Pro Life Training Academy in Kingston, Rhode Island

CBR Maine Director Leslie Sneddon opens the PLTA at the University of Rhode Island. More than 25 people participated in this training program.
The Pro Life Training Academy (PLTA) trains you to articulate and respectfully defend the pro-life position. Today, we were at the University of Rhode Island (URI). Tomorrow and Tuesday, we’ll display our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) at URI, Lord willing.
Featured PLTA speaker was Jay Watts, the VP of Communications at the Life Training Institute (LTI). As a former pro-choice atheist, Jay is uniquely prepared to show you how to deal with people like … well … his former self.
Let us know when you want to bring the PLTA to your city!
Tags: abortion apologetics, abortion debate, Jay Watts, Pro Life Training Academy, University of Rhode Island, URI
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