Posts Tagged ‘abortion pictures’
“Coolest Pro-Life Street Action Ever” at Civil Rights March in Raleigh
Thousands gathered at the annual Historic Thousands on Jones Street (HKonJ) rally and march in Raleigh, North Carolina, on February 9. Rev. William Barber, President of the North Carolina NAACP, admonished the ralliers, “No evil is ever necessary. Evil is a choice.” Link to story here.
CBR’s Brooke McGowan was there to show marchers just how evil “choice” could be. She was armed with a set of CBR’s “Choice” signs and hundreds of our “Choice” cards, which she handed out to the marchers. (See video below.)
Videographer Chuck Suter called it the “coolest pro-life street action ever”:
Eight reasons to use graphic images
If Simcha Fisher shows up today for the March for Life in DC, she’ll be sorely disappointed when she passes E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse on Constitution Avenue. That’s where we will be with our billboard-sized photos of aborted babies. In her blog at the National Catholic Register, Ms. Fisher advanced “Eight Reasons Not to Use Graphic Abortion Images at the March for Life.” We beg to differ. Read her blog here. Below, FAB resonds to each of her assertions.
There will be children at the march. First of all, children as young as nine do become pregnant and they do get abortions (we have press clippings to prove it). In America, a school nurse can take a pregnant child out of class and to a judge who can certify that this little girl is sufficiently mature to make an abortion decision behind her parents’ backs. It happens all the time.
Even parents who don’t allow their children to watch violence on television often take them to the grocery store, where check-out lines are flanked with magazine covers depicting dead and dying victims of violence, terrorism, natural disasters, etc., some of them as gruesome as anything we use. They have been seen by countless children whose clueless parents never even noticed.
We have had countless women tell us that nothing less shocking than our abortion photos would have sufficed to dissuade them from killing their children. So we have to ask ourselves, “Which is worse, children being upset by a picture of abortion or other children being killed by the act of abortion?”
When Christians complain, we ask “Would Jesus use bloody pictures to show people the result of sin?” Jesus controlled every aspect of his capture, trial, and execution. He arranged to have Himself beaten so badly, He didn’t even look human (Isaiah 52:14). His beard was torn off of his face (Isaiah 50:6). In this condition, He walked through the most crowed part of Jerusalem on the most crowded day of the year. His bloody body horrified throngs of Passover pilgrims, including large numbers of young children.
He made this disturbing spectacle as public as possible, because he wanted to disturb us with the gravity of our sin (but also bless us with the grace of His forgiveness), despite the fact that many children would be traumatized in the process. Did He get this wrong?
There will be post-abortive women at the March. If there are post-abortive women all around us, there are also pre-abortive women around us. And with as many high-school students as come to the March for Life by the busload, you can bet there are pre-abortive women (and men) in the crowd. The most compassionate thing we can do for pre-abortive women (and men) is to show them the truth so that abortion is no longer a temptation.
Furthermore, the history of social reform demonstrates that we can never end abortion by covering it up. So we have to ask ourselves, “Which is worse, women feeling sorrow over past abortions, or the killing never ends?”
Mothers will be there. Yes, mothers will be at the March for Life with their children. We will be on the left-hand side of the parade route. There is ample opportunity for parents to redirect their children’s attention away from the display. Parents do it all the time.
Other parents don’t try to hide uncomfortable truth from their children. They use our pictures as a teaching moment, so that their children will know the truth and will not be entrapped by the twin evils of complicity and complacency.
Those are real babies. At the Holocaust museum and in any book on the Holocaust, you will see pictures of dead people, and those people are very real. Their bodies are stacked up like chord wood. Victims of injustice want their plight to be known, and they want injustice to end. If it is wrong to show pictures of dead victims at the March for Life, it is equally wrong to show pictures of dead victims at the Holocaust Museum.
Public image matters, but changing minds matters even more. We don’t care what people think about us; we care about what they think about abortion. Civil rights activists actually wrote Dr. Martin Luther King a letter asking him not to come to Birmingham. They thought he might undo all the great progress they had made. They thought his methods were too confrontational. Maybe they thought his public image was bad for the civil rights movement.
But he went to Birmingham anyway. He got thrown in jail, and he used his time in jail to write his famous Letter From a Birmingham Jail, perhaps the most important document to emerge out of the Civil Rights Era. He wrote about the necessity to make people uncomfortable with the status quo. He said that civil rights moderates were more dangerous to the cause of civil rights than the Ku Klux Klan.
Abortion pictures do not push women into abortion. We have been told by many, many women that they had decided to abort their babies, but seeing our pictures changed their minds. We have never heard of any woman who said she had decided not to abort, but seeing our pictures caused her to change her mind and change her mind.
Pictures do not desensitize pro-lifers to the extent that they leave the movement. Yes, of course we who see the pictures every day don’t react with the same emotion as we used to. I’m sure that surgeons and emergency room doctors don’t react to blood with the same emotion that they felt when they first entered medical school. But so what? Does that make them less effective? Do they leave the profession? Are they less committed to saving lives? Does it make them think that death is not such a big deal?
What people see changes their minds. To say that pictures don’t force unwilling people to change their minds is simply not supportable by the facts. When Americans saw pictures of Black men and women being attacked with dogs and water cannons, certainly not all of them changed there minds about racial injustice. But enough did change their minds to bring about the needed reforms. When people see abortion photos, certainly not all of them change their minds. But many do. Ms. Fisher’s argument is not with us; her argument is with these — women who didn’t abort, people whose minds were changed, people who became more motivated to stand against abortion — and many others who have said that abortion pictures changed their minds.
Last resort? If people need to see the truth, as Ms. Fisher says, then why should we limit their exposure to once or twice per lifetime? Why? Did they broadcast video and publish photos of racial injustice only once or twice?
Finally, Ms. Fisher asserts that we should show abortion pictures only as a last resort. With more than 50 million dead in this country over 40 years, we have to ask, “If not now, then when?” I don’t know about Ms. Fisher, but if I am ever kidnapped and my captors are planning my execution, I hope that those who know of my plight won’t wait until I am dead before they decide it’s OK to use every tool in their toolbox to rescue me from death and save my life.
Earn money for your pro-life group at March for Life
We are printing 30,000 “Choice” cards to hand out at the March for Life in DC. We need help passing them out. We are willing to pay your group a stipend to get it done.
The purpose of the cards is twofold:
- Give pro-lifers a tool they can use to explain abortion to their friends, neighbors, acquaintances … even the people sitting next to them on the plane. Photos make it clear what abortion is and does. Words are not enough.
- Encourage pro-lifers to learn more about our life-saving work by visiting our website and/or watching the video linked to the QR code on the front of the card.
You won’t get rich handing out cards, but it is a worthy project and we are glad to provide a stipend to help your group with travel expenses. We probably need about 10 people, beginning at about 10:00 am and continuing until all the cards are handed out. If you are attending one of the student rallies that precede the March, that would be a great crowd to work, so we could meet you with the cards earlier in the day.
Can your group help us? Please contact us here or call us at 865-609-9033.
When talking wasn’t enough, pictures saved another baby’s life.
When talking wasn’t enough, abortion pictures did more than talk. They saved a baby’s life. Denise was born just a few weeks ago, but pictures saved her life back in May!
Although grieving a previous abortion, her mother Vicki still planned to abort her child. Fortunately, CBR volunteer Debbie Picarello (who also volunteers with Deeper Still, a post-abortion recovery ministry) was able to show abortion pictures to Vicki online. Recalling the conversation, Debbie said it was clear that “talking wasn’t enough.” With your help, CBR had trained Debbie to use abortion pictures … when “talking wasn’t enough.”
Graphic photo tells story of slavery “to the eye.”
I’ve shown this photo to thousands of people … in homes and churches and meeting rooms. But I didn’t know the story behind the photo until I read it today. The piece was written by Frank H. Goodyear, III, assistant curator of photographs at the National Portrait Gallery. The man in the photo was identified as Gordon … only as Gordon … with no last name. Excerpts:
[Photography] also played an influential role in broadening the national debate about slavery. As this famous photograph suggests, photography was capable of communicating powerful ideas about the so-called “peculiar institution”—ideas that ultimately undermined the prevailing notion that slavery was a benign tradition. (emphasis added)
Recognized as a searing indictment of slavery, Gordon’s portrait was presented as the latest evidence in the abolitionist campaign. An unidentified writer for the New York Independent wrote: “This Card Photograph should be multiplied by 100,000, and scattered over the States. It tells the story in a way that even Mrs. [Harriet Beecher] Stowe [author of the 1852 book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin] can not approach, because it tells the story to the eye.” (emphasis added)
Link to entire story here.
Father, speaking of 3rd child: “We had been thinking about [abortion], but …”
Another baby saved. A 30-something father of 3 children spoke with CBR staffer Jane Bullington about his 3rd child, yet to be born. “We had been thinking about [abortion], but I didn’t know it was like this,” he said, “I know we can’t do this.”
GAP at the University of Tennessee always allows us to win the hearts of men and women like this one, saving their children and also their familes. He is not evil as much as he is ignorant. Or should we say, “as much as he was ignorant,” before we showed him the truth.
Thanks to all who support our work and help save babies and families like this one.
Confused Christians. We always encounter Christians who believe showing abortion pictures is too extreme. It never occurs to them that the complacency among Christians is the real extremism. The good news is that some are willing to learn. One such student said, “I think you should take the pictures down and just talk to folks.” But we were able to speak with this young man about the need to pierce through denial, the recognition of sin, forgiveness, healing, and repentance (changed behavior). After hearing more, he finally admitted, “I hate the pictures, but you have a valid point.” “”
Another was not so open-minded. She wrote “Micah 6:8” on a huge piece of cardboard, and used it to shield the pictures from passersby who requested the “service.” Micah 6:8 says “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Not sure what she thought is just about baby-killing, or what is merciful about complacency, or what is humble about disobeying God’s commend to hold back those headed to slaughter (Proverbs 24:11-12).
Student defies “Christian” college, shows pictures of abortion
CBR intern Seth Gruber is now officially our new hero at FAB.
For 3 years, Seth had petitioned to bring the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to Westmont College a “Christian” college in Santa Barbara, California, where he is a student. For 3 years, they said “No.”
Finally, Seth took matters into his own hands and brought some hand-held abortion photos to campus and put them on display. He and fellow pro-lifers Todd Bullis and Timothy Eaton took a position right outside the dining hall.
Two college officials tried to shut them down. They were successful in throwing Todd and Timothy off campus, but not Seth, because he is a student. Here is video of one student whose heart was converted when seeing the graphic photos and part of the exchange with the college officials:
Here is a link to Seth’s account of the experience. Stay tuned for more updates.
For more on God’s admonition to Christians regarding abortion, see my letter to Liberty University’s Dr. Jerry Falwell.
Pro-Life on Campus in Georgia: Training the next generation
FAB is coming to you today from Macon, Georgia, where CBR is co-sponsoring a pro-life student leadership training conference. Pro-life students have come from all over Georgia and Alabama for a day of leadership training and networking. I’m here with Lincoln Brandenburg, our new project director in Georgia.
As one of the speakers for this conference, your humble correspondent addressed the students on the history of social reform and how that history can guide us as pro-lifers. We are not the first social reform movement, and we can learn a great deal from successful reformers like William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, the abolitionists in America, Lewis Hine, and Dr. Martin Luther King.
I’ll be participating in a round-table later today.
Thank you for making it possible for CBR to sponor this conference. You are training the next pro-life generation. Help us do more of this: click here.
Key States Initiative (KSI) deploys to Ohio … Help make history!
CBR has deployed three Key States Initiative (KSI) truck teams to Ohio, to make sure abortion is part of the political debate in that key state. Lord willing, they will operate in northern Ohio until Election Day. More about KSI here. Media coverage here.
Here is an encouraging word from Tom Herring, one of our volunteer drivers:
Driving a CBR truck was one of the most fulfilling pro-life activities I’ve ever done. … The likelihood of those teens [who saw the trucks] choosing abortion, or choosing abortion advocates to represent them in government, has been radically diminished.
We desperately need drivers in Ohio. We’ll get you there, we’ll house you, and we’ll feed you. No special license required. We’ll train you to drive! You must be at least 21 years old and have a good driving record. Please join our tream. Contact Leslie Sneddon Call 207-607-3488 or e-mail her at
If you can’t go to Ohio yourself, would you send us a tank of truck fuel ($350)? Because of our matching donor, your gift will double as soon as you confirm the online gift! That’s two tanks of fuel for the price of one! Who else will give you that deal today? Please give now. Then e-mail us at to confirm the match. Thanks so much!
Answering common objections: GAP polarizes debate and abortion is not genocide
This op-ed piece in the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal was one of the most striking endorsements of our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) that I have ever seen. In one of the ensuing comments, Milgo Robbins repeated many of the common objections to GAP: GAP stimulates emotion, not reason; GAP polarizes the debate; abortion is tragic; women face dire consequences; and, of course, abortion is not genocide.
Here’s my response:
Dear Mr./Ms. Robbins (sorry, I don’t know if it’s Mr. or Ms.),
Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
Yes, you are correct that it’s important to build consensus, but it’s impossible to build a meaningful consensus when so many people are confused about basic facts. Most people have no idea who the unborn child is nor what abortion is and does. It’s our job to prove that the unborn child is a baby and abortion is an act of violence, because nobody else will.
Once we have built a consensus about the facts of abortion, then and only then is it possible to have an intelligent discussion about the morality of abortion. People who deny basic facts about the humanity of preborn children and the brutality of abortion cannot come to a rational consensus about the morality of abortion. To have a rational discussion of abortion with people who deny the facts is like discussing our solar system with members of the Flat Earth Society; it can’t be done.
Some may object to images of abortion because they believe the pictures somehow substitute emotion for reason, but that really misses the point. The question is not whether the pictures are emotional – they are – but whether the pictures are true. If the pictures are true, then they must be admitted as evidence. Naomi Wolf is a pro-choice author who agrees with us on that point. She wrote, “How can we charge that it is vile and repulsive for pro-lifers to brandish vile and repulsive images if the images are real? To insist that the truth is in poor taste is the very height of hypocrisy. Besides, if theses images are often the facts of the matter, and if we then claim that it is offensive for pro-choice women to be confronted by them, then we are making the judgment that women are too inherently weak to face a truth about which they have to make a grave decision. This view of women is unworthy of feminism.” (Source: Naomi Wolf, “Our Bodies, Our Souls,” The New Republic, October 14, 1995, p. 32)
Yes, people who wish to ignore or trivialize injustice don’t want reformers to show pictures, because pictures make people uncomfortable with the status quo. About 100 years ago, Lewis Hine displayed pictures of children working in coal mines and textile mills. He wrote in his memoirs that people would look at his pictures and get more angry at him for showing the pictures than at the industrial bosses for abusing the children. About 50 years ago, people looked at pictures of Black men and women getting attacked with dogs and water cannons and got angry at Martin Luther King, Jr. for leading the marches. Dr. King knew, however, that people had to be made uncomfortable with the status quo; otherwise, there would be no pressure for change. He said he didn’t care what people thought about him; he cared what they thought about injustice. We stand with him.
As regards the “tragedy” of abortion, people who advocate the status quo are quick to say that abortion is tragic. But what could possibly be tragic about it? If each abortion is tragic because it kills a human person, then how does it make sense to commit this tragic act more than 1 million times a year. If someone thinks the status quo is OK, then how tragic does he really think it is? On the other hand, if each abortion does not kill a human person, then how can we say that it is tragic?
With regard to the mother considering abortion, what does it say about our society that so many people are lying to her and withholding critical information from her, information she needs to make an informed decision? Of course, the abortion industry is hiding the truth of abortion. But so is the government, the national media, the entertainment industry, and even the “pro-life” church. This woman often faces enormous pressure to abort, and sometimes even faces threats of abandonment (or worse) by irresponsible or predatory males who should be supporting her. Some “choice.” Maybe if more people understood the reality of abortion, they would be more likely to help her in her crisis pregnancy, instead of just pushing her to abort.
As regards the dire circumstances that women face when considering abortion, how can circumstances (other than an imminent threat to the life of the mother) justify killing another human person? I can tell you that a plantation owner in the deep South would face dire circumstances if he were to free all of his slaves and have to pay workers’ wages to pick his cotton. But did his circumstances justify slavery?
We never condemn anyone who disagrees with us or has participated in abortions in the past. In fact, many people who work in the pro-life movement, including our Virginia Director, have had abortions they now regret. We don’t condemn people who have participated in abortion, any more than we condemn slave-owners George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. These were great men who made a grave error about a serious issue. We do, however, condemn slavery and abortion, because these practices unjustly steal the lives of innocent human beings.
Regarding our use of the term genocide, we agree that abortion is not genocide . . . IF. If preborn children are not living human beings, then abortion does not kill humans and there is no relevant similarity between abortion and genocide. But if preborn children are living human beings—science tells us they are alive and human—then abortion kills 1.2 million humans every year in the U.S. If not genocide, what else would we call it?
UN Resolution 96, adopted in 1946, defined genocide as “a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings . . . ” Resolution 96 goes on to say genocide is a crime “whether committed on religious, racial, political or any other grounds . . . ” (emphasis added). With abortion, the “entire human group” being denied the right of existence is unwanted, preborn children.
But more important than the UN definition of genocide are the conceptual similarities between abortion and other forms of mass killing. For example, in every case of genocide we present, personhood was redefined by those in power in terms that excluded the intended victim class. The Dred Scott decision of 1857 denied personhood to African American slaves. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 denied personhood to Jews. The Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 denied personhood to unborn children.
Common to almost all forms of genocide is the depiction of the victim class as subhuman. Nazis referred to their victims as rats, pigs, vermin, and “untermensch” (German for “subhuman”). We all know the language used to dehumanize the Black slave. What of the preborn child? If it’s a wanted preborn child, we call it a “baby.” But if it’s an unwanted preborn child, it’s never a baby; it’s a parasite, blob of tissue, mass of cells, potential life, etc.
As with abortion, genocide is often framed in the language of “choice.” When Stephen Douglas debated Abraham Lincoln over the issue of slavery in 1858, he said that although he was personally opposed to slavery, the southern states should have the right to choose whether to be slave states or free states. That sounds reasonable, unless you are a slave.
By the way, we did not invent the comparison of abortion to genocide. Martin Luther King compared racial injustice to the Holocaust. Later, using the same rationale that we use, Rev. Jesse Jackson extended the comparison to abortion: “That is why . . . whites further dehumanized us by calling us ‘n*****s.’ It was part of the dehumanizing process. The first step was to distort the image of us as human beings in order to justify that which they wanted to do and not even feel like they had done anything wrong. Those advocates of taking life prior to birth do not call it killing or murder, they call it abortion. They further never talk about aborting a baby because that would imply something human. Rather they talk about aborting the fetus. Fetus sounds less than human and therefore abortion can be justified.”
Others who compare abortion to the Holocaust include Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Yehuda Levin of Brooklyn: “Each form of genocide, whether Holocaust, lynching, abortion, etc., differs from all the others in the motives and methods of its perpetrators. But each form of genocide is identical to all the others in that it involves the systematic slaughter, as state-sanctioned ‘choice,’ of innocent, defenseless victims – while denying their ‘personhood.’”
In your rebuttal to our assertion that abortion is genocide, you mentioned the fact that the mother was of the same ethnicity as the child. True, but consider the Cambodian genocide. In that case, Cambodians were killing other Cambodians. UN Resolution 96 says genocide is killing any group of people, whether the group is chosen based on “religious, racial, political or any other grounds . . . ” (emphasis added). Ethnicity is often a factor in genocide, but not always.
Our purpose is never to condemn anyone who has had an abortion. Our purpose is to clarify the confusion so that people can make better decisions in the future, both individually and collectively. If any reader needs healing from an abortion in his/her past or help with an unplanned pregnancy, check out the resources listed here:
Peace to you as well,
Did Presidential candidates seek out CBR trucks?
CBR staged a real coup last week by “truthing” both Presidential candidates, Pres. Obama in Wisconsin and Gov. Romney in Virginia!
In Madison, Wisconsin, Pres. Barack Obama’s motorcade passed within 30 feet of one of our abortion billboard trucks in Madison, Wisconsin (photo at right). The driver was our super volunteer Jim Davis. Both before and after Pres. Obama’s rally, thousands of Obama supporters were forced to walk past our enormous GAP display. We immediately seized the opportunity and flanked the corridor with handheld “Choice” signs, which we held aloft on both sides of the walkway leading past the GAP display. Story here. They were furious at us for raining on their parade.
At almost the same hour on the same day, another abortion billboard truck, driven by CBR super volunteer Bubba Gene Garrett, was parked along the access route to a campaign rally for Gov. Mitt Romney and Cong. Paul Ryan in Fishersville, VA (photo below). Thousands of Romney/Ryan supporters passed this truck. In fact, so did the Romney/Ryan motorcade. Cong. Ryan had his window open, waving and gaping at the abortion photos on the truck.
Thank you for supporting our work. Your gifts make it possible to reach our culture with live-saving truth. Please pray for our nation. And please keep on giving, because the more you give, the more people we can reach. People who need to know.
Pro Life on Campus at U of Wisconsin: GAP meets presidential politics
At the U of Wisconsin, one of the campus papers gave us the most stunning endorsement of GAP I have ever read. There were three articles written about GAP:
- Badger Herald: Pro-life protests fill Library Mall
- Wisconsin Reporter: Candidates avoiding ‘A’ word in presidential campaign
- Daily Cardinal: Abortion protests gut check passers-by with abrasive displays
Excerpts from the Daily Cardinal op-ed, written by Noah Phillips:
My reaction—and many of my friends’ reactions—was very visceral and very rudely rooted in the body. There were tears and vomit. I myself shook, grimaced and avoided Library Mall almost subconsciously for days. …
[Comparing CBR to environmental activists:] The critical difference is that the GAP will not tolerate our apathy. … If you cried or vomited, their tactic worked because they reached you. They didn’t persuade you, they didn’t please you, but they reached you. They think that abortion is revolting, vile and obscene, and for a minute they made your stomach curl too.
It’s a dangerous tactic because of its efficacy. …
[If you are an activist concerned about injustice:] No doubt you know what it is to be made aware of something, something you find horrifying and egregious. Something to which people walking down the street are oblivious. You want them all to know what you know. You resent that they don’t feel the way you feel. You want them to feel it in their guts, to strike them dumb, to shake their souls. In short, you cannot convey the enormity of your awareness. And so, whatever your perspective on the Genocide Awareness Project, the Center for Bioethical Reform or abortion, I want you to appreciate what it takes to reach someone so viscerally.
Wow. This guy obviously has a functioning conscience, so we have hope for him!
Yes, we want to make injustice impossible to ignore. We show pictures of abortion because abortion is everything Mr. Phillips claims: disgusting, shocking, and grisly, Pictures of abortion are shocking because abortion is an act of violence that kills a baby. The abortion industry, aided by much of the culture, is trying to cover up that fact, just as other purveyors of injustice have tried to cover up their evil deeds. We are committed to exposing injustice, so that people can see it for themselves.
Mr. Phillips says that we are dangerous, becasue we are effective! We absolutely reject violence, of course, but I suppose we are a threat to business as usual. Perhaps we are a threat in the same way that abolitionists were a threat to the slave trade, Lewis Hine was a threat to abusive child labor, and Martin Luther King, Jr. was a threat to segregation.
As it turns out, President Obama decided to hold a campaign event near the GAP display. We reached thousands of political activists on their way to and from the campaign assembly!
Pro Life on Campus at the University of Wisconsin, Day 1
Another great day to win hearts, change minds, and save lives! Yesterday was Day 1 at the University of Wisconsin. We had a great location on the State Street Podium, which is in the heart of the U of Wisconsin campus. In addition to our traveling team (from Tennessee, Ohio, California, Arizona, and California), we had excellent support from local pro-lifers.
We are on the State Street Podium, a City-owned pedestrian mall in the heart of the campus. Since the space is owned by the City of Madison and not the University, we didn’t need a student group to sponsor our visit. However, we do hope to start a pro-life student group who will help with future GAPs and conduct other effective projects on campus. It is certainly needed.
We are also looking for one or more pro-lifers to help us expand our footprint in Wisconsin, which has been a key state for many years and will continue to be so.
Why not double your money? (And save babies at the same time.)
We have less than 9 weeks to get pro-lifers out to vote in 4 key states!
Every dollar you invest in our voter education project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! You give $50, our matching donor gives $50 more. You give $5,000, our matching donor gives $5,000 more. For your support, here’s what you get:
- Immediate 100% return on investment. Will your 401-K do as well?
- Save babies’ lives. Pictures of abortion save lives. Happy mothers have told us so, over and over again.
- Get pro-lifers out to vote! If we don’t, we could lose all the pro-life gains we have made since 2010. And we could lose much, much more.
The pro-abortion health care bill, commonly called ObamaCare, will transfer billions of your tax dollars to the abortion industry. That’s “billions” with a “b”. If we fail to stop this insanity, our children and grandchildren will pay the price. The ones who live will pay with their taxes; the others will pay with their lives.
I’m asking you to make your voice heard by supporting this important project.
Remember, every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.
Why does our driver love this project? An encouraging word from the road!
The Key State Initiative (KSI), our pro-life voter education project, is on the road in 4 states! More on KSI here and here. While the media focus on pocketbook issues, we are sending a pro-life message all the way to Washington! We haven’t forgotten the daily carnage, and we won’t let them forget, either!
Here is an encouraging word from Tom Herring, Co-Director of the Anti-Choice Project. He drove one of our KSI truth trucks for a week!
Driving a CBR truck in Iowa was one of the most fulfilling pro-life activities I’ve ever done. I wish I could do it 40 hours a week. … The enormous graphic display on the side of box-body truck is perhaps the best way to expose the violent act of abortion.
The gaping-mouth stares of teenagers – seeing abortion for the first time – were the most rewarding to me. Most of our youth have consciences which are still functioning. … The likelihood of those teens choosing abortion, or choosing abortion advocates to represent them in government, has been radically diminished.
Thank you, Tom!
Make your voice heard! Truck fuel is very expensive. Truck repairs aren’t cheap, either. Travel costs are up. We’ve been on the road for 7 weeks; only 9 more to go! But we need your help. Unless we hear from you soon, we’ll have to park the trucks and wait. Yuck! We hate to wait because babies are dying and Election Day is coming fast. So please support KSI right now!
One great bit of great news: Every dollar you invest in this critical project is instantly matched, all the way up to $75,000! So be sure to designate your gift for “Other” and type in “KSI”. Or just send us an e-mail and we’ll take care of it. Let’s raise $10,000 by the end of this week!
The trucks are in place; the rest is up to you. Please support KSI now, for we urgently need your help.