Posts Tagged ‘CBR Virginia’
Purpose for Virginia Rally for Life is revealed

CBR volunteer, supporter, and presumed woman-hater Ruby Nicdao shows pro-aborts and passersby what is being chosen. (photo from
Annually, a consortium of pro-life and pro-family organizations from across the Commonwealth of Virginia hold a Rally for Life near the Capitol. This year, however, the actual purpose for the Rally was revealed when CBR Virginia brought a set of “Choice” signs (3-ft by 4-ft abortion photos) to display at the event. CBR Project Director Nicole Cooley positioned her team where they could be seen by three different audiences: Rally attendees, pro-abortion protesters, and passersby.
“I don’t know what is more inspiring, listenting to the speakers at the Rally or watching your witness to the pro-aborts.”
After setting up “Choice” signs, the CBR team was joined by a number of Rally attenedees who had brought their own signs to the event.
Also nearby was a group of 30 pro-aborts had come to protest the Rally. Their signs were the usual silly stuff, e.g., [Virginia Attorney General Ken] Cuccinelli “hates women,” etc. However, on this day, their wrath against pro-lifers was muted to a great extent, compared to previous outbursts. Three reasons:
- the pictures of abortion,
- the sight of two CBR ladies wearing sweatshirts that said “I regreat my abortion,” and
- the presence of a CBR security videographer who was filming the CBR team at all times, making it clear that any pro-abort initiating a violent confrontation against peaceful pro-lifers would be held accountable for unlawful acts.
One of the Rally attendees walked over to Nicole and remarked, “I don’t know what is more inspiring, listenting to the speakers at the Rally or watching your witness to the pro-aborts.”
Nicole was quoted by “I was raped when I was 23 years old and chose to have an abortion and found out the hard way that abortion doesn’t help anyone, least of all rape victims, overcome assault. It just compounded the trauma for me and made healing from both events much more difficult.”
Link to story here.
To support pro-life activism in Virginia, click here and select either of these options:
- Virginia Projects (SE-NWC) (Nicole Cooley), or
- Virginia Projects (SE-MTE) (Maggie Egger)