Posts Tagged ‘Center for Bio-Ethical Reform’
Pro-abortion media fraud at the March for Life
Check out this video on media fraud at the annual March for Life in Washington, DC. Look for the CBR truth truck!
TV report: pro-life billboard features CBR abortion photos
I am stunned. This is the best and most encouraging pro-life story I’ve seen in a long time. I’m speechless. Check it out.
Not only are the Midland Catholics for Life doing a GREAT job, one TV station is willing to cover it.
Its right out of the CBR playbook. Educate people about the horrifying reality of abortion, and do it in such a way that compels the media to cover it. Create conflict—not uncontrolled conflict, but modulated conflict—that draws attention to the plight of the preborn child. Media might not like us, but they can’t resist conflict. Thank you Midland Catholics for Life!
The abortion photos on the billboard came from CBR. We provide graphic images to pro-life groups all over the world who (1) comply with our non-violence policy condemning all abortion-related violence and refusing to associate with groups or individuals who fail to condemn such violence, and (2) agree not to alter the images.
We give all glory to God, and we are so thankful he is using us in this way. Please share in our blessing by $upporting our work!
Time Magazine Endorses ProLifeOnCampus!
Time Magazine has actually endorsed CBR/ProLifeOnCampus tactics! They published a photo of Aisha to (1) show people an injustice they could barely imagine and (2) communicate truth on an emotional level as well as a factual level. Sound familiar? That’s because we display photos of abortion victims for the very same reasons.
Time published the photo to support Obama’s Afghanistan policy (see earlier post). But more relevant to our pro-life work was the statement by Richard Stengel, Managing Editor of Time. I’ve extracted his most pertinent remarks:
Our cover image this week is powerful, shocking and disturbing.
I’m acutely aware that this image will be seen by children, who will undoubtedly find it distressing. We have consulted with a number of child psychologists about its potential impact. Some think children are so used to seeing violence in the media that the image will have little effect, but others believe that children will find it very scary and distressing — that they will see it, as Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital Boston, said, as “a symbol of bad things that can happen to people.”
I showed it to my two young sons, 9 and 12, who both immediately felt sorry for Aisha and asked why anyone would have done such harm to her. [Who can forget the words of little 3-yr-old Donn Garton, who asked his mother Jean, “Who broke the baby?“—FAB]
But bad things do happen to people, and it is part of our job to confront and explain them.
The image is a window into the reality of what is happening… I would rather confront … than ignore. … I would rather people know that reality as they make up their minds …
We do it to illuminate what is actually happening … Our job is to provide context and perspective … What you see in these pictures and our story is … a combination of emotional truth and insight into … the consequences of the important decisions …
Wow. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Abortion pictures at Harvest Crusade 2010
We hear it all the time:
I’m a Christian. I grew up in the church. Our pastor may have said that he was pro-life, but I thought it should be a woman’s choice. But now that I’m seeing your pictures, I know now that abortion is killing a baby.
How, you ask, can this happen? It’s because the church is doing nothing to expose abortion, even among it’s own people. Ask yourself this question:
When is the last time the pastor of my church showed us what abortion looked like? When is the last time he showed abortion photos to our youth?
If the answers are “no” and “never”, then you know why 1 in 5 women who abort their babies identify themselves as “born again” or “evangelical” Christians. The abortion rate among practicing Catholics is just as great.
This is intolerable, so we at CBR are doing something about it. Over the weekend, we took our Matthew 28:20 pictures to the Harvest Crusade at Angel Stadium. Tens of thousands of people saw the pictures as they entered and exited the stadium. See pictures here.
There are three adverse conditions that must be corrected:
- Christians need to know, and most of them don’t.
- Christians need to work to stop the killing, and most don’t.
- The Church needs to lead, and it doesn’t.
Unilaterally, we are able to correct only Item 1. By God’s grace, we can show Christians the truth. If we are willing to do that, we pray that the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Lila Rose says horrifying pictures drive social reform
You have heard of Lila Rose of Live Action. You may have seen her under-cover videos that show how Planned Parenthood employees cover up the illegal sexual abuse of children.
In this video, Ms. Rose describes how CBR employs the exact same strategy that was used by other successful reformers in history, including the movements to stop the slave trade in England, to abolish slavery here, to end abusive child labor here, and to galvanize the civil rights movement in the 1950s.
Ms. Rose reports from Sproul Plaza at the University of California at Berkeley during our GAP presentation last October.
Besides college campuses, what other venues are appropriate for abortion pictures? Please comment!
Training the Next Generation of Pro-Life Activists
I got an e-mail from a Georgia Tech student just yesterday. He wanted to know about our annual Student Leadership Conference (Sept 10-11):
“Georgia Tech has a bunch of new leadership that is really going to benefit.”
This is a generational struggle, and nothing we do is more important than our work to train the next generation of leaders. When they lead the right way, babies and moms are saved right now. And we get closer to that future day when the killing stops. It’s just that simple.
That’s why CBR, along with the Students for Life of America, is hosting our annual Student Leadership Conference in Knoxville again this fall. Here’s what one student at the University of Georgia had to say about this conference:
“While there is a lot of information about defending the pro-life cause, information about building leadership skills is scarce. These skills are needed to start, grow, and manage a group. The CBR conference is giving student groups around the country the tools they need to be effective on campus and I truly believe strong campus pro-life groups will change the country and the world.”
Changing the country and the world. That’s what we are all about at CBR. Please consider a financial gift to support pro-life college students. Your gift of $100 will pay the conference cost for one student! It’s really an investment in the future of the pro-life movement.
What do you think? How important is it to train the next generation? Comment below!
Free money to save babies and moms, if you act now!
Great news. If you act now, we can get $5,000 free money! We need your help, but it won’t cost you a thing.
An anonymous donor has pledged $1,000 if we can get up to 1,000 pro-life fans on our fan page by August 31. We already have 300 fans; we need 700 more. Please do two things for us:
- Simply go to our fan page (click here) and “Like” the page.
- E-mail all your pro-life friends. Ask them to “Like” the page and invite their pro-life friends to do the same.
But there’s more! This donor has pledged another $1,000 for every additional 1,000 pro-life fans we can get by August 31, up to $5,000 for 5,000 fans! Please do this. It won’t cost you a thing, but it will mean so much to our work to save babies and moms on campus! Let’s get 5,000 fans by August 31!
Here’s the Facebook link:
To add your own contribution to save babies and moms, click here! (For your online donation to CBR/ProLifeOnCampus before August 31, you will receive a free pro-life gift!)
Pro Life Advocates Attend Freedom Ride
A number of CBR volunteers attended the Freedom Ride that started in Birmingham and ended in Atlanta on Saturday, July 24. The event was organized by CBR board member Fr. Frank Pavone.
The TV coverage by the CBS affiliate in Birmingham was actually very well done. Several women appeared on camera to express regret for their abortions and describe how they were deceived by the abortion industry.
Pastor Cecil Clark of True Vine Baptist Church in Knoxville was interviewed for that story (video below). He appears at about the 1-minute mark.
More coverage by Fox News, the Birmingham News, and the National Catholic Register.
Question for you: What kind of effect will demonstrations such as this have on the larger culture? Please comment below!
Pro Life Strategy | How We Can Win
My talk last night at the Atlanta Right to Life was very well received, I think. The subject was “Learning From the Past: How We Can Win.” This is a similar talk to the one I gave to a group of pro-life Georgia Legislators a couple of years ago and the talk I gave to a group of pro-life Congressmen in DC.
This was a fairly easy audience. We’ve been working with these folks to display abortion images for many years (GAP, RCC, etc.), so they are very familiar with the need to educate the public. I didn’t need to convince them so much as to help solidify in their minds the connection between our work to educate the public using horrifying images and the work of other social reformers in history who achieved success using the same strategy. Examples:
- The anti-slave-trade movement in England (William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson) used images to show the humanity of the Black slave and the inhumanity of the slave trade.
- Abolistionists in this country used similar images, and later used photographs, to expose the injustice of slavery.
- Lewis Hine, who was concerned about abusive child labor practices, took pictures of children working in coal mines and textile mills and turned them into a traveling display.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “America will not stop racism until America sees racism.” He arranged for video and photos of Black men and women being attacked with dogs and water cannons to be shown on TV and in magazines.
You can download my slides by clicking here. It is a fairly large file (38 MB); it might take 10 minutes or so to download. Just save it to a file; a pop-up window will ask you where to file it and will tell you how long it will take to download the file.
Please take a look at the slides and leave your comment on this post!
Post abortion healing ministry in Knoxville serves clients nationally.
While doing GAP on Market Square last week, we were pleased to be joined by Deeper Still, a post-abortion healing ministry based in Knoxville. It was the perfect message for our community, emphasizing both the horrifying reality of what abortion is and does, but also emphasizing the forgiveness and healing available to every abortion-wounded heart through Jesus Messiah.
Deeper Still invites abortion-wounded women to participate in weekend retreats that help bring healing and lasting freedom. These are offered free of charge, not only to women in the Knoxville area, but nationally and internationally as well. Please visit their website!
Deeper Still President Karen Ellison talks about Deeper Still:
Knoxville’s Pro Life, Pro Family, Pro God Monument
When we were on Market Square in Knoxville last week, we were stunned but pleased to see that the City of Knoxville had put up a monument to the pro-life position. It wasn’t just pro-life, it was pro-family and pro-God. It was awesome!
In fact, the pro-life monument has been there since 2006, but we enjoyed pretending that the City of Knoxville put it up just to endorse our message.
You all know about the pro-life convictions of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Perhaps we could add Lizzie Crozier French (1851-1926) to that list. She was the founder of the Knoxville Equal Suffrage Association. She wrote these words that appeared on the monument:
Thanks be to God that in giving Woman the crown of motherhood He made her the giver not the taker of life. Woman has no greater claim to the rights of the ballot than that she is the producer not a destroyer of life.
Pro Life Display on Market Square | Knoxville Speaks
We displayed our Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) on Market Sqauare in Knoxville. Here are comments from passersby:
“This is really plain. I have cancer and cannot have children. Why don’t these folks give birth and let people like me adopt?” (young couple from Kentucky)
“We have both seen the destruction of societies from the kind of ‘real’ genocide (the kind most people identify with). But abortion is no less a genocide. We are destroying our own children for selfish reasons. We have seen what a society is like when life is not valued and we do not want America to become like China.” (travelers recently returned from Africa and China)
“China has a one-child policy enforced by the State. America has a 2-child policy enforced by the Church. And the pastors’ refusal to talk about contraception, the ‘full quiver’ (God determining family size), and abortion. And the outcome is still the same . . . death to the preborn.” (male passerby)
“Thank you for being brave to put this truth up for all to see.” (male passerby) (Note: we appreciate the thanks and the admiration, but frankly, we’d rather have your help. Thanks and admiration by themselves will not buy new signs, new handouts, truck fuel, nor anything else.)
“It is so wrong that you cut the water off so children can’t play in the water fountains today.” (female restaurant employee)
“The pictures are just awful; you should be ashamed to put them up.” (male passerby) (Note: When Lewis Hine showed photos of children working under abusive conditions, he said people would look at the photos and get more angry at him for showing the pictures than at the industrial bosses for abusing the children.)
“The people that took info from me were not really interested in talking but extremely engrossed in taking in every detail of the display, some slowly digesting every photo-mural. Polite and very contemplative are two words I would use for the older (than college age) crowd at Market Square. I did notice that there were very many who looked at the display intently from a distance, whether walking by or from the surrounding restaurants. I did speak with one UT college age male who was glad we were there and remembered us from UT. The Deeper Still table had several come by, and a few ask for information about their post-abortion healing ministry.” (CBR volunteer)
That’s what they say. What do you say? Please leave your comments!
Pro Life in Knoxville | GAP on Market Square
The Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) has made it’s first appearance on Market Square in Knoxville. Lord willing, it won’t be our last.
Before we had even set up the signs, a woman walked around the display and studied each one. She was almost in tears as she asked, “Do you mean to tell me that abortions like this are legal in Knoxville?” I explained that the first trimester abortions depicted in most of our signs are performed routinely in Knoxville. Although the 22-week abortion depicted in two of our signs are legal in all 50 states (because of the Doe v Bolton decision), they are not routinely performed here. She said she had thought all abortions were done on a small blob of tissue, and that we had certainly changed her mind. I know she will be talking about the signs to her friends as well.
All day long, it was a steady stream of people passing the display. Almost every one of them stared at the signs and studied them intently. It was clear the signs were doing their work in the minds of all who saw them.
What do you think about Urban GAP? Please comment!
CBR at the NAACP Convention | Update on witness against Black genocide
You may know about the NAACP Convention going on in Kansas City this week. What you won’t see on the news are CBR’s abortion photos on display outside the Convention Center. The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and Pastor Clenard Childress of are in Kansas City asking “Why No Outrage?” about the destruction of Black children by abortion.
“NAACP Security” issued bogus demands that Pastor Childress move the signs away from the sidewalk adjacent to the Convention Center, but he promptly ignored them. He told them that “only the Kansas City police have any authority to ask us to move.”
Pastor Childress told us that
This was our most effective NAACP picket to date. We were ideally positioned for maximum exposure to delegates at the main entrances to the Convention Center. When thousands of delegates rushed out, along with young visitors just brought in to hear First Lady Michelle Obama, they flooded all around our people and our graphic signs. As I looked over our team, for the first time in all the years we have been doing this, everyone was simultaneously engaged in dialogue with Convention attendees.
Great job! One of the Convention attendees encouraged us:
We know who you all are. We’ve seen you here before. … Why are you still outside with your message? Why haven’t they invited you in?
Fat chance of that. Another Conventioneer:
If a bunch of white people brought these signs to our Convention, I would not have come up and spoken to them. Thank you for coming.
Pro Life in Atlanta | Speaking at Georgia Right to Life Meeting
I was honored to be invited to address the Atlanta Chapter of the Georgia Right to Life next week. Here’s the announcement that went out to their members and other pro-lifers in the area:
You are invited to come and hear a presentation by Fletcher Armstrong PhD, Southeast Director of The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, entitled, “Lessons From the Past, Learning How to Win,” sponsored by the Atlanta Chapter Georgia Right to Life. CBR is well know for Genocide Awareness Project (GAP), which is the world’s first large-scale abortion photo outreach to college students. Fletcher will explain how this and other CBR projects are effective because they are modeled upon the most successful social reform movements in history, including the movements to end the slave trade in England, slavery in America, abusive child labor in the early 20th Century, and racial injustice in the 1960s.
When: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:00 PM
Where: Cathedral of Christ the King, Hyland Center
Some comments about GAP:
- “I saw minds and hearts changed right before my eyes. I believe in GAP and its ability to effect change.” (Tanya Comer, President, [University of] Georgia Pro-Life)
- “There is no doubt in my mind that GAP is the most effective pro-life project that any pro-life club can bring to their school.” (President, Students for Life, U of New Hampshire).
- “It is saving babies like nothing the pro-life movement has ever undertaken and is worthy of our heartiest support.” (Fr. Frank Pavone, Director, Priests for Life)
- “I’ve been doing this my whole adult life. And yet I have never heard a more compelling way of presenting the pro-life message.” (Hon. Trent Franks, U.S. House of Representatives)
If you know people in Atlanta, please let them know about this event. Thanks! I’m scheduled to speak in Athens on the evening of Wednesday, July 21. I will link to my slides for both of these talks sometime next week.
If I can speak to your pro-life group or event, use the feedback form on our website to let us know.