Posts Tagged ‘CBR Maryland’
All Black Lives Matter at Fayetteville State University

At Fayetteville State U, CBR Project Director Jackie Hawkins explains how abortion is the leading cause of death (and voter suppression) in the Black community.
We need the Black community. Without them, we cannot win. And who better to advocate against pervasive injustice?
That is why we were thrilled when the Life Education And Resource Center (LEARN) brought our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) to Fayetteville State University (FSU) in North Carolina, one of many historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) who need to see that all Black lives matter. It was our first visit to this school.
See CBR’s new All Black Lives Matter signs and press release here.
“I saw so many being enlightened, some weeping, and others willfully joining our opening and closing prayers. The dialogue was transforming.” (LEARN National Director Johnny Hunter)
One group of students said they even watched part of Maafa 21 in class, because of our presence on campus.
Media Coverage:
- “All Black Life Matters” project visits HSBC Fayetteville State College students
- LifeTalk: Johnny Hunter interviewed on Life Dynamics
- Life Dynamics: Students react to All Black Lives Matter abortion display
“CBR has always been burdened by the fact that the abortion rate in the African American community remains tragically high. Black women account for 36% of all abortions despite constituting only 11% of the female population.” (CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham)
For more details, read this letter from Gregg Cunningham explaining the All Black Lives Matter Initiative.
Kudos to CBR Maryland Operations Director Samantha Linnemann for making this event possible by bringing equipment and personnel to Fayetteville and managing the site.
These guys are everywhere!
It seems that CBR Maryland’s presence is becoming well known in the Washington-Baltimore area. “Jack” recently posted the following on Facebook, next to a photo of our Black Genocide Awareness Project display:
Jack ——-, August 25:
I saw these guys at the March yesterday and they really bothered me – they show up at most big events in DC, like a bloody wet blanket. Dear Bloody Baby Guys, I see your oversized panels of blood, guts and tiny human parts at most large gatherings on the Mall and it offends me. But frankly you bore me, and I can’t take you seriously and you all are aggressively annoying and I think, intellectually dishonest.
Unbeknownst to Jack, one of his own Facebook friends was CBR Maryland volunteer David, who responded, instigating the following conversation:
David ——-, August 25:
Hi Jack. If you continued down to the second to last sign on the left you would have found me. I didn’t see you there so maybe you didn’t see that at least 6 of our members were women. For the most part people seemed interested, shook my hand, and thanked me for being there.
Jack ——-, August 25:
Dave, I am proud to call you a friend and neighbor! Much love back at ya! Please answer this, Dave, why the giant gross-out signs? Such a negative presence, I personally don’t like them, but further I can’t imagine they win many to your cause. For every one person you may win I suspect you drive away 20!
David ——-, August 25:
I believe that it is important to put a real face on the victims of abortion just as for years we have put a real face on the victims of poverty, war, human trafficking. You know this from Time, Life, and so on. Young people who see these images begin conversations because they are so shocking and then we instantly have another pro-lifer for the rest of her/his life. Never does it work in the reverse unless that person is nuts. 40 years of legal abortion on demand at any stage of fetal development and very little change in public policy because when people say choice they think “reproductive health rights”. The images will help associate “choice” or “right to choose” with the true end product of the wrong choice, a dead baby.
Tim ——-, August 25:
I think that was a great explanation.
Jack’s comments are proof positive that, despite the media blackout, pro-lifers can still succeed in getting their message across to the community. If it can be done in DC, it can be done anywhere! If this is what we can do with a mere sixteen volunteers, image what would be possible with a hundred or more!
Pro-life activism at it’s best — Artscape 2013

CBR peacefully confronts a crowd of 350,000 with the truth. What an honor to bring light to this darkened place! What a tragedy more pro-lifers don’t do it.
FAB is grateful to CBR Maryland Operations for filing this report.
Pro-life activism at it’s best — Artscape 2013
Again this year, CBR rocked the Baltimore art scene to its core with three days of non-consentual, anti-abortion witnessing. Twenty volunteers helped reveal the truth of child-killing to a crowd of 350,000. Many of them were willing to see and hear the pro-life message. Reactions ranged from extremely hostile to enthusiastically supportive. In fact, four people came out of the crowd and joined our demonstration!
On Friday, a woman who had protested against us last year turned up again, this time with spray paint. She defaced one of our signs and violently assaulted a volunteer before being apprehended by Baltimore police officers. There were many more incidents of vitriol and rage, but this was the only physical assault, thanks to the diligence of the Baltimore Police Department.

Two volunteers abandon their plans for the day to help save babies. Will you abandon your plans for the day and help? Whether you hold a sign yourself or buy a sign for somebody else to hold, your contribution saves lives.
Saturday and Sunday gave us greater exposure, as the size and density of the crowd increased. Our headline banner could be read seen from the other end of the fairway, so we attracted a great deal of attention. People of all races, ages, and backgrounds passed by to read our messages and see the reality of abortion. We spoke to Satanists, eugenicists, homosexuals, atheists, Christians, post-abortive women, adopted children, and a self-described socially liberal, gay, pro-life young woman running for state delegate. The diversity of human emotions and reactions was incredible.
It is often saddening to see how absolutely the pro-abortion narrative dominates people’s thinking, despite their pro-life instincts. Over and over, they confirm what CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham has long said,
When the topic of abortion comes up, the average IQ in the room drops by about 40 points.
People have taught themselves to believe really stupid things about abortion that they don’t … well … things they don’t really believe.
We met several who did not believe late term abortions were performed in Maryland. The assumption that the world is overpopulated was almost universal. Few people, even the most intelligent, had a coherent idea of what constitutes a “person,” almost as if they had never considered the question before — which most probably hadn’t. As always, many had simply never seen what an abortion looks like.
What an honor to bring light to this darkened place! What a tragedy more pro-lifers don’t do it.
As we departed for the last time Sunday afternoon, a police officer quietly shared with one volunteer that his parents had considered aborting his younger brother, yet chose life instead. This same brother is now designing satellite systems. What a testimony! If only every unborn child were given the same chance!
The pro-life movement cannot afford to overlook opportunities like Artscape. Everywhere we turn, there are people whose pro-abortion assumptions have never been challenged. How can we expect to win without converting people to our side? Babies are being murdered even as you read this. To save them, we must reach our fellow citizens … where they are … and make them see. Please help us do it. There is no time to waste.
Komen gets a black eye on Black-Eyed Susan Day at the Preakness
Another great story from Kurt Linnemann at CBR Maryland:
Komen gets a black eye on Black-Eyed Susan Day at the Preakness.
Friday, May 18th was Black-Eyed Susan Day at the Pimlico Racetrack in Baltimore, MD. This special event, which is part of Preakness Week at Pimlico, features female jockeys and live entertainment. For the past several years, some of the proceeds from Black Eyed Susan Day have gone to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, the breast cancer research fundraiser. Komen, of course, is still funneling money to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, while brazenly denying the large body of evidence that abortion is a major risk factor for breast cancer.
To highlight this outrageous situation, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) Maryland conducted a pro-life witness outside the entrance to Pimlico featuring graphic images of abortion and signs calling on Komen to defund Planned Parenthood. Horse racing enthusiasts, most of whom had never seen anything of this sort and certainly didn’t expect to see it at Pimlico, were visibly surprised. While many responded scornfully, others stopped to tell us they had never known about Komen’s support for Planned Parenthood, nor the link between abortion and breast cancer. One post-abortive woman, showing no signs of animosity, stopped to speak with us for nearly an hour and even helped hold a sign!
This is the third time this year that CBR has demonstrated at a Komen Race. We know that our actions are making both Komen and their patrons very uncomfortable. Our hope is that the Komen Foundation will realize that they have brought this upon themselves, and reverse their misguided and tragic decision to fund the nation’s largest abortion provider.
CBR Director arrested for protecting Planned Parenthood abortion clinic
Believe it or not, CBR Maryland Director Kurt Linnemann was arrested on June 10 because he reported a suspicious-looking cardboard box placed near the entrance of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. This is why you should always videotape your pro-life activites.
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how many times were we told that we should report anything suspicious? In this case, Kurt saw such a package outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Wilmington, Delaware. So he reported it. When the package turned out to be an empty box, one of the investigating officers arrested Kurt for reporting the package. How stupid can you get? Here’s the story.
Having the opportunity to observe law enforcement personnel over the years, I’ve observed that most of them are faithful public servants who deserve our every respect. But about 10% of them really do love to throw their weight around. They love that power and they want you to know they have it. When you encourter such idiots, it is always best to obey their every command … then come back later and sue them.
You absolutely need to tape your pro-life activities. You can expect this officer to lie under oath to cover up his stupidity. Video recordings will go a long way to prevent him from getting away with it.
On Friday, June 17, CBR Maryland hosted a news conference. Video here: