
World’s shortest books

by Bill Gates

by Barack Obama

by Jane Fonda
Illustrated by Michael Moore

by Hillary Clinton

By Bill Clinton


by Ellen de Generes & Rosie O’Donnell

by Mike Tyson


by O. J. Simpson

by Ted Kennedy

by Bill Clinton

and, just added
by Nancy Pelosi

Hidden video: Dems prepare to help read the Constitution

FAB cameras were on hand when Congressional Democrats prepared to help read the Constitution.


I guess I should apologize for comparing Democrats to Barney Fife.  Sorry, Barney.

Seriously, it was instructive to hear leftists respond to the reading of the Constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives:

  • Dahlia Lithwick of Slate said reading the Constitution was evidence of a “fetish.”
  • Dem. Cong. Jerrold Nadler said reading it was “total nonsense” and “propaganda.”
  • MSNBC’s Chris Hayes wondered if there might be something “insidious” about reading it.
  • Joy Behar of The Voice wondered if reading the Constitution—once in our lifetime, by the way—might be “getting out of hand.”
  • Ezra Klein of the Washington Post said reading it aloud was “a gimmick.”
  • E. J. Dionne of the Washington Post lamented treating the Constitution as “the equivalent of sacred scripture.”
  • Former (thankfully) Dem. Cong. Phil Hare said “I don’t worry about the Constitution.”

Of course, when they take the oath of office, guess what they promise to do?  Here’s their oath of office (in part):

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …  So help me God.

Why does the left have so much contempt for the Constitution, particularly it’s limitations on the role and scope of government?  Because the Constitution limits their power to create the socialistic/bureaucratic utopia they dream of.  They can’t get the votes to pass amendments in the legal way—we won’t give away our freedoms voluntarily—so they just pretend it says something else.  Reading the Constitution makes that pretense more difficult.

The Joy of Statistics – 200 Countries, 200 Years

Hans Rosling’s fascinating look at the improvement of incomes and life expectancies over the past 200 years in 200 countries worldwide.


Vanderbilt University rescinds illegal abortion pledge requirement

Kudos and many thanks for the Alliance Defence fund (ADF) for their victory against Vanderbilt University’s illegal abortion pledge requirement for nursing students.  From ADF:

Vanderbilt Rescinds Supposedly Non-Existent Policy, Protects Conscience

In response to the complaints filed yesterday by ADF with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concerning Vanderbilt’s requirement that Women’s Health Track applicants in its Nurse Residency Program must sign an acknowledgement that they must assist in abortions, Vanderbilt has today amended its application packet to eliminate this requirement.  Applicants are now asked to read a statement that such procedures are in the program, but it also explicitly informs applicants of the availability of a right to be excused from assisting with abortion procedures and does not require applicants to acknowledge in advance of admission any willingness to participate in abortions.  An email by Vanderbilt  to all applicants informed them of the change this afternoon.

More here …

Check out ADF’s Speak Up University website.

Contraception no deterrent to abortion

They always tell us that if we really wanted to stop abortion, we would just hand out condoms.  We know it’s foolish, but now Planned Parenthood’s own report proves it.  According to the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, “54% of women who have abortions had used a constraceptive method (usually the condom or the pill) during the month they became pregnant.”  Over half say they used their method inconsistently, and about 13-14% report correct use.

We already knew this, but now we have their own data to prove it.  Next time a pro-abort suggests that I hand out condoms instead of exposing truth, I will simply say, “Most abortion mothers say they used contraception during the month they got pregnant, but they got pregnant anyway.  They had contraceptives in their possession, and they either chose not to use them consistently or the method failed to work.  So how will it help stop abortions for me to give someone another condom if they won’t use the ones they already possess?

The student will scoff at the notion that aborting mothers were using contraceptions, because in their minds, contraceptives are 100% effective.  I will give them more rope by asking, “Are you really sure you want to challenge that?  Do you really want to say that I made it up?”  In a debate, you always want to use the data already reported by your opposition; they have no choice but to accept its authenticity.

Then I”ll whip out a copy of the Guttmacher fact sheet and say, “I ask again, why should I waste my time giving out birth control that people won’t use or won’t work effectively?”

Pro-aborts: “CBR so effective, only censorship and bully tactics can defeat them.”

Pro-aborts: CBR is "really effective."

Pro-aborts: CBR tactics are "really effective."

We have many endorsements from college students, pro-life activists, political leaders, and others who have seen our work in action.  But this piece amounts to the strongest endorsement we have ever gotten.

Freedom of (hate) speech: Confronting the rise of anti-choice activities on Canadian campuses was written by a pro-abortion activist in Canada who laments the effectiveness of our Canadian CBR affiliate.  She is so frustrated by the effectiveness of our work, she believes only censorship and bully tactics can ensure our defeat.

The more sophisticated of our opponents know that any open admission of our effectiveness will only make our fundraising and recruiting efforts more effective.  That is what makes the candor in this article so remarkable.  Military intelligence officials who interrogate prisoners of war usually focus their questions on determining what their captors believe to be the most effective tactics being employed against them and why.  Our abortion adversaries just volunteered that information and we didn’t even need to water-board them!

Some excerpts:

These on-campus battles are the new front line of pro-choice activism in Canada.  But with anti-choicers setting the terms of debate, how can pro-choice activists respond?  [Note their admission that CBR is setting the terms of the debate, which is exactly what we want to do.]

But one thing that they have been really effective at doing is coming up with messaging that affects the popular discourse, which I think is a really dangerous thing because it will eventually seep into the legislature and the courts.  [Another admission that CBR is “really effective.”  Note the recognition that our work on campus will transform culture.]

Anti-choice groups are using the free speech argument to win the public relations battle …  [The author believes we are winning.  That’s important, because winning is how the killing stops.]

These presentations and displays have provoked a pro-choice response in a way the activities of other anti-choice groups have not.  [That’s because the activities of other pro-life groups, in the view of the author, are not effective and need not be countered.]

With anti-choicers setting the terms of debate, pro-choice advocates have had to grapple with the utility of confronting these groups head-on …  [To this author, “confronting these groups head-on” means shouting us down and running us off the stage.]

A new generation of anti-choice groups is establishing a reputation for itself on Canadian campuses, with increasingly visible tactics that many pro-choice activists call discriminatory, harassing and hateful.  [Note the significance of “harassing” and “hateful” labels, which could allow pro-life speech to be censored under Canadian law.]

The university administration is barraged with phone calls and emails calling for the event to be shut down on the grounds that it amounts to harassment and is offensive to women …  Shortly after the event begins, a group of about 10 women and their allies enter the room, chanting and blocking the projector with the intent of disrupting the presentation.  [The context of this passage is an explicit endorsement of censorship and bully tactics.]

… the CCBR legally constitute hate speech by inciting hatred towards those women who have or support the right to have abortions, and should thus be restricted in order to prevent the harassment of women.  [Note the call for censorship.]

Unfortunately, it seems that the freedom of expression of protesters is not taken as seriously at McGill as hateful speech …  [Note the dismay over lack of censorship.]

Do pictures work? Meet Abby Johnson! Today only, get her new book at 35% off!

She was the director of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Bryan, Texas.  But she had never seen abortion until one fateful day in September 2009.  Her clinic was shorthanded and needed somebody to man the ultrasound machnine.  She was asked to lend a hand.

In her new book, unPlanned, available today only at a 35% discount, Abby Johnson tells us what changed her from pro-choice to pro-life:

I could not imagine how the next 10 minutes [i.e., seeing abortion] would shake the foundation of my values and change the course of my life.  (page 2)

The image of the tiny body, mangled and sucked away, was replaying in my mind …  (page 5)

If she worked at an abortion clinic–even serving as its director–and was ignorant about what abortion is and does, how much more ignorant must our teenagers be, unless we show them the truth?

At a webcast I attended last night, I heard Ms. Johnson describe the process of changing her mind.  As we have observed in others, she required a “sink-in” period.  Even after she saw abortion, she didn’t become pro-life immediately.  She started out by saying, “I’m still pro-choice, but abortion is wrong for me.”  A few days later, it was, “I’m still pro-choice, but maybe abortion shouldn’t be legal in all cases.  Eventually she realized, “Maybe I’m pro-life.”  It’s a process.

Let me encourage you to purchase her book today.  It’s important because the first-day sales can determine whether the book shows up on the best-seller list or not, and also whether it is displayed at the front of the bookstore or at the back.  The more sales it gets on this first day, the more attention it gets, the more publicity it gets, etc.  All the juice means more people buy the book and learn the truth about Planned Parenthood.  Get your 35% discount here.

March for Life near you | Be there

Let me encourage you to attend a March for Life event this year.

National March for Life.  The national March for Life will be held in Washington, DC on January 24.  That’s where I’ll be, because I will be speaking at the Students for Life Annual Conference on the day before the March.  I’m on a panel discussion on the pros and cons of showing graphic abortion photos.  (Not sure which side I’ll end up taking.)  CBR’s GAP exhibit will be on display alongside the march route.

Knoxville, Tennessee.  Tennessee Right to Life, Knox County Chapter is holding their prayer service and march at 2:00 pm, Sunday, January 23, at Calvary Baptist Church, 3200 Kingston Pike.  Alan Williams, WVLT News Anchor, will be speaking.  Should be awesome; sorry I’ll miss it.  After a brief prayer service, marchers will walk 0.8 miles down Kingston Pike and Concord Street to Tyson Park.  Shuttles will be available back to the church.  It matters if you are there.  Here’s the link.

Atlanta, Georgia.  In Atlanta, Georgia Right to Life will be holding their Together for Life Rally at 11:30 am, Friday, January 21, on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol.  Rebecca Kiessling will be speaking.  Here’s a bulletin insert for your church.

Send me your event and I’ll post it here.

Poll: CBR to host GOP Presidential leader in Knoxville!

Want to see the next President?   Get your tickets today!   A new poll from CNN/Opinion Research Corp. shows Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee leading the field of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2012.

Gov. Huckabee will be at the Knoxville Convention Center to speak for CBR / Pro Life on Campus on Monday, February 14.  Group discounts available.

Please plan to attend.  The purpose of this event is to raise money to save babies, so get a table and invite your Christian friends  to sit with you.  It will be a fun evening, and you’ll be glad you came.  I promise.

Details at www.KnoxvilleHuckabeeDinner.com.

Would you like to meet the next President in person?  Want to bring your best customers?  Sponsors are invited to attend a special reception with Gov. Huckabee.  Call 1-800-521-6692 for more information.  Time is running out.


California: You think the Mexicans would take it back?

Insightful op-ed piece by Victor Davis Hanson, regarding California and it’s debt situation.

Yes, we are proud that we have changed the attitude, lifestyle, and demography of the state, made it “green,” and have the highest paid public employees and the most generous welfare system—and do not have to soil our hands with nasty things like farming, oil production, or nuclear power. And now we are broke.

click for more …

In 1848, the United States paid $15 million for California, Arizona and New Mexico and parts of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo).  Somebody call the Mexican government and offer to return California.  They can keep the $15 million.

Hallelujah Chorus at the Mall Food Court

At noon on November 13, 2010, these unsuspecting shoppers at the Seaway Mall in Welland, Ontario got a Christmas present they will never forget.

As I watch this … for the 10th time … I can’t help but wonder what the prophet Handel might think if he could see it.  How could he imagine this scene, half a world and 269 years away, as he worked day and night in the summer of 1741 to set God’s Word to music?

Who knows what God will do with the work He has given each of us to complete?


As you may know, the prophet Handel is generally credited with writing Messiah, the Musical, but he actually plagiarized most of the lyrics.  For example, he copied some of its most memorable lines from another prophet, a guy named Isaiah, who lived in the 700’s BC.  For example, Isaiah wrote these lines:

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  (Isa. 7:14)

For unto Us a Child is born, unto Us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  (Isa. 9:6)

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.  All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.  (Isa. 53:3-6)

Anybody can write about a person who has already lived and events that have already happened.  The eternal beauty of Handel’s Messiah is that so much of it was written hundreds of years before Jesus was born.  Only God can do that.  Check this out.

Santa and reindeer sing “White Christmas”

Back by popular demand, this is too funny!


Click here to download another version.

In the culture wars, we are Patton’s Army fighting for Bastogne

Gabrielle and her classmates are fighting the good fight on the battleground that must not be lost.  They deserve our help.

Gabrielle and her classmates are fighting the good fight on the battleground that must not be lost. The consequences of losing are too horrifying to contemplate, but they are outnumbered and surrounded.

Today, 66 years ago, the Battle of the Bulge began.  Soon, the eyes of the world would focus on Bastogne, a little town in Belgium.  As it turns out, the 101st Airborne had gone to Bastogne for some well-deserved R&R.  Nobody expected the battle that was about to ensue.

Geography made Bastogne the most important location on the battlefield.  All roads led to Bastogne.  (Tennesseans know the strategic importance of Chattanooga in the War Between the States, because all railroads went through this city.)  It was squarely in the middle of the German salient, and it was the key to victory.

The 101st Airborne fought bravely to hold the city, but they were surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned.  Still, they fought on.  They were teenagers.

George Patton knew the war could be won or lost at Bastone, so he turned his army 90 degrees to the north and raced toward the city.  Yes, they were already in a battle of their own.  Yes, it was cold.  Yes, it was difficult.  But Patton knew the consequences of German victory would be too horrifying to contemplate.  On December 26, 1944, Patton’s army broke through to relieve the 101st.  For all practical purposes, the war was decided.

In the culture wars, the college campus is Bastogne.  That is where the war will be decided.  The Left understands this.  Although liberals comprise only 20% of the American population, they are 72% of all college professors.  They decide what is taught to the next generation.  They fight to remove all traces of Christian morality and thought.

Christian pro-lifers in this environment are like the 101st Airborne.  When they head off to college, they don’t know about the battle that will soon engulf them.  They are teenagers.

From their first day on campus, their beliefs are viscously and relentlessly attacked and mocked, by professors and fellow students alike.  They fight bravely, but they are outnumbered and surrounded.  They deserve our help.

The culture wars will be won or lost on the college campus.  We (all of us) are Patton’s army.  At CBR / Pro Life on Campus, we race to college campuses with the ammunition of plain truth about abortion.  We train pro-lifers how to articulate and defend the pro-life position.  We bring our GAP project and our truth trucks to reinforce the message that (1) the unborn child is a baby and (2) abortion is much worse than people think.

We are helping pro-life students fight the good fight, not against flesh and blood, but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]” (Ephesians 6:12).

We need your help.  At a bare minimum, would you consider $20/month, over and above what you are already doing?  If we can get 1,500 of you to do this—if you do it, the others will—we can visit an additional 42 major universities every single year.  Your $20/month will help us reach a million students every single year.  If $20 seems too little compared to what’s at stake, feel free to do more.  If $10 is all you have, then we ask you to commit that much.

Yes, you are already doing other things. Yes, it will cost you something.  But we ask you to join this battle for the future of our nation, because the consequences of losing are just to horrifying to contemplate.

Give Huckabee for Christmas?

Wondering what to give for Christmas?  How about a fun evening with Gov. Mike Huckabee and comedian Mike Williams?  Radio advertising has started, so these tickets will go fast.  Please get them now, before they are gone.  This will be a fun evening to Celebrate Life!

Click here to get your tickets.  Get a table of 10 at a seriously discounted price.  The website is  www.KnoxvilleHuckabeeDinner.com.  Get a table of 10 at a seriously discounted price.

Want to meet Gov. Huckabee in person?  Sponsorships are available.  If you’re interested, e-mail me back or call Jeff at 1-800-521-6692.

Here’s comedian Mike Williams, who will provide entertainment:


Hail, Favored One! The Lord is with you!

If you live within a 3-hour drive of Pigeon Forge, this one song is well worth the trip and the ticket to Dollywood.  Haven’t seen it yet this year, but hopefully soon.


Other recordings differ in audio and video quality, but each one is magnificent:


