Posts Tagged ‘abortion photos’
Mixed Nuts at University of Georgia

CBR Staffer Mik’aela Raymond explains that just because an act is government sanctioned, doesn’t mean it is right.
We had not been to the University of Georgia in many years, and our return last fall did not disappoint. Students and faculty showed up with visceral reactions, shouting the usually obscenity or ad-hominem attack. However, several students came back with calmer, even remorseful, spirits. It was in these pockets of humility that we found opportunities to share truth.
Google is on our side. “Fetuses are not human,” one woman emphatically claimed. CBR Staffer Mik’aela Raymond responded, “If these organisms aren’t human what species are they?” “We’re not talking about organisms, they are just one cell,” the woman explained. She attempted to use Google to prove her point. Fortunately, our scientific sources check out with “Google science”. She was confused upon reading the results of her search — a human being is a living organism from it’s most humble single-celled beginning.
180 degree, “About-Face!” A young man returned to our display to re-visit a conversation with Mik’aela. “I was rather incendiary yesterday; that was wrong. I shouldn’t have acted that way and I am sorry.” He went on to admit, “I have a different view now than an hour ago.”
Actions speak louder than words. “Get off our campus; we don’t %^$&*n want you here.” A woman was visibly upset during her first visit to our display. The next day, she returned and hung around the display all day long — listening to various conversations, staying silent. When asked if her mind had changed at all she said “No”, but her radically shifted countenance spoke much louder than her words.
The truth is solid! A group of five men huddled around CBR volunteer Marie. One piped up to ask, “How do you justify comparing abortion to genocide?” Marie explained, “When we fail to recognize the humanity of an entire group of people it enables us to justify all kinds of violence against them.” The group fell silent, then one said “Solid!” He left. The second said “Solid!” and left. The third said “Solid!” and left. The last two stayed for a continued dialogue. It was like a scene out of a movie!
CBR Takes NYC By Storm
New York legislators passed a diabolical law legalizing abortion through birth, and it was signed by Governor Cuomo on January 22, 2019. Consequently, we traveled to New York City in May to show the public exactly what their government had approved. One of our signs showed Gov. Cuomo’s photo next to that of an aborted baby with the caption “Gov. Andrew Cuomo 3261 weeks following fertilization. Baby Jane Doe 24 weeks following fertilization.” We hoped that by exposing the insanity of aborting a viable, third trimester baby (something most people already agree is wrong), we could make people consider the possibility that aborting younger babies is just as wrong.
We began our activism in New York City at Focus on the Family’s Times Square event. Focus staff members were so unhappy they told us they did not want us displaying abortion victim images near their event. We politely ignored their request. We were able to reach thousands of pro-lifers, as well as countless tourists who frequent Times Square.
Our NYC tour continued at Fordham University in the Bronx, New York University in Greenwich Village, and Columbia University in the Upper West Side. We received the typical span of reactions from these college students, even at Fordham, which still claims to be a Catholic (albeit Jesuit) institution. At NYU, one passerby was so angry he defaced our “All Black Lives Matter, Born and Unborn” sign with a permanent marker.
Our next target was the New York Stock Exchange. Not only could we reach some of the most influential policy makers in the country, we could reach people from all over the world. Wall Street was a steady stream of people, from the moment we arrived until the moment we left. It is safe to say they had never seen such graphically disruptive imagery as passersby seemed stunned and speechless.
We ended our Big Apple expedition back near Times Square outside Fox News Headquarters. NYPD sent out their Counter-Terrorism officers, but they were respectful and, in some instances, even helpful. New York City is a particularly dangerous place for preborn babies; it has the highest abortion rate in the entire nation, with 37% of pregnancies ending in abortion. Gov. Cuomo has declared that there is no place in New York for opponents of abortion, but with your help, we proved him wrong. We can’t allow any public official to advocate infanticide and then tell us we have no right to call him out for promoting such atrocities.
If one good thing came out of this evil law, it was that many “fence sitters” now see the other side for what it really is: pro-abortion, on demand, until birth (and maybe even after birth), for any reason, or no reason at all. Join us in praying that God, in His mercy, will convict the hard-hearted legislators and others who celebrate and promote abortion. God hears the prayers of repentant sinners, and as He promised to the Israelites, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 4
This is the fourth of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
Why is Deeper Still, a leading post-abortion healing ministry, associated with the display of abortion photos?
Many post-abortive mothers have said that God used abortion photos to bring them to repentance, peace with God, and eventual healing. This is what happened with Irene van der Wende, the founder of CBR-Netherlands.
Deeper Still has also counseled women who sought help because they saw CBR’s abortion photos in the public square.
People in denial can’t find healing. Also, post abortive mothers are at risk to abort again, compounding the trauma.
Further, if we don’t force Americans to see abortion, then the killing will never end. When CBR shows abortion photos, we know babies and moms are saved. We also know hearts and minds are changed.
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 3
This is the third of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
What about small children who might see the photos?
CBR does not target children with our abortion photos, but they cannot always anticipate when a child may inadvertently see the photos.
The parents set the tone for what happens next. Parents who understand God’s heart regarding abortion can use it as a teaching moment and calmly explain this is an evil that breaks God’s heart and we must compassionately and sacrificially help save babies from abortion.
A parent who is not prepared to give an answer can advise the child to look away.
In CBR’s experience, if a parent explodes in anger, the child will be distressed more by the parent’s behavior than the images. The parent may be projecting his/her own history with abortion onto his/her child.
Children as young as middle school are getting pregnant and having abortions, yet seeing abortion photos can protect them from aborting their babies. It is far worse to allow the wholesale slaughter of a million children each year than to risk the possible discomfort of some children.
Children saw Jesus’ battered and bloody body as he carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem on the way to Calvary. He died on the cross publicly to show the price He had to pay for our sins. Should we keep our children from knowing the truth that could spare many lives from abortion?
Assemble the people — men, women and children, and the foreigners residing in your towns — so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 31:12)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 2
This is the second of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.
What about compassion for the post-abortive women who might see the photos?
It is never compassionate to hide the truth when babies’ lives and women’s souls are at stake. Dr. Alveda King has had two abortions, and she wants women to see the pictures so they can avoid the pain that she has felt.
We know that abortion photos save babies from abortion and spare mothers from unbearable pain. Further, many post-abortive women have reported that seeing abortion photos was their first step to repentance and healing.
So we must ask which is more compassionate, (a) exposing the truth so that post-abortive women can be healed, pre-abortive women can be spared, and babies can be saved, or (b) hiding the truth so the killing never ends?
Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it — I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while — yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. (II Corinthians 7:8-10)
Hard questions about disturbing abortion photos, part 1
This is the first of a 4-part series. Download the entire series in PDF format here: Hard Questions About Disturbing Abortion Photos.

Images like this educated the public on the evils of slavery. Additionally, they created the kind of tension/conflict that (a) forced the public to think about slavery and (b) created a public forum that forced slave traders to defend the indefensible.
Why does CBR display disturbing abortion photos?
No injustice has ever been eradicated by covering it up. William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson used images to end the slave trade, because words alone did not work. Alice Seeley Harris used pictures to end atrocities in the Congo. Lewis Hine used pictures to end abusive child labor.
Martin Luther King said that America would not reject racism until America saw racism, and his niece Dr. Alveda King now says that America will never reject abortion until America sees abortion.
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)
Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11)
Mixed nuts at Appalachian State University
Random stories from Appalachian State University.
Happy grandparents
“I was in a crisis pregnancy and my parents and the father of my baby wanted me to abort. I did not. I have a 2-year-old. It is hard but…..” Her voice trailed off.
“And I bet your parents are glad they have a grandchild, aren’t they?” CBR Staffer Jane Bullington replied.
With tears in her eyes, she smiled and said, “Yes”
[Jane makes us all cry sometimes. … but maybe for different reasons. But we don’t want to get into that. Anyway, …]
Consumer fraud?
“It is not alive until it comes out the vagina,” a woman told Jane.
Jane responded with a question, “Have you ever seen an ultrasound of a baby in the womb?”
“Yes, and it is not alive.”
“Maybe you missed your high school biology class,” Jane suggested, trying not to laugh.
“I am a biology major and you are stupid!”
Consumer alert: This wannabe scholar should demand a refund from ASU’s Biology Department. Just sayin’!
More educational malpractice?
“It is an inanimate object only,” a young man said. Riiiiight. If this genius ever took a biology class, he too is entitled to a refund.
A functioning conscience.
“This is so awful; I don’t know how people can do this to a child,” a young woman said in tears.
Are you edible?
Some young men in preppy clothing walked by, laughing and goofing off. “Is that edible?” one of the young men hyucked.
CBR’s Jackie Hawkins replied simply, “No more than you are.” The goofiness calmed down after that.
GAP under the microscope.
GAP is frequently the subject of classroom discussion. The teacher of a persuasive writing class reported that his students spent the entire class talking about GAP as an example of persuasive speech. They discussed not only the display itself, but also the brochure that we hand out. Even students who would not yet admit to a changed mind had to agree that GAP was an effective use of persuasive argument to communicate its message. We knew that!
Law and Order
As Jeanette Schultz offered a pamphlet to a professor who was hoofing it passed the display. Instead of politely declining, the woman snarled in Jeanette’s face, “Get the F*** away from me!”
Although this kind of aggressive behavior is common, but what happened next was not. Two police officers who were standing nearby seized the woman by her arm and pulled her away from Jeanette, firmly telling her to stop her aggressive behavior and public use of expletives. That was not how she was to act in public, they said. The woman calmed down. When she realized that the police were serious, she made the absurd claim that she “felt threatened” by Jeanette. The police who had seen the whole thing rejected her claim. With a stern warning the woman walked away chastened.
Pro-Life On Campus At University of North Carolina at Charlotte
GAP at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) is always a special treat for me, having lived there briefly about 30 years ago. Both UNCC and the city have grown tremendously; the change is really something to behold.
Like many urban universities, UNCC seems to have a lot of students who actually work as well as go to school. People with productive jobs are not as susceptible to left-wing kookery. We had many pleasant encounters with thoughtful students.
On the other hand, one man jumped the barricades to vandalize one of our signs. He was arrested and is currently facing charges in criminal court. We got some awesome video.
More to come.
Pro-Life on Campus at Appalachian State University

This sculpture honors ASU’s heritage as a teachers’ college. We couldn’t think of a more appropriate place to set up GAP on Day 2. The display footprint is smaller this day because of threatening weather in the forecast.
We headed into the mountains of North Carolina to bring GAP to Appalachian State University (ASU).
It was refreshing to be around people who know how to pronounce “Appalachian.” A few damnyankees want to call it a-puh-LAY-chuhn or, even worse, a-puh-LAY-shuhn. These mispronunciations have been advanced by the mass media since the mid 1970s … and we all know how evil the mass media are.
Phonics. You would never call our western mountains the “ro-SHEE” mountains. It’s ROCK-ee, just like it’s spelled.
The correct way to say my home is a-puh-LATCH-uhn. The ASU folks told us it took three national championships (Div I FCS) to get ESPN to finally say it correctly. Come to think of it, if you can shame ESPN into doing the right thing, maybe we do have hope. Anyway, …
On Day 1, we set up GAP on Sanford Mall, right in the middle of campus. The epicenter of action was the free speech board and poll table, both right next to the GAP display, where large crowds of students gathered. Volunteer Laurice Baddour took the lead and became the star of the show (see really bad photo). Although many were pro-abort (for now), they calmly listened as we made our case, like truly civilized adults. We love it when that happens.
On Day 2, heavy rains and thunderstorms were forecast, so we set up a smaller display at the eastern end of Sanford Mall. With the smaller configuration, we could deconstruct and get off the site on short notice, before lightning would become a hazard.
On Day 3, the weather was better and we followed up with a Choice Chain for a few hours in the middle of the day.
Pro-Life On Campus at University of Tennessee

Brandon Hambrick (orange sweater) joined the UTK Pro-Life Collegians after seeing abortion photos on his campus.
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Adam Lovejoy is an all-star pro-lifer at the University of Tennessee (UT). In December, we had encouraged Adam to join the Pro-Life Collegians at UT. A few weeks later, he was made co-president! His first priority was to invite CBR to bring GAP back to UT.
GAP at UT is always fun. By that we mean froth with protest. This time, they set up just on the other side of the sidewalk, which actually pushed the passersby over toward our display as they walked to and from class.
Pro-life students came out of the woodwork to thank us and even help. Pro-life senior Federico Di Luzio was so impressed by our work that he signed up for the PLC, attended the meeting that night, and showed up the next morning to help set up. Brandon Hambrick was there from the start, with his gentle but strong presence. Solid as a rock in his Christian faith, he was an example to all his male peers.
- Pro-life display sparks controversy with UT students
- U.T. Students protest abortion display on campus
You have to laugh as WVLT-TV falls all over themselves to say abortion is too horrific even to see. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Abortion is so insidious because it actually hides behind its own horror.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Is it permissible for Christians to break rules in order to save lives?

Diana Jeminez broke the rules to display this abortion victim photo at Biola University. A baby was saved and Biola later apologized for their abusive treatment of her.
In recent years, CBR has encouraged students at Christian universities to display abortion victim photos, in spite of demands by university administrators that these images be covered up. This has included Biola University and Liberty University, but CBR is committed to growing this list.
As Christians, we are commanded to obey those in authority over us (Hebrews 13:17, Romans 13:1), presumably even if, in our opinion, the authorities are in the wrong. So, therefore, we must ask the question: Is it permissible for Christians to break rules in order to save lives?
In the case of rules which prohibit students from saving the lives of children on Christian university campuses, the answer has to be an emphatic “Yes!”
We can start with Mark 3:4. Jesus asked the religious authorities, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” When babies are dying all around us, when Liberty University parking stickers are seen at nearby abortion mill parking lots on a regular basis, when 1 in 5 women who aborts her child identifies her as a born-again or evangelical Christian, and when the Church leaders are trained to believe that abortion is somebody else’s problem, then we think it’s fair to ask the question, “Which is lawful at Liberty University (or Biola, or wherever), to do good or evil, to save life or to kill?”
And no student has any Biblical obligation to obey school rules which conflict with God’s laws. God’s law regarding injustice mandates that we intervene in defense of its victims (Isaiah 59:15-16, Proverbs 24:11-12). Ephesians 5:11 proscribes intervention by “exposing” the deeds of darkness, not covering up those deeds.
CBR has seen countless pregnant students change their minds about killing their children after seeing abortion photos on public university campuses. Christian university administrations, however, have spent more time and energy stopping the display of abortion imagery than they have ever spent trying to stop abortion. Publicly, these universities profess to be pro-life. Christians are scandalized to learn that the unwritten rules at these Christian universities actually censor pro-life speech on their own campuses. That is an inconsistency that deserves to be exposed and resolved.
Our experience at Biola has been very instructive. Biola’s treatment of Diana Jimenez can only be described as abusive, even after she had graduated. Biola has since apologized to Diana, but Biola’s claims that CBR’s video was “edited” and had “given a false impression” can rightly be compared with Planned Parenthood’s response to the CMP videos released in 2015.
In the face of all of this, God has actually used Diana’s courage to save at least one baby’s life. The following message was posted online:
There are a lot of people bashing Diana right now but first hand I can tell you she did what she was told to do. I am 20. A student of Biola and always claimed to be pro-life. I thought that until I got a positive pregnancy test. This came after a night of partying just outside the campus and had a one night stand with a youth pastor in training. I was going to go to Planned Parenthood that day and as I walked through campus her signs made me realize there is a human life in my womb …. In that moment I went to my dorm room got on my knees and asked that I would have the strength to be my baby’s mom. STOP saying she didn’t follow her stupid rules. God came through for me because of her. (emphasis added)
Matthew 23:23 says, “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices – mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy and faithfulness.” We don’t want to make that mistake.
Abortion victim photos at Liberty University
by Jacqueline Hawkins
It may seem counter-intuitive to display abortion victim photos at Liberty University (LU), the world’s largest evangelical university. But these students need the truth, just like everyone else.
Eye-witnesses confirm that cars with LU parking stickers are often seen in nearby abortion mill parking lots. Obviously, LU people are having abortions. That doesn’t surprise us, because 1 in 5 women who aborts her child identifies herself as a born again or evangelical Christian.
But when Christians see abortion, they are much less likely to abort their own children.
They are also more likely to understand God’s commandment to be a witness against evil in their own communities. God’s law mandates that we intervene in defense of its victims (Isaiah 59:15-16, Proverbs 24:11-12). Ephesians 5:11 proscribes intervention by “exposing” the deeds of darkness, not covering up those deeds.
Despite all this, abortion victim photo (AVP) displays are prohibited on the LU campus.
However, courageous students at LU are displaying them anyway. At the encouragement of CBR, they have displayed AVPs on several occasions over the past 2 years, most recently during the Fall 2015 semester. All of these events have been peaceful and quiet. Compared to their public university counterparts, LU students are less inclined to curse and carry on. However the students’ most recent display provoked more than one visit from unhappy administrators.
Near the end of the event, the students were approached by the LU police and asked to meet with administrators to discuss their pro-life activism.
Stay tuned.
In a future post, Lord willing, FAB will examine the question of whether it is permissible to break rules in order to save lives.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
ALL Black Lives Matter at the University of Missouri
by Jacqueline Hawkins
The University of Missouri (Mizzou) was recently the epicenter of campus unrest nationally, primarily among the African American student population, but also including others who have felt offended for whatever reason. The protests at Mizzou were an extension of the “Black Lives Matter” campaign that erupted after a law enforcement officer in Ferguson, Missouri was not indicted for defending his own life against a violent criminal.
At Mizzou, there were unproven allegations of racial slurs. There were complaints about so-called “microagressions,” which may be loosely defined as any statement whatsoever that could somehow be twisted as potentially offensive to anybody. Campus administrators were excoriated for failing to respond quickly and decisively enough to these offenses. They failed, for example, to set up “safe places” for blacks only (a policy once known as segregation). As a result, the Mizzou President and Chancellor were both forced to step down.
Many conservatives tried to keep a low profile, for fear of being accused of who-knows-what, but not CBR. We teamed with the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), an African American pro-life ministry, to remind students at Mizzou that ALL black lives matter, not just the particular black lives that fit a certain leftist narrative.
Our “ALL Black Lives Matter” campaign, a derivative of our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), shows students that while they have been standing against injustices that may or may not exist, a huge, can’t-deny-it’s-there injustice has been going on right under their noses — most of the time, with their explicit approval.
On the third day, a sizable protest took place, with students displaying “I stand with Planned Parenthood” posters and engaging in clownish behavior typical of college pro-abort protesters.
Media Coverage:
- Mizzou students asked to fill out Bias Reports because of ‘offensive’ pro-life display
- MU anti-abortion group disagrees with Genocide Awareness Project’s tactics
- Student organizations speak out against anti-abortion graphic images outside Student Center
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
Mixed Nuts at University of North Carolina Wilmington
by Jacqueline Hawkins
Here are an assortment of reactions and comments in response to GAP at UNC Wilmington, ranging from the heartwarming, to the disturbing, to the downright ridiculous.
Tolerant and loving. Three students walked by and one said, “This is so embarrassing — to call abortion genocide.” Jane Bullington chimed in and asked, “What would you call one million deaths a year?” To that, the tolerant, loving student embraced diversity by saying, “Don’t talk to me, or you might get assaulted.”
Determined father. A 19-year-old father of a pre-born child had his resolve strengthened by the pictures. “My girlfriend is pregnant,” he told Jane. “It will be hard but we will not do this.” Jane spent a long time speaking with the young man. While both have supportive families, they didn’t plan on being parents so early. He was very nervous but also very grateful that Jane just listened to him and gave him encouragement.
Informed voter. A young Republican told us after a long conversation, “I am asking a lot of questions because I need to vote appropriately.” Music to our ears! That is one of our goals. We save babies in the here and now, but we also work to prevent future killing by helping Americans ask questions and “vote appropriately.”
Paradoxical or hypocritical? A young woman made the standard battle cry, “It’s my body!” But then she followed up with the paradoxical, “You should be ashamed of yourself!” Not sure how that works. Weren’t we displaying abortion photos with our own bodies?
Where have the gentlemen gone? A male student started cussing Jane Bullington out, calling her a piece of you-know-what over and over. He left after about ten minutes and Jane kept her cool the entire time. Half an hour later, he came back and told her that while he didn’t agree with Jane, he respected how she willingly took his abuse. He decided to consider what Jane told him. Nice.
Forming personal convictions. A young woman was starting to formulate her own opinions instead of relying on her parents. She told volunteer Christy McKinney that during a recent sorority meeting, the co-eds were asked to raise their hands if they had an abortion. She was surprised by the number of hands that went up. We gave her more abortion information so that the facts, along with the pictures, could properly inform her opinions.
Idiocy gets folks killed. One student insisted that abortion was perfectly okay because sex wasn’t enjoyable after pregnancy and birth. Well I guess that’s the logical conclusion when you are willing to kill your children to preserve your sex life.
Jacqueline Hawkins is a CBR Project Director and a regular FAB contributor.
CBR brings controversial abortion pictures to Knoxville

Philip Hamilton speaking to a pro-choice supporter at the GAP on Market Square in Knoxville, Tennessee.
by Philip Hamilton
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) recently displayed photos of aborted fetuses in downtown Knoxville, reminding passersby on Market Square that abortion decapitates and dismembers little human beings. CBR’s display, known as the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), exposes the devastating effects of a “woman’s right to choose” by focusing attention on what is actually being chosen.
The Market Square GAP was my first one as a new staffer for the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. During the course of the day, I encountered many people on both sides of the debate.
I spoke with a homeless couple who had lost custody of their children due to drug issues; they were staunchly pro-life. They said that while their children did not have an ideal childhood, there is always the option of adoption.
Later, I got a pro-choice progressive to admit that late term abortions were morally wrong. I told her about Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal organs. We discussed Virginia’s ultrasound law, which she supported because a woman should at least be able to see an ultrasound of the child before being able to kill him. I told her that there should be at least a 24-hour waiting period after the ultrasound is done, so that women can have more time to make and informed choices between life or death for their children. [The more time women have to think about their decision, the more likely they are to choose life.] She supported a waiting period after I discussed the reasons why the a waiting period is actually “pro-woman.” After seeing GAP, this progressive woman rejected some of the most extreme pro-abortion positions. Not a complete conversion, but it’s a start, and not a bad one in only 15 minutes.
At the end of the day, I spoke with a woman with two young women in tow. She supported our message, but ordered her children to look away from the pictures as we talked. In spite of her belief that children should not look at aborted fetuses in a public square, she believed that teenagers and adults must see them before they can make an informed decision on the effects of “choice.”
We have a choice, too. We have a choice whether to spend our time and treasure on winning hearts, changing minds, and saving lives. Will you devote your time and treasure to stand for the right to life?