Pro life speaker on tour … Change the world with $10

Speaking before Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life
Thank so much to the Henderson/Buncombe Right to Life for hosting me at the Henderson County Library on Saturday. This Right to Life group is fired up and ready for more than just “business-as-usual” pro-life stuff. I look forward to returning.
The title of my talk was “Lessons From the Past: How We Can Win.” That’s the critical question, because winning is how the killing stops. I got a good write-up in the Hendersonville Times-News. My main points:
- Reformers of history ended (1) the slave trade in Egland, (2) slavery in America, (3) abusive child labor in our factories, and (4) segregation in the South.
- All of these movements used horrifying pictures to change people’s knowledge of the facts.
- Successful reformers were willing to accept persecution.
- They were not content to “reduce” injustice. They worked tirelessely until they ended the whole boody mess.
I also challenged all present to change the world with only $10:
- Our movement is suffering from censorship. Not the censorship of government. It is the censorship of pro-lifers who will not help.
- We are praying that we can increase our campus visits from 6 schools/year to 20 schools/year. Guess what that will cost. I’ll tell you … $10. That’s it. $10 every month from 1,000 people. If you have internet/cable TV, you can afford $10. Please click here and give $10/month. Your reward is in heaven.
Would you give $10 a month to stop this:

Aborted at 10 weeks - Would you give $10 to stop it?
Tags: abortion debate, abortion pictures, CBR, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, prolife, right to life
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