
Abortion, Medical Honesty Battle Takes Shape at University of Virginia

A group of Virginia college students, banded together to form The Human Rights and Scientific Honesty Initiative asked me to pass this story along to you:

Abortion, Medical Honesty Battle Takes Shape at University of Virginia

A national treasure of a building, Thomas Jefferson’s Rotunda at the University of Virginia (UVA), has a leaking roof and crumbling columns.  The University and state government have begun the chess game over how much it will cost to repair, and who will be picking up the tab.  But right across the street in the UVA president’s office, they have much bigger worries about what they have been doing with state, federal, and student funds the last 20 years under the leadership of John Casteen .   New UVA President Theresa Sullivan has been handed a series of shocking allegations from our group, The Human Rights and Scientific Honesty Initiative.

Students for Life of America has already identified the University of Virginia as one of the institutions of higher learning that has been financing elective abortions with student health funds, and not even giving their students and their students’ parents the opportunity to opt out of that.  What most people at UVA and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) are totally unaware of is that these schools have both been secretly performing thousands of elective abortions right in their own teaching hospitals!  And, yes, these are both state taxpayer funded universities who also receive federal education grants to boot.

Elective abortions being performed secretly at taxpayer-funded universities are bad enough.  On top of that, UVA has been giving misleading information on a wide range of reproductive issues, neglecting the principle of informed consent.   Sadly, it seems one of America’s top universities allowed itself to be sucked into the Planned Parenthood template for misinforming women and keeping them in the dark about numerous threats to their health.  Somebody finally noticed.

The national pro life movement has been overlooking the universities for too long.  Sometimes we forget that it is not all about Planned Parenthood.  Pro-life activists have a lot to contend with in Charlottesville, a city of only 45,000 people that already has two other abortion facilities as it is, and a large pro-abortion cabal that includes City Council.  One of Live Action’s recent stings of Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting child sex trafficking took place at their Charlottesville area facility.  But right there, in such a hostile environment, we have a whole new front opening in the battle for human rights in America.  And what better place to start than Mr. Jefferson’s University.

We are accepting additional endorsements for our document.  If you are a student, faculty, or alumnus of any Virginia college or university, you can add your name by sending an email to co-author Siobhan Casey at siobhan-casey@hotmail.com.  Thomas Jefferson, who founded UVA back in 1819 near his home at Monticello, once wrote that “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

Georgia Right to Life Starts New Pro-Life Billboard Campaign

New Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) billboards will be seen by hundreds of thousands of Atlanta-area commuters daily.

LifeNews.com quoted a statement from GRTL:

Women across Georgia viewed these ads and understood that they needed information and that they had options they may not have considered. Phone calls to pregnancy centers across the state increased through Option Line, which then connected the caller to their local center.  Option Line, (800) 395-HELP, has operators available 7 days per week/24 hours per day.  To date, Georgia continues to lead the nation in Option Line calls.

More here.

More pro-abort nonsense & my response

hope resource center


Got up early this morning.  Read the paper.  More nonsense from Ina Hughs.  It’s the same old stuff she normally writes.  But I did post a response you might find interesting.

Comment responding to Ina Hughs op-ed piece in Knoxville News Sentinel:

Ms. Hughs raises a good point. In fact, I’m going to agree with many of the points she made.

First of all, perhaps we should include fathers in these sessions. The Elliot Institute reports that as many as 64% of abortions are coerced, many of them by irresponsible men, family members, employers, etc. Anything that will reduce the pressure on women to abort would be a step in the right direction. More people need to know about the development of the baby inside, the physical and emotional hazards of abortion, etc. But as Ms. Hughs noted, finding some of the more corrupt miscreants who impregnate women would be difficult. And, according to existing law, it is the mother only who has the final say whether the baby lives or dies, so that might explain some of the limitations of the North Carolina law.

Ms. Hughs is also correct when she says that compared to men, women do bear the greater burden for the consequences of sexual “freedom.” By any measure (pregnancy, the health effects of STDs, and abortion, just to name a few), women pay a heavy, heavy price so that irresponsible and predatory men can have whatever they want. People who buy into the lie of “sexual freedom” find out later it ain’t quite so “free.” That’s why we work so hard to keep the sex merchants like Planned Parenthood out of the schools our children attend.

Ms Hughs says, “no woman should be told by her government that she must have a child anymore than she should ever be told she cannot have a child.” No disagreement here. I don’t think anybody favors forced sex nor forced birth control. But in a civilized society, every human being deserves respect. No person should have the right to unjustly kill another.

Ms. Hughs says that pro-lifers should help women in crisis. Right again! That’s why the overwhelming majority of pro-life resources (money, volunteer time, etc.) go to support pregnancy resource centers like the one across the street from one of the abortion clinics here in Knoxville. The Hope Resource Center (www.hoperesourcecenterknoxville.com) arranges for medical care, housing, adoption, help with parenting, and more. In addition to that, we pay federal, state, and local taxes to create a safety net for people who need it. It’s unfortunate that so much of the money we pay goes to bureaucrats and people who don’t need it, but we still pay.

I’ll grant you that we should have more pregnancy centers, maybe one for each abortion clinic. But is it productive, Ms. Hughs, to ignore most of what we do and belittle the rest?

And the failure of pro-lifers to do enough (in Ms. Hughs’ estimation) for moms and babies in crisis does not make it OK to kill a baby … any more than our failure to do enough for battered women makes it OK to beat your wife.

Ms. Hughs falls victim to one of the most common logical fallacies when she implies that our only two choices are to either (a) provide cradle-to-grave welfare or (b) keep it legal to kill children before they are born. It’s called a “false dilemma.” In a civilized society, we protect the weak from the strong. That’s why we have laws against murder, rape, fraud, etc. That does not obligate us to create Ms. Hughs’ version of a utopian welfare state.

Ms. Hughs wants to know what are the pro-lifers going to do about all these children if they are allowed to live and not be killed. It’s the same silly argument used to justify the continuation of slavery 150 years ago, “If we turn all these slaves loose, who is going to take care of them?”

Ms. Hughs says she is not pro-abortion, she is pro-choice. That’s essentially what Stephen Douglas said about slavery. He said that he was not in favor of slavery, but he believed that the Southern states should have the right to choose whether to be slave states or free states. I would argue that by the same token we say Mr. Douglas was pro-slavery, we can assert that Ms Hughs is pro-abortion.

And finally, Ms. Hughs engages in the most glaring ad hominem attack when she asserts that because some pro-lifers happen to be men, it is OK to kill a preborn child. How silly. Either (a) the preborn child is a living human being whose life must be respected, or (b) the preborn child may be killed at will. My gender has nothing to do with it. But if you have some kind of hangup about that, there are many, many women who will make the same arguments I make. Would Ms. Hughs listen to them? No. It’s just a cheap way of changing the subject and avoiding the issue, “Who is the unborn child and may we kill her?”

CBR Appoints Nicole Cooley as Project Director for Virginia

CBR Southeast Project Director Nicole Cooley

CBR Southeast Project Director Nicole Cooley

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR), Southeast Region Operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Cooley as our newest Project Director, responsible primarily for Virginia projects.

Nicole has been active in pro-life ministry for more than 10 years.  In fact, we first met Nicole when doing our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at the University of Louisville in April 2002.  She has publicly shared her story of rape and abortion in both Christian and secular venues, including in the video Choice of a Lifetime, produced by Focus on the Family.  Most recently, her story was featured on the 700 Club, which you can see here.

In her new role, Lord willing, Nicole will be (1) arranging GAPs at the major universities in Virginia, (2) organizing and assisting pro-life campus groups, and (3) working cooperatively with student groups and other pro-lifers in Virginia.

The mother of three boys and one girl on this side of eternity, plus another three in Heaven, Nicole is also a home educator and avid Longaberger Basket collector.  She currently lives with her husband Patrick and family in Churchville, Virginia.  Learn more about her book Into the Light: Rape, Abortion and the Truth that Set Me Free at www.NicoleWCooley.com.

A US Army veteran with 9 years combined active and reserve forces service, Nicole resigned at the rank of Captain to devote herself to her family.  Her husband Patrick is a recently retired Lieutenant Colonel.  His twenty-years of service included two tours in Iraq.  Nicole is very proud of his service and is most grateful to have him home with the family full-time … a most wonderful blessing to all of them!

Welcome aboard, Nicole and all the Cooley’s!

The Cooley Family: Patrick, Nicole, John (13), David (7), Abby (3), and Robert (10)
The Cooley Family: Patrick, Nicole, John (13), David (7), Abby (3), and Robert (10)

FAB knows your favorite movie!

Be honest and don’t look at the movie list below, until you have done the arithmetic.

This amazing 5-step procedure can accurately tell us your favorite movie (out of a list of 18).  You doubt?  Check it out!

  1. Pick a number from 1 to 9.
  2. Multiply by 3.
  3. Add 3.
  4. Multiply by 3 again.
  5. Now add the two digits of your answer together.  That’s your result.

Now take the result and look it up on the list below:

  1. Gone With The Wind
  2. E.T.
  3. Blazing Saddles
  4. Star Wars
  5. Forrest Gump
  6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
  7. Jaws
  8. Grease
  9. The Obama farewell speech of 2012
  10. Casablanca
  11. Jurassic Park
  12. Shrek
  13. Pirates of the Caribbean
  14. Titanic
  15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
  16. Home Alone
  17. Mrs. Doubtfire
  18. Toy Story

Did we nail it or what?

FAB … We’re right or your money back!

(P.S. Next time we meet, bet you 5 bucks I can tell you where you got your shoes.)

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker sponsors pro-life legislation

Got this note from Senator Bob Corker today.  You might want to check his website’s pro-life page here.

Dear Fletcher,

Knowing of your strong support for protecting the lives of the unborn, I wanted to share with you my decision to cosponsor the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, S.906, and update you on several other pro-life initiatives I recently supported in the Senate.

Since elected to the U.S. Senate, I have consistently voted to prevent taxpayer money from being used, both domestically and internationally, to fund abortions and organizations that perform abortions.  This policy provides critical protection for taxpayers who oppose abortions and do not want to support them financially.

It has been a settled policy since 1976 to prohibit federal funds from being used for abortion. Unfortunately, these restrictions must be renewed each year through a patchwork of various spending bills.  The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act would make this long-standing policy permanent through a statutory prohibition and ensure the law is followed government-wide.

Additionally, I believe that the so-called “compromise” in the final version of the health care reform law was insufficient and I voted against final passage. Because of my concerns, I cosponsored S. 877, The Protect Life Act of 2011, which would ensure there is no taxpayer funding for abortion as a result of the new health care law.

You should also know that during consideration of the bill which funds the federal government for the remainder of the year, I voted for an amendment to eliminate federal funds for Planned Parenthood.  Organizations that perform abortions should not receive federal funding.  Unfortunately, the measure failed, but I was able to support a restoration of the ban on government funding of abortions in the District of Columbia. This ban, which had been in place since 1996, was overturned by President Obama in 2009.

Finally, I recently sent a letter with 27 other Senators to Dr. Donald Berwick, the Administrator for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), urging swift reconsideration of its rejection of Indiana’s Medicaid State Plan, which restricts funding to health providers that perform abortions.  In our letter, we declared our support for Indiana’s proposal to prevent taxpayers from subsidizing the operational costs of abortions and for “the right of states to administer their Medicaid programs in a manner consistent with the values and needs of their citizens.”

Please know I stand with you as a strong advocate for the protection of life.  I believe life begins at conception and will consistently vote to protect the lives of the unborn.  For more information about what I’m doing in the Senate to protect the sanctity of life, please visit my website at: http://corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ProtectingTheUnborn.

Bob Corker
United States Senator

CBR Director arrested for protecting Planned Parenthood abortion clinic

Kurt Linnemann

Kurt Linnemann

Believe it or not, CBR Maryland Director Kurt Linnemann was arrested on June 10 because he reported a suspicious-looking cardboard box placed near the entrance of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.  This is why you should always videotape your pro-life activites.

In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how many times were we told that we should report anything suspicious?  In this case, Kurt saw such a package outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Wilmington, Delaware.  So he reported it.  When the package turned out to be an empty box, one of the investigating officers arrested Kurt for reporting the package.  How stupid can you get?  Here’s the story.

Having the opportunity to observe law enforcement personnel over the years, I’ve observed that most of them are faithful public servants who deserve our every respect.  But about 10% of them really do love to throw their weight around.  They love that power and they want you to know they have it.  When you encourter such idiots, it is always best to obey their every command … then come back later and sue them.

You absolutely need to tape your pro-life activities.  You can expect this officer to lie under oath to cover up his stupidity.  Video recordings will go a long way to prevent him from getting away with it.

On Friday, June 17, CBR Maryland hosted a news conference.  Video here:


Can a cat and an owl be friends? (video)

Cat and Owl

Cat and Owl

See for yourself!

If a cat allows you to live in his or her house, you may recognize the game of tag that the cat plays with the owl as he flys by.


Breaking news: Anthony Weiner resigning

Newswire says Anthony Weiner is resigning.  Not sure why he would do that, really.  After all:

  1. Sure, he lied about sex, but so did Bill Clinton, and the Dems thought that was just fine.
  2. Clinton lied to a grand jury, which is a crime.  Weiner only lied to us, which is not.
  3. Weiner’s colleagues have made lying to us an art form.  They lie about ObamaCare, Iraq, Social Security, deficit spending, the economy, the financial health of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, tea party rallies, Valerie Plame, abortion, …  That’s just off the top of my head.

So what’s the big deal about Weiner’s lying?

North Carolina Becomes Third State to De-Fund Planned Parenthood

Here’s the story.  First two were Indiana and Tennessee.  Only 47 more to go!

Notice that two of three (Tennessee and North Carolina) are the very closest states to Knoxville, the home of CBR Southeast.  You think there’s a connection?

Wait a minute.  Knoxville hero Peyton Manning plays football in Indiana.  There must be something to this!  Does this make Knoxville and CBR Southeast the center of the pro-life universe?

Why humans live 80 years but our animals don’t

Why do we live about 80 years but most animals don’t?  Sit back and I’ll tell you the story…

On the first day, God created the dog and said, “Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past.  For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.”

The dog said, “That’s a long time to be barking.  How about only ten years and I’ll give you back the other ten?”

So God agreed……

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, “Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh.  For this, I’ll give you a twenty-year life span.”

The monkey said, “Monkey tricks for twenty years?  That’s a pretty long time to perform.  How about I give you back ten like the dog did?”

And God agreed……

On the third day, God created the cow and said, “You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer’s family.  For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.”

The cow said, “That’s kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years.  How about twenty and I’ll give back the other forty?”

And God agreed again……

God created humans and said, “Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life.  For this, I’ll give you twenty years.”

But the human said, “Only twenty years?  Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?”

“Okay,” said God. “You asked for it.”

So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves.

For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family.

For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren.

And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

Exposing abortion at high schools

Canadian high school student shakes hand of Operation School Choice Director Francisco Gomez.

Canadian high school student shakes hand of Operation School Choice Director Francisco Gomez.

High school children are having abortions.  Others on the fence.  Who will get to them first?  Will it be us?  Will they see the truth?  Or will it be that pro-abortion professor who will lie with impunity?

See what pro-lifers are doing about it in Canada.


Planned Parenthood stripped of federal funding in Tennessee

Apparently, Planned Parenthood has been stripped of its federal funding in Tennessee.  Click here for the story.

Statement by Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey here.

This is a continuation of story here.

Ode to the lousy internet

In the 1700s, poet Robert Burns wrote his famous Ode to a Louse.  He concluded:

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us,
To see oursels as others see us!

In the modern era, our obsessions are different.  As I was working on our website (to fund Pro Life on Campus this Fall), it occurred to me:

O for the Pow’r that money gives us,
We pray to God that Google sees us!

TRL: Gov. Haslam can stop Planned Parenthood funds

From LifeNews.com:

Tennessee Right to Life continues to press Governor Bill Haslam to take steps to yank the taxpayer funding the Planned Parenthood abortion business receives from the state.


“As much as 55% of certain Planned Parenthood salaries are funded through contracts with the Tennessee Department of Health, said [Tennessee Right to Life President Brian] Harris. “These same employees  spend at least part of every work day promoting and/or participating in abortions at Planned Parenthood … no tax payer should be forced to subsidize the salary of any organization’s employees that participate in the harming of women and the killing of helpless unborn children.

Full story here.

Background story here.

Gov. Haslam’s statement here.