
Pro Life on Campus at the University of Wisconsin, Day 1

GAP Display at the University of Wisconsin

GAP Display at the University of Wisconsin

Another great day to win hearts, change minds, and save lives!  Yesterday was Day 1 at the University of Wisconsin.  We had a great location on the State Street Podium, which is in the heart of the U of Wisconsin campus.  In addition to our traveling team (from Tennessee, Ohio, California, Arizona, and California), we had excellent support from local pro-lifers.

We are on the State Street Podium, a City-owned pedestrian mall in the heart of the campus.  Since the space is owned by the City of Madison and not the University, we didn’t need a student group to sponsor our visit.  However, we do hope to start a pro-life student group who will help with future GAPs and conduct other effective projects on campus.  It is certainly needed.

We are also looking for one or more pro-lifers to help us expand our footprint in Wisconsin, which has been a key state for many years and will continue to be so.

On the Road Again: University of Wisconsin!

Tomorrow morning, CBR’s Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) will make it’s University of Wisconsin debut (good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, as they say).

Please pray that God will use the pictures to convict nonbelievers and believers alike:

  • that babies will be saved from slaughter,
  • that mothers (and fathers) will be spared,
  • that men and women will see their need for a Savior,
  • that Christian men and women will repent of their complacency,
  • that divine appointments will be kept, and every obstacle to those appointments will be overcome.

Stay tuned to FAB for more excitement to come!

Dem Pollster: Media Deception Threatening America’s Future

The Audacity of Corruption” speech by Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell to the Accuracy in Media’s Conference.

[When members of the press] decide what truth that you may know, as an American, and what truth you are not allowed to know,  they have, then, made themselves a fundamental threat to the democracy, and, in my opinion, have made themselves the enemy of the American people.

More highlights:

[Eighty persent (80%)] of the money given under the stimulus to green energy projects—the president and this administration’s great project—has gone to people who are either bundlers or major contributors to Barack Obama.  But nobody says a word.


We’ve had nine day of lies over what happened because they can’t dare say it’s a terrorist attack, and the press won’t push this. Yesterday there was not a single piece in The New York Times over the question of Libya.  Twenty American embassies, yesterday, were under attack.  None of that is on the national news.  None of it is being pressed in the papers.

If a president of either party—I don’t care whether it was Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or George Bush or Ronald Reagan or George H. W. Bush—had a terrorist incident, and got on an airplane after saying something, and flown off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas, they would have been crucified!  It would have been—it should have been the equivalent, for Barack Obama, of George Bush’s “flying over Katrina” moment.  But nothing was said at all, and nothing will be said.

It is one thing to bias the news, or have a biased view.  It is another thing to specifically decide that you will not tell the American people information they have a right to know …


We have a political campaign where, to put the best metaphor I can on it,  where the referees on the field are sacking the quarterback of one team, tripping up their runners, throwing their bodies in front of blockers, and  nobody says anything.  The Republicans don’t.

Text of speech here.  Video below:


CBR Appoints Lincoln Brandenburg as Project Director for Georgia

Lincoln Brandenburg, CBR Project Director, Georgia

Lincoln Brandenburg, CBR Project Director, Georgia

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Lincoln Brandenburg as our newest Project Director, responsible primarily for Georgia projects.

Lincoln is a graduate and former Student Ministries Director at the EI School of Biblical Training, a Bible and missions training school that emphasises personal discipleship and practical application of the Word of God into life and ministry.

Growing up in a Christian environment, Lincoln was always “pro-life,” but was only nominally involved.  But when he attended a local March for Life on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade in 2011, he was deeply convicted about his own complacency towards the killing of his unborn neighbors.  He sensed a calling to devote himself to pro-life work in response to God’s command to “love your neighbor.”

Since that time, he have been a leader in pro-life activities in Columbus, Georgia.  He has coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns, organized and participated in sidewalk counseling and prayer, given pro-life presentations to church congregations, and served as a regular guest host for a local radio program.

Lincoln told FAB

I am honored to join with the team at CBR because I believe in the effectiveness of what CBR is doing.  Showing the pictures of what abortion actually does to it’s victims is essential to changing the minds of those who are pro-abortion, clarifying the issue for those on the fence, and galvanizing those who are pro-life.

Originally from Fayetteville, Georgia (just outside Atlanta), Lincoln has spent the last two years in Columbus, Georgia.  Before joining CBR, he has been a a sales representative at Cricket Wireless and a manager at Chick-fil-A.  He has now moved back to the Atlanta area to be more centrally located among the major universities in Georgia.

Welcome aboard, Lincoln!!!!

Women Speak for Themselves …

… What are they saying?

Great new video out today!


Abortion trucks go to the beach (video)

Abortion Mobile 2

“Abortion Mobile” as seen on WAVY-TV website.

CBR truth trucks hit Virginia Beach this week.  (That’s in Virginia, for all you people in Rio Linda.)

Here’s more media coverage:

Trial collapse a victory for free speech, pro-lifers, and preborn children

Andy Stephenson

Andy Stephenson

Pro-life and freedom of speech advocates are celebrating a huge victory in the UK.  CBR UK directors Andy Stephenson and Kathryn Sloane have been cleared of all charges related to displaying abortion photos outside an abortion clinic an Brighton.  Best story here.  Other notable stories here and here.

In staging the arrest of the two pro-lifers, Brighton police actively fished for complaints from passersby.  They were operating under the legal theory that speech becomes alarming, distressing, etc., and therefore illegal under the Public Order Act, whenever anybody complains about it.

After the trial, Andy Stephenson commented, “What the police have been doing in shutting us down has had a chilling effect on free speech.  Hopefully this will have a chilling effect on the police now to hold back on their over-enthusiastic, over-reaching arm of the law.”

The Court’s written opinion was expected at 2:00 pm Tuesday.  Stay tuned to FAB for updates.

Sex selection now a milti-million dollar business


Sex Selection


Disturbing article by Jasmeet Sidhu regarding the sex-selection business in America.  The article is entitled “How to Buy a Daughter.”  Globally this phenomena discriminates against girls, not boys.  For example, FAB has written about sex selection in Canada, where girls are killed by abortion for the crime of being female.  However, there is evidence to suggest that American parents who seek gender-selection assistance are more likely to destroy boys.

The procedure is described as follows:

Inside a fourth-floor office suite off a palm-tree-lined street in Encino, Calif., in an embryology lab, two men wearing maroon scrubs peer into high-tech microscopes. The men are fertilizing human eggs with sperm samples collected earlier that day. After fertilization and three days of incubation, an embryologist uses a laser to cut a hole through an embryo’s protective membrane and then picks out one of the eight cells. Fluorescent dyes allow the embryologist to see the chromosomes and determine whether the embryo is carrying the larger XX pair of chromosomes or the tinier XY. The remaining seven cells will go on to develop normally if the embryo is chosen and implanted in a client’s uterus.

Obviously, human embryos are being created and then destroyed for the crime of being the wrong sex.

Many pro-abortion advocates also oppose sex selection, because they rightly fear what this phenomena will do to society as a whole.  More on that here.  Pro-lifers share this concern, but ultimately, we oppose sex selection because it destroys human beings.  We believe each and every human life is sacred and should be protected, regardless of gender.

Trial of CBR UK director Andy Stephenson proceeds (BBC video)

Andy Stephenson and Kathryn Sloane display CBR abortion photo outside an abortion clinic.

The trail of CBR UK Director Andy Stephenson continues this week in Brighton.  Story here and here and here.  It’s also the top story on BBC (video below).  They are accused of violating the Public Order Act, which is being interpreted in this case to prohibit speech that causes other people to complain.

CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham is on hand to testify as an expert witness regarding the history of social reform in the UK.  Had the Public Order Act been been in effect in the 1700s, and had it been applied against anti-slavery advocates in the same way as it is being applied against anti-abortion advocates, William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, and nearly the entire abolitionist movement would have been jailed.

The charges against CBR UK staff member Kathryn Sloane have been dropped.


Honey, You Didn’t Build That (video)

Obamacrats at home:


Why not double your money? (And save babies at the same time.)

KSI Virginia

Your support will help keep this truck on the road, saving babies and encouraging pro-life voters.

We have less than 9 weeks to get pro-lifers out to vote in 4 key states!

Every dollar you invest in our voter education project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000!  You give $50, our matching donor gives $50 more.  You give $5,000, our matching donor gives $5,000 more.  For your support, here’s what you get:

  • Immediate 100% return on investment.  Will your 401-K do as well?
  • Save babies’ lives.  Pictures of abortion save lives.  Happy mothers have told us so, over and over again.
  • Get pro-lifers out to vote!  If we don’t, we could lose all the pro-life gains we have made since 2010.  And we could lose much, much more.

The pro-abortion health care bill, commonly called ObamaCare, will transfer billions of your tax dollars to the abortion industry.  That’s “billions” with a “b”.  If we fail to stop this insanity, our children and grandchildren will pay the price.  The ones who live will pay with their taxes; the others will pay with their lives.

I’m asking you to make your voice heard by supporting this important project.

Remember, every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000!  So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”.  Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it.  Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!

The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you.  Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.

Why can’t the media get enough of this project?

Nicole is interviewed by WUSA news anchor Peggy Fox.

CBR Virginia Director Nicole Cooley is interviewed by WUSA news anchor Peggy Fox.

Why are the media all over this project?  The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states.  The media are biting!

That’s important because  media coverage helps get our message out, whether they show the pictures or not.  If they show the pictures, viewers get to see what abortion is and does.  If not, viewers learn that abortion is so horrifying, it can’t be shown.  Either way, our side wins.

Make your voice heard!  Truck fuel is very expensive.  Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either.  Travel costs are up.  We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go!  But we need your help.  Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait.  Yuck!  We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast.  So please support KSI right now!

One great  bit of great news:  Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000!  So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”.  Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it.  Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!

The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you.  Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.

Why does our driver love this project? An encouraging word from the road!

KSI Florida

KSI truth truck is fully visible to I-4 traffic near Orlando, Florida. Other truth trucks are operating in Virginia, Iowa, and Colorado.

The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states!  More on KSI here and here.  While the media focus on pocketbook issues, we are sending a pro-life message all the way to Washington!   We haven’t forgotten the daily carnage, and we won’t let them forget, either!

Here is an encouraging word from Tom Herring, Co-Director of the Anti-Choice Project.  He drove one of our KSI truth trucks for a week!

Driving a CBR truck in Iowa was one of the most fulfilling pro-life activities I’ve ever done.  I wish I could do it 40 hours a week.  …  The enormous graphic display on the side of box-body truck is perhaps the best way to expose the violent act of abortion.

The gaping-mouth stares of teenagers – seeing abortion for the first time – were the most rewarding to me.  Most of our youth have consciences which are still functioning.  …  The likelihood of those teens choosing abortion, or choosing abortion advocates to represent them in government, has been radically diminished.

Thank you, Tom!

Make your voice heard!  Truck fuel is very expensive.  Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either.  Travel costs are up.  We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go!  But we need your help.  Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait.  Yuck!  We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast.  So please support KSI right now!

One great  bit of great news:  Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000!  So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”.  Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it.  Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!

The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you.  Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.

A bizarre alternate reality

By James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal (link):

Obama’s journalistic supporters live in a bizarre alternate reality in which a politician’s actual words mean nothing. When the president says something foolish and offensive, he didn’t say that.  Meanwhile every comment from a Republican can be translated, through a process of free association, to: “We don’t like black people.”

CNN poll: Most Americans still extremists on abortion (i.e., pro-life)

side hands on dime

Pictures of abortion help voters see that being pro-life is not extremism; killing babies is extremism.

A new CNN poll finds that 52% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstaces, whereas 44% want abortion legal in all or most circumstances.

We are all incredulous that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and other media organs of the pro-abortion Democrat party can still get by with marginalizing pro-lifers (52% of the American public) as being the “extremists” on abortion.  That they can do it with a straight face is beyond belief.

Link to the CNN report here.  Pay attention to Questions 10 and 11 on page 13.

Trend line is not good.  Note that the nominal pro-life position (abortion illegal in all circumstances or legal in only a few circumstances) has declined from 64% in 2006 to the 52% in the current poll.

One caveat: The pro-life questions were included in a larger poll relating to the coming elections.  This could bias the results, but I’m not sure which way.

Some pro-life outlets have presented a bit more rosy picture of this poll, reporting on another question that combined “legal under most circumstances” and “legal in a few circumstances” into a non-descript “legal under certain circumstances” category that boths sides try to claim as their own.