afford it the same consideration we currently afford other pain-capable species.  We simply have to decide whether we will choose to ignore the pain of the fetus or not.  (emphasis in the original)

Video of her testimony:

Pro-life presence at abortion fundraiser

FemKill Fundraiser

FemKill Fundraiser

Abortion industry fundraising events are a great venues for pro-life activism.  Here is a story from Mick Hunt of Life Advocates in Asheville, NC, describing his work at a Femcare (abortion clinic) fundraiser.  You can read the complete story and see more photos on his blog (Part 1 here and Part 2 here).  Mick is a faithful CBR volunteer and uses CBR Choice signs in his work in North Carolina, as seen in the photo at right.

FemKill Fundraiser
by Meredith Hunt, Life Advocates

Yesterday evening, fourteen of us stood in front of the entrance of the Millroom to greet financial donors of the Asheville business that aborts prenatal children on Orange Street.

Amy Renigar, Executive Director of Girls on the Run of WNC (GOTR) attended the fundraiser.  The GOTR website says, “Amy Renigar joined the GOTR team in June 2012 because of her interest public health and passion for creating a world where all girls (and women) are empowered to become their best selves.”  Ann Pfaff, an outspoken abortion supporter, is on their Board of Directors.  This organization runs programs in elementary schools all over the region, including at Veritas Christian Academy.  Go to it’s website to learn of its numerous local sponsors, many of whom would not wish to be connected with the violent deaths of prenatal children.  Groups such as Rotary Club of Asheville, Earth Fare, Diamond Brand Outdoors, and so on.

City Councilman Gordon Smith passed by me with an acknowledgement, “How are you, Meredith?”  I nodded.  Then he turned back and said with a grin, “You have raised so much money for them in there.”  Something like that …  Money.  This got me thinking.  The people at this event were pretty committed and not likely to be influenced.

But not everyone is this way.  Many people still have a functioning conscience when it comes to abortion.  Or at least they can have a normal reaction.  When we were winding down, I took Eric and Starla with me around the block to the other side of the building, which is the front of Asheville Pizza and Brewing, the business that owns the Millroom, which was either rented or donated for the Femcare fundraiser.  Asheville Pizza has an outdoor dining patio that is right next to the sidewalk and last night it was full of people eating.

We had faced the large posters of a mangled, bloody 10 week pre-born child toward the customers no more than two or three seconds before we had a diner in our face, confronting us.   None of the Femcare supporters acted like this.  People are more upset over an impediment to their appetite then they are about children being slaughtered and about a fundraiser for such atrocities in the same building in which they are filling their stomachs.  They demand that we behave decently when this horrible outrage goes on day after day, year after year (out of sight, out of mind).  But at least they react.  One of the managers called the police and when an officer came we chatted a few minutes.  I wonder how much money we could raise for Asheville Pizza and Brewing.  It would be a new twist to “Brew and View.”

Notorious celebrity Cecil Bothwell’s contribution to dialog was to practically shout that one of the protestors should “repent of your self righteousness!”  I wonder if he can explain “self-righteous” in a way that doesn’t include his own attitude?  This accusation dodges talking about what’s really right or wrong.

ObamaCare nightmare for one Kentucky family

Insurance cost almost triples, from $333/month to $965 for this family.

Remember that the current version of ObamaCare is only Phase I.  Phase II comes later.  The purpose of Phase I is to create such chaos in the health care industry that people will scream for relief.

When that happens, the statists who created this mess will blame the insurance companies and demand a new round of changes to protect consumers from the evil insurance companies.  (What we really need is protection from evil government, but that will never be mentioned.)

Statists will insist that only government can be trusted with something this important, and they will attempt to force all of us into a single-payer, government-run, health-care rationing system.  This system will of course be “affordable,” because “somebody else” will be paying.  That’s Phase II.

Notice that the statists who created the mess will blame everyone but themselves and will claim that only they can fix the problem.  Will the American public be stupid enough to fall for it?  We shall see.

Pro Life on Campus at Virginia Commonwealth University (video)

A simple country boy who can give a decent interview

A simple country boy who can give a decent interview

Great video covering our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

Please help us take this message to more students.  Support Pro Life on Campus with your generous gift of $1000, $500, or $100.

Or even better, join our monthly support team.  Whatever you can afford to give your local cable TV company, you can afford to spend on winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives.  Remember, a little baby’s life is at stake.

Make them think about abortion; don’t be ignored

Anna and another at GMU

Anna Maher and another SFL member talk about “choice” with a GMU student. They use a CBR “Choice” sign because they know the word has no meaning without the photo.

Social reformers like William Wilberforce and Dr. Martin Luther King knew they must avoid, at all costs, one particular sin.  They could not allow themselves to be ignored.  They could be unpopular, but they could not be irrelevant.

Anna Maher explains how she is forcing students to think about abortion at George Mason University (GMU):

Since having GAP 2 years ago at George Mason University, we aren’t popular on campus … but everyone knows who we are.  Our last event was packed out.

Not only did they display GAP, the GMU Students for Life regularly display hand-held “Choice” signs.  What an inspiration for all of us!

More students holding signs at GMU

This photo was taken earlier this month. We thank God for young warriors like these!

Rand Paul: Senators should read bills before passing them (video)

Rand Paul:  Senators should read bills before passing them.  Really?

The Case for a Creator (video)

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created …  (US Declaration of Independence)

The Case for a Creator is an awesome film is about Lee Strobel’s personal journey from spiritual skepticism to a profound faith in God, the God who has etched his indelible signature upon every galaxy and in every living cell.  The film examines scientific evidence in the fields of molecular biology, astronomy, physics, cosmology, paleontology, and genetics to answer this critical question:  Does modern science confirm the theory that life and the universe are the products of blind, materialistic processes?

The DVD is available for purchase now.  Visit www.illustramedia.com for more information. Use Coupon Code YTIM15 to save 15%!

Part 1 of 10:

Pro-life singer Tori Harris making her mark in Nashville

Pro-life singer Tori Harris is making her mark in Nashville.  I met Tori in Nashville a few weeks back.  After overhearing my conversation with a CBR supporter at a Panera Bread (my office on the road), she came over and let me know of her heart for the preborn.  In fact, she had recently returned from the March for Life in DC!

Pray that God will give Tori songs to help end the abortion holocaust.  Here she is, in a video also featuring up-and-comer Brian Campbell.