
Posts Tagged ‘Campbell University’

Mixed Nuts at Campbell University

A CBR volunteer answers a student’s questions about Christianity and graphic images.

It seems Campbell University has strayed further from its Christian roots than we initially thought. One CBR volunteer adequately summarized the harsh reality of our time there, ” I felt like I spent more time defending the Gospel than I did defending babies.”

If she could, she’d ask not to be killed. CBR Staffer Joanna was left bewildered by one student’s questions: “Is the baby saying ‘don’t kill me? Are they asking not to be killed?” Common sense tells us, that a tiny baby in the womb is not talking, but a violent death would certainly be something she would not want.

Sarcasm fail. “God!! Go away!! I’m on my way to get an abortion!” We were left saddened by the woman’s callous remarks, and earnestly prayed that her words were nothing more than an insensitive attempt at humor.

Looking forward to Hell?  Sarah proudly proclaimed, “I am an atheist. I plan to be in hell after I die. I am looking forward to it. I don’t care much for my life.” She “danced” with CBR Staffer Jane Bullington as she attempted to cover up our photographs with her jacket.

Christian college hides pro-life support.  A jogger stopped to encourage us: “We have 10 children. Thanks for what you are doing. There is a lot of support on campus but the school is trying to keep that under cover.”

Shocking reality on Christian campuses.  A female student boldly admitted: “There is no intention to lead people to the Lord here. There are so many non-believers, yet our classes either ignore faith or teach heresy. I complained about the “Overview to Christianity” curriculum to the professor and she said to take it up with the administration. In my 5 classes this semester, I bet 70% are lost.”

Despite the information age, ignorance still exists.  At a very minimum, showing college students the reality of abortion silences those who deny that it is an act of violence. A young man audaciously claimed that, “All abortions are done by C-section; no baby is ripped apart,” all whilst standing in front of our photos.

Pro-Life on Campus at Campbell University

A student attempts to cover-up the truth about abortion.

In Fall 2019, CBR also visited Campbell University in Buies Creek, North Carolina during our Revival Project Tour. We spent three days engaging with the campus community about abortion and ultimately, the Gospel.

Check out press coverage of our visit: