Reaching the Post-Abortive at UT Knoxville
During our last visit to the U of Tennessee, we were greeted by a dozen women whose tops consisted entirely of small but strategically placed squares of duct tape. We can only imagine how much it hurt to peel those off. OUCH!
Yes, they were pretty nasty. The level of hate is quite astonishing, but understandable. These children have been taught to hate their country, hate people who don’t agree with them, and, in some cases, even hate their own bodies. They appear to have learned that lesson well.
Still, we were encouraged by a steady stream of students who stopped and thanked us for being there. Even on campuses that seem completely overcome with darkness, we always seem to find those few who are lights amidst that darkness.
Inspiring faith. Debbie Picarello was stationed near GAP representing Deeper Still, a post-abortion healing ministry and was able to reach many students who desperately needed it.
Julie was 19 when she aborted at 5 weeks. She was sure God knew she wasn’t “ready.” But now she is comforted by a little girl in her dreams. The girl appears to be 3 years old. Debbie told her many post-abortive women have dreams of their children in heaven.
Julie was not ready to come out of denial, but she did say, “Your faith is inspiring me today.”
Praying for courage to speak. Melody was almost aborted. Her dad took her mother to the clinic for a consultation. But when her mother came back the next day, sidewalk counselors spoke with her and took her across the street to the Hope Resource Center. This was Aug 18, 2000. Now both Melody and her mom are Christ followers. Melody realizes she has a special story to tell and is praying for the courage to tell it.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 7th, 2023 at 10:45 am and is filed under Campus Debate (GAP), Post Abortion Healing, Pro Life, Pro Life Activism, Pro-Life in Knoxville, Pro-Life in Tennessee. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.