
Make Mine Freedom

This is one of the best I have ever seen and it was produced in 1948. This should be viewed by every American, whether Democrat or Republican. This cartoon is timeless and is even more true today as it was in 1948!


Priest, Brother of Arrested Carleton Student: ‘I Can’t Be a Moderate Pro-Lifer Any Longer’

The arrests of five pro-life students at Carleton University earlier this month should inspire pro-lifers to step up and engage in the pro-life battle, said Fr. Simon Lobo, brother of arrested Carleton Lifeline President Ruth Lobo, in a powerful homily in Ottawa.

Fr. Lobo hadn’t been doing nothing.  He had attended the marches, the life chains, the 40 Days events, etc.  But after seeing his sister’s example, he knew it wasn’t enough.

It would be easy to blame the university, the police, or “those who promote a radically liberal agenda” for the arrests, he said in the homily, “but you and I are part of the problem, because we have put up with too much for too long.”

Fr. Lobo called the graphic images of abortion used in GAP, which are often seen as controversial, “disgusting.”

“But they’re also true and accurate.  Abortion is disgusting,” he added.

More here …

Pro life speaker on tour … Change the world with $10

Speaking before Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life

Speaking before Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life

Thank so much to the Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life for hosting me at the Henderson County Library on Saturday.  This Right to Life group is fired up and ready for more than just “business-as-usual” pro-life stuff.  I look forward to returning.

The title of my talk was “Lessons From the Past: How We Can Win.”  That’s the critical question, because winning is how the killing stops.  I got a good write-up in the Hendersonville Times-News.  My main points:

  1. Reformers of history ended (1) the slave trade in Egland, (2) slavery in America, (3) abusive child labor in our factories, and (4) segregation in the South.
  2. All of these movements used horrifying pictures to change people’s knowledge of the facts.
  3. Successful reformers were willing to accept persecution.
  4. They were not content to “reduce” injustice.  They worked tirelessely until they ended the whole boody mess.

I also challenged all present to change the world with only $10:

  • Our movement is suffering from censorship.  Not the censorship of government.  It is the censorship of pro-lifers who will not help.
  • We are praying that we can increase our campus visits from 6 schools/year to 20 schools/year.  Guess what that will cost.  I’ll tell you … $10.  That’s it.  $10 every month from 1,000 people.  If you have internet/cable TV, you can afford $10.  Please click here and give $10/month.  Your reward is in heaven.

Would you give $10 a month to stop this:

Aborted at 10 weeks - Would you give $10 to stop it?

Aborted at 10 weeks - Would you give $10 to stop it?

I Want Your Money … You gotta see this movie!

Great new movie out this week: I Want Your Money.

To find a theatre near you, click here.

Join filmmaker Ray Griggs in this documentary film I Want Your Money as he contrasts the two paths the United States can take using the words and actions of Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan. The film uses interviews from well-known public figures, experts, movie clips, dramatic portrayals, music, graphics and even comedic animation to tell the story in the plainest terms of the choice between the Obama and the Reagan views of the role of the federal government in our society. It also examines how these big government programs have been tried in the past at great moral and financial cost to the nation. California is offered as a case-in-point in understanding what economic challenges might face the nation, if we choose the larger government path. Finally, I Want Your Money is a call to action for those who care about the future of the United States.


The Saga of Uncle Feds … all too true

In a recent column, John Kass shared with us an excellent parable describing our relationship with the Federal government.  It’s called The Saga of Uncle Feds.

Uncle Feds is the big fat fellow who crashes on your couch. He’s been there for years and years. He demands roasts and chops, devouring whatever he can find in your refrigerator. And when you’re out working long hours, Uncle Feds sits on the couch ordering pay-per-view movies.

He was plenty big before all that hope and change. But in the last two years, Uncle Feds has become so incredibly large that his bulk defies description.

And while he eats, you begin to realize that you don’t have enough cash to fix that hole in your shoe, let alone think about college tuition for the kids.

So one night at dinner, Uncle Feds brings up the subject of your family’s financial problems. In a rational, calm and hopeful voice, he tells you that yes, the economy is lousy, but that you must stop worrying.

“Don’t be angry,” says Uncle Feds with a mouthful of rare beef. “Don’t focus on your anger. Don’t worry about a darned thing. I’ve just solved all your cash shortage problems.”

Your wife gives you one of those startled looks.

“Uncle Feds!” she says, “Just what have you done?”

“Well, I’ve just taken out a second mortgage on your house,” says Uncle Feds. “Your cash-flow worries are over.”

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like bad economics to me.  You reckon that makes me a racist?

Christian love or perversion of mercy?

Gregg Cunningham

Gregg Cunningham

In response to the arrest of brave pro-life students at Carleton University in Canada, we got an e-mail from a pro-life, Christian Carleton student.  She objected to the work of the arrested students on the grounds that showing photos of abortion is neither loving nor compassionate.  She wrote, in part:

If you can honestly say that you are upholding the greatest commandment, to love your neighbour, by holding up those graphic images then we clearly have a different interpretaion of this great commandement.

CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham responded:

Your references to Christian “love” are badly muddled.  Ephesians 5:11 commands us to “Expose the deeds of darkness.”

We aren’t calling women who abort “murders” and I challenge you to find one sign or document of ours which makes that accusation.  Women who abort invariably know they are doing something wrong, but they seldom know how wrong.  They are lied to about who their baby is and what abortion will do to both mother, and child and in that sense they are also victims of abortion.  Abortionists, however, are physicians.  They know exactly what they are doing.  They are unambiguous murders.

Nothing could be more cruel or un-Christ-like than for pro-lifers to help abortionists trick mothers by hiding the horror of the abortions into which they are being deceptively drawn.  That is a dark perversion of mercy which cannot fairly be called compassion.

That pretty well sums it up!

Komen for the Cure Donated $730K to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in 2009


LifeNews.com is reporting that the The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation donated $730,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2009.  (Click here for story.)

Ray Comfort vs Richard Dawkins

Ray Comfort is a great example of the kind of evangelist we should all be.


The return of the liberal thugocracy

Expanding on my previous post (and, lest you think Mark Levin was exaggerating), I wanted to call your attention to Michael Barone’s column (“The coming liberal thugocracy“) that appeared in the Washington Times in October 2008.

Barone forsaw the very kind of thuggish behavior that is proudly on display this election cycle.  The Family Research Council is reporting on it’s website:

Now we see thugocracy arriving in full form this election season. This past weekend President Obama said that campaign ads pointing out the voting records of Members of Congress who supported his policies were financed possibly by “foreign-owned corporations,” which is an accusation that even the New York Times found false.

Members of Congress are getting into the act as well by trying to silence any organizations that seek to expose their voting records. At least one of the targets of FRC Action PAC’s humorous “Get Government Off Our Backs” ad (CBS News and their online viewers declared the spot the “hottest ad of the week!”) has been calling television stations to stop the ads from airing. Congressman John Boccieri’s (D-Ohio) campaign called the ad misleading but after reviewing his voting record, the station quickly agreed the ad was truthful.

(Click here for more …)

Here’s the Get Government Off Our Backs ad:


Attacking the First Amendment – Is that the best you can do?

You may know some of this story, which relates to the current election cycle.  But the story is even more important for pro-lifers because it is part of a broader strategy to undermine First Amendment protections for political speech.

Toby Harnden of the London Daily Telegraph has written an opinion piece entitled, “Epitaph for Barack Obama’s Democrats: ‘Is that the best you can do?'”

Here’s the video of Bob Schieffer asking that question of David Axelrod:


You might want to watch this response by Charles Krauthammer.

As pro-lifers, we must look at this in the broader context, which is the all-out assault our right to speak on political matters.  Obama and his band of Alinsky-ites are trying to permanently strip us of this right in order to gain and keep political power for themselves.  They have been restrained by two recent Supreme Court decisions (Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission), but only by narrow 5-4 majorities on the Court.  [Just a reminder: elections matter.]

Mark Levin exposes the hypocrisy of these people in this analysis that is worthy of your consideration.

Obama DOJ on voter fraud: not interested

Apparently, the Obama administration is intent on expanding its power by bringing Chicago-style voter fraud to the entire nation.

To really understand the mind-set of Pres. Obama and his henchmen, you have to read “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky.  Alinsky was the father of “community organizing” in Chicago, and he provided the philosophical underpinnings for much of what has become of the Democratic party over the past 30 years.  In Chapter 2 (Of Means and Ends) any means are acceptable as long as the end result is to take away from the “Haves” and give to the “Have-Nots”.  One of Alinsky’s moral authorities is none other than Vladimir Lenin, killer of millions.

Since the Alinsky movement is driven by atheists who reject the notion of Christian virtues, these people have no sense of accountability to any outside moral authority (e.g., God).  To them, laws and morality are only constructs of the Haves to hold onto their own power/wealth and keep the Have-Nots from getting theirs.  They hold themselves accountable only to their own ideology, which is to take from the Haves and give to the Have-Nots.  (Of course, they are not above taking a huge cut for themselves [Source 1, Source 2].)  As long as the end result is that more people are helped than harmed, it is morally justifiable to lie, cheat, steal, and (if we are to follow the example of Lenin) even murder.

These people are not your father’s Democrats or even your next-door-neighbor Democrats.  They are Alinsky-ites and they are not to be trusted.


Election 2010 — It ain’t over ’til its over

The coming election is critical. We’ve all heard the hopeful talk, but remember what the great philosopher Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over ’til its over.”

Let me encourage you to do whatever you can to bring back a pro-American, pro-Freedom, and pro-Life Congress in the next 30 days.  Don’t sit around watching Fox News.  It makes you feel good but it does nothing to help.  This will help:

  1. Pray and fast for God’s mercies.
  2. Go to www.RealClearPolitics.com.  Find a tossup Senate race and a tossup House race. Go to their websites. Donate. Volunteer. There may be ways to volunteer even if you don’t live there.  Caution: don’t waste time on lost causes nor on races already won.
  3. Order a copy of the video Battle for America (trailer below) and host a home showing for all your pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-American friends.  Most importantly, view it with your children, nieces, and nephews and their friends.
  4. Whatever happens on Nov. 2, the work isn’t finished.  Help create a permanent pro-life voting majority by supporting CBR (click here).  Your $10 a month will help CBR visit 96 major university campuses before the 2012 elections.

If you don’t do anything, then don’t complain to me about the anti-American, anti-Freedom, pro-Death people you get stuck with.


Myths, lies, and statistics at Planned Parenthood

From the Washington Times, an interesting exposé of the myths and lies being propagated by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood has been aggressive in marketing the oft-quoted notion that abortion is only 3 percent of what it does.

Pencils ready?  Planned Parenthood arrives at 3 percent by dividing its total number of abortions by its total number of “services.”  For 2008, that would be 324,008 divided by 10,940,609.

To illustrate the absurdity of such a statistic, note that if Planned Parenthood hands out 97 condoms, it could count that as 97 “services.” Then it does three abortions and claims that, because it also handed out 97 condoms, abortion is 3 percent of its business. This statistic is specifically designed to lead the American people and the legislators who continue to give government money to Planned Parenthood to believe that a very small portion of Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion-related.

Click here to see the entire article.

One of the authors of this piece is Katie Walker.  While at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in 2006, Katie’s Northern Right to Life group made international news when one of the NKU professors vandalized their “Crosses for the Unborn” display.  Katie has often been an invited speaker at our annual Student Leadership Conference.

Added on September 24, 2011:

A commenter questioned whether PP is suggesting that a 13-yr-old might be ready for sex if … , as opposed to an older child. Facts to consider:

  1. The text in question has been captured and is presented below.
  2. The URL is http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm. Note the words “info-for-teens” as part of the URL.
  3. I accessed the link by first typing in the URL, www.teenwire.com, which is a URL that PP regularly gives out as a source of information for teenagers.
  4. A 13-yr-old child is a teenager.

Combine this with everything else being thrown at children from the media, the entertainment industry, etc., that’s more than enough encouragement for a couple of 13-yr-old children to start having sex.  All it takes is one to push for it and another to consent.

from http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm

Text extracted from http://www.plannedparenthood.org/info-for-teens/sex-masturbation/am-ready-sex-33826.htm.

Courageous pro-life students are examples for all of us

Yesterday (October 4), pro-life students at Carleton University were arrested for trespassing when they attempted to display the pro-life Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) on their own campus. Carleton University is a public university in Ottawa, Ontario. GAP is a controversial but peaceful project of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR); it has been displayed hundreds of times at university campuses and other venues all over the world.

It should be noted that despite the suppression of freedom in places like North Korea, Canada, Iran, etc., pro-lifers in freedom-loving countries like the United States and Russia have routinely displayed GAP without government interference.

The university said that while the students could not display their signs in The Tory Quad, a busy outdoor location on campus, it welcomed them to erect their signs in Porter Hall, an indoor room.

Ruth Lobo, president of Carleton Lifeline responded: “They are trying to sound reasonable by providing an alternate location, but what they aren’t saying is that Porter Hall is a closed room that few students pass by or even know where it is,” she said.

Club vice-president James Shaw added, “Telling us we can protest but in a back room no one goes to, is like telling black people they are welcome to ride the bus as long as they sit at the back.”

The university has reportedly been saying that student groups aren’t typically allowed to have displays in the Quad. Lobo asked, “If the Quad isn’t bookable, why advertise it as bookable space for student groups? More importantly, the university has never communicated to us that this is its reason for denying us the space. We’re only hearing about it through media who call us for a response.”

Refusing to tolerate censorship, the students proceeded to walk to Tory Quad with their signs. Part-way to their destination, they were stopped by authorities, eventually amounting to at least 3 campus security personnel and at least 9 police officers. Four Carleton students were eventually handcuffed and arrested by Ottawa police and charged with trespass.

Shaw commented, “I find it disgusting that Ottawa police allowed themselves to be hired as thugs to do the university’s dirty work. Shame on them for participating in Carleton’s censorship of its tuition-paying students.”

For more information contact Ruth Lobo or James Shaw at 613-600-4791 (cell).

Please pray that God will protect and deliver these brave students.

Note: Here at PloC, we don’t ask you to get arrested. We only ask you to give $10 a month.  If 1,000 people give $10 a month, we can grow from 6 GAPs a year to 20 GAPs a year.

Other stories at Life Site News,  National Post, Canada NewsWireVancouver Sun, Vancouver Sun, Maclean’s on Campus, and National Post.

A Tale of Two Rallies | Stunning photos of Restoring Honor and One Nation

You may be aware of the “One Nation” rally held Saturday at the National Mall.  A more descriptive name would have been “One Communist Nation,” because that was the rhetoric of the day.

Some of the organizers claimed 175,000 or so attended, and one left-winger even claimed more attended Saturday’s rally than attended Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in August.  FletcherArmstrongBlog should win the prize for this, because nobody — not CBS, not MSNBC, not NBC, not even Fox News — is reporting the story like you are about to see it!

I went online and found a photo of each rally taken from the Washington Monument.  (See caveat below.)  See if you can figure out which crowd is bigger.

A Tale of Two Rallies - One Nation (upper) and Restoring Honor (lower)

A Tale of Two Rallies - One Nation (upper) and Restoring Honor (lower)

One caveat: I know the photo of the Restoring Honor rally (lower photo) is authentic, but I can only assume that the photo of the One Nation rally (upper photo) was taken during the rally and not before or after.  Source was http://news.spreadit.org/one-nation-rally/.  Note that the shadows were almost due north, suggesting that the photo was taken at noon standard time, which would be 1:00 pm daylight savings time, about an hour after the rally began.