Pro Life Training Academy in Lynchburg, Virginia
Here we are in Lynchburg, Virginia. Thankfully, we are well west of Hurricane Irene. We have students here from Liberty U, Central Virginia Community Collge, James Madison U, the U of Virginia, the U of Richmond. Pro-life activits from Lynchburg and Roanoke have also joined us.
This is a critical place for us to be. The pro-life Liberty University students are telling us that there are many pro-choice students on their campus.
We don’t charge students to attend this Academy. We depend on you to cover our costs, which are about $75 per person (mostly speaker travel). Please click here, and please be generous, so that we can do this again for more students in Virginia and across the country.
Our featured speaker is Jay Watts of the Life Training Institute (LTI). As a former pro-choice atheist, Jay is uniquely prepared to train students how to deal with people like … well … his former self!
Tags: abortion debate, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Pro Life Apologetics, Pro Life Training Academy
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 27th, 2011 at 12:13 pm and is filed under Pro Life Apologetics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
January 29th, 2019 at 11:31 pm
I am a pro-life Lynchburg resident and a Lynchburg College alum, and feel led to get involved in more activism, and to prepare myself to speak out more openly on this issue. How can I sign up for this training? I’d be happy to pay the fee.
Thank you-
Amy Gibson