Posts Tagged ‘abortion pictures’
Like Jihadists, Planned Parenthood Uses Women and Children as Human Shields
As we were erecting our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) abortion photos on the campus of UC Berkeley in October, a professor raged up to our Director and hissed “Shame on you for making women feel guilty about their abortions.” When our trucks drove through State College, Pennsylvania, in 2004 The Daily Collegian ran a story quoting Planned Parenthood’s argument that we shouldn’t show pictures of what their abortion clinics do to unborn children because it upsets born children. “Paula Nossek, health center manager for Planned Parenthood … said she thought the group’s tactics were both ‘tasteless’ and ‘cowardly,’ and she questioned the authenticity of the images.” She added, “‘If they were decent human beings, they would be sick letting kids see it ….’” She isn’t sick killing these babies, but we should be sick showing them.
Planned Parenthood’s hiding behind women and children (as a means of stopping us from exposing the horror of their abortions) is conceptually similar to a common hostage-taking tactic employed by Islamist fighters. The BBC recently ran a story that described the use of civilians as human shields. The lead paragraph reads, “Gen. Mohiudin Ghori said his soldiers had seen Taliban fighters placing women and children on the roofs of buildings and firing from behind them.”
CBR Poland Billboard Campaign Links Abortion to Nazi Occupation
A planned CBR Poland billboard campaign will remind citizens that Hitler introduced abortion for Polish women on March 9, 1943. Coincidently, the campaign will be in full swing by March 8, which is a special day for feminists in Poland. Each year during this season, they organize ‘Manifa’ marches and demand abortion without limits. Story here.
Pro-Life Students Get Their Voices Back at the University of Florida
As GAP packs up and moves on to the University of Central Florida, I wanted to share with you some more of the coverage in the University of Florida Independent Alligator. Here is the obligatory rant from the Editorial Board. Our Florida Director responded.
Add this column and this one, it is clear to see that there is no balance on the student paper. That is why our work on campus is so important. Feminists for Life reports that women leaving high school are pro-life by a margin of 47% to 37%. When they leave college, they are pro-choice by a margin of 73% to 24%. Male attitudes are similar. One big reason: pro-life students and faculty have no voice.
The pro-life faculty teach business, math, engingeering (hmm, the logical disciplines), where the subject of abortion never comes up. On the other hand, pro-choice faculty teach sociology, psychology, journalism, etc., where they get multiple opportunities to inject pro-abortion propaganda.
Pro-life students study engineering, agriculture, etc.; whereas pro-choice students study, among other things, journalism. That’s why there is no pro-life voice at the Independent Alligator.
After a few months of this, the freshman pro-lifers at the U of Florida start to get the message, “Sit down and shut up.” When we bring GAP, we help pro-life students get their voices back.
Campus Outreach Continues at the University of Florida
“Hundreds of students lost their appetites when they walked past the pictures of bloody fetuses displayed on the Reitz Union North Lawn and the Plaza of the Americas Monday.” So reported The Independent Alligator (IA) at the University of Florida. Story here.
IA columnist Paul Murty provides the obligatory editorial rebuttal to GAP. You may add your own comments to both the story and the editorial.
Murty, like many abortion apologists, insists on his own definition of genocide. Like the Turks, Nazis, segregationists, and others before him, Murty just wants a better society. It’s OK because his victims, after all, are subhuman. Then he plays the intolerance card, which is almost comical. He believes the University should be intolerant of anybody he deems to be intolerant, which is the same as anybody who disagrees with him. Mr. Murty, if abortion is just another “choice”, then why do pictures of it make you so angry?
Murty may ignore our message, but thousands don’t. Note the adopted baby pictured in the photo above (GAP sign on bottom row). That baby’s mom saw the GAP signs at the University of Tennessee and changed her mind.
If abortion truly is the holocaust of our time, please help us win hearts, change minds, and save lives on campus.
Campus Outreach to University of Florida
Today and tomorrow, CBR is on campus at the University of Florida. This is one of our most important GAPs in years, because we will be training 25 international activists in pro-life apologetics and campus outreach.
Training international pro-life activists has become an important part of CBR’s work, and we have established affiliates in Sweden, Canada, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Great Britain, South Africa, and Russia.
On the UF campus, we’ll set up both days on the Plaza of the Americas, near the Reitz Union. Open microphone sessions will be conducted both days from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Later this week, we will be at the University of Central Florida.
If abortion truly is the holocaust of our day, could you dig deep to help save babies and moms? Please contribute online or send a check to CBR, PO Box 20115, Knoxville, TN 37940.
GAP at 2010 March for Life
Every year, CBR takes the Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to the March for Life, and places it immediately adjacent to the March route. This year, more than 200,000 marchers filed past the display. It is one of our most important deployments of the year, because so many of the marchers are young people who really have no idea what an abortion is … until we show them! Many high-school students have commented that our display, which they only see for a minute or so, is the most memorable and impacting experience of their entire trip. They will remember the pictures of abortion long after every one of the speeches have been forgotten.
The Latest on CBR’s Blue Dog Tour
Our effort to stop abortion funding in ObamaCare seems to be working! We have been driving our hard-to-miss trucks in the districts of Congressmen whose votes are critical to final passage of ObamaCare. These trucks are fitted with signs (example shown) that invite constituents to call their Congressman and urge him/her to vote against any health care bill that includes funding for abortion. So far, we have gotten commitments from four “Blue Dogs” to vote against any bill that includes abortion funding. They include Rep. Gene Taylor (MS), Rep. Dan Boren (OK), Rep. Steve Driehaus (OH), and Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (PA). All of them have agreed that they will oppose any legislation that departs from the abortion-funding restrictions contained in the Stupak Amendment to the House version of ObamaCare. Here’s one story. Here is our latest press release. If stopping abortion funding is important, please help us drive this point home!